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Anshu Malhotra

SEO Audit Report

Content and Technical
• This Live Project has 2 parts: Part 1: Analysing upGrad SEO Audit
report; Part 2: Analysing your Blogs’ SEO Audit Report.
• You will analyse the SEO audit report for and
suggest ways to optimise for a better SEO score. Similarly, you
will analyse the SEO audit report for your blog using SEO Meta
in 1 click
• You need to provide (any) two optimisation techniques for
content and (any) two for technical.
Content SEO

From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Content SEO.

Your Answer:

Problem:The page title length is long

Solution: Make it less than 60 character and more than 50 character
Content SEO

From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Content SEO.

Your Answer:

Problem: Upgrad webpage does not have a H1 heading.

Solution: Add one H1 heading in each webpage to help the search engine better understand
the topic
Technical SEO

From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Technical SEO.
Your Answer

Problem: The website doesn't have robots.txt file.

Solution: - Install and create a robots.txt file for the website to lower the load time on server as it
helps crawlers to index the important pages of the website and avoid the unimportant and duplicate
pages. - Once the fie is created, upload the file it in the top-level directory of the web server. -
Ensure the permissions is set on the file so the it is readable to the search engines
Technical SEO

From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Technical SEO.
Your Answer

Page speed optimization

Problem: The website lacks a sitemap file.
Solution: Create a sitemap.xm file for the Upgrad website. It would help crawlers index the content
quickly and more thoroughly.
Attach your Blog’s SEO Report from SEO Meta in 1
click (in the form of screen shots)
Q1. Identify two content and two technical gaps for your webpage. State relevant
optimisation techniques for the same.

Your Answer

Content- 1. Title is of low characters, i will make it between 50-60 character

2. My keywords are missing, i will do keyword research and add keywords to the page
title,description,header,images and in content.

Technical Seo-1.My website doesn’t have SSL certificate. I will add a ssl certificate to my website.
2. My page speed is not good because my images size is high. So i will upload my pictures in low
size and in format like WebP and AVIF which means faster downloads and less data
Q2. Identify the Title tag, H1, H2 and H3 tags for any of your blog pages.

Your Answer

Title Tag- Fitnes Plan -

H1- Lose WeightGet strong
H2- Join My Body Jam Sessions
H2- Hi, I'm Jiara!
H2-In addition to our training and courses, we produce free tools, downloadable guides, and tactical articles that we
send to over 300,000 rebels on a regular basis.
H2- What Customers Say's About us
H3-Contact Us
H3-This space is perfect for a short backgrounder about the main personality behind your business. Whether it's a fitness guru, a personal
trainer or even a celebrity endorser for your fitness routine, this space is perfect for highlighting the face of your company.
Q3. What is your website’s desktop and mobile page speed; and how can you
improve it?
Your Answer

Desktop speed-My page speed performance is 84 and in mobile it’s 60

1. My page speed is not good because my images size is high. So i will upload my pictures in
low size and in format like WebP and AVIF which means faster downloads and less data

2. Move all the inline CSS rules into an external rule that would make the webpage lighter and
faster to load
Q4. Study your report and identify if your blog has a robot.txt file?

Your Answer

Wp admin urls that crawler is disallowed to crawl

Q1. Provide the link for your summary video below.Upload the video in an MP4
format on your Google Drive, and do not forget to give access to "Anyone With
This Link".
Your Answer

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