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Project 1: Protinex

Market Opportunity Analysis

Segmenting, Positioning and Branding
Learner Name: < Anshu Malhotra >
Q1. Based on the details shared in the video, come up with various criteria
based on which Protinex could do segmentation, targeting and
positioning. Additionally, provide your rationale for it. Mention at least
three criteria for segmentation. 

(Word Limit: 200 words for your entire answer)

(Note: Only the segmentation part of slide 1 will be graded in this question.)
Answer 1
Segmentation Geographic: Tier 1, 2 city, semi urban or urban cities
Demographic: Age-
Age 2-8 years – Protinex junior
Age of 30 to 40- Protinex original, Age 8-15years- Protinex grow
Education- School, college, professional
Gender- Male and female
Psychographic: Lifestyle: fitness freak, sports, outdoor oriented
Personality: Ambitious, fit and active
Who want to stay fit, look young, build muscle

Behavioural: Usage rate – Heavy user , medium or low

Loyalty- strong, medium, low

Targeting Protein should target people who are protein deficient, bodybuilder, having health problems.
They should target mothers looking for kids growth


Today Protinex has positioned nutritional brand itself in the market in such a way that it is seen as a D2C brand rather than a doctor prescribed brand and is
available in every supermarket, hypermarkets, mall, OTC stores, e-commerce platforms
Q2. Based on the information given in the video, how would you plot Protinex on
the perceptual map? Have you seen any shifts in the last few years?

(Word Limit: 120 words)

You can follow these steps:
What parameters can you differentiate on? Mention the 2 most important factors with regards to
HFDs.  These will act as the axes for your perceptual map.
Create a perceptual map for the HFD players in India (You will have to show Protinex
+ competitors in the HFD sector). Add the image of your map in the solution ppt.
Answer 2
Enter your response. You may also draw the perceptual map with pen and paper and add an image of the same. Add the positions of Protinex
and its competitors.

Protein High
1) Protinex : Protein – 34gms.
Protinex Nestle Cost / 100 grams = 390/- Cost /
protein high gram = 3.9/2)
Ensure 2) Nestle Resource : Protein –
Price Price 45gms. Cost / 100 grams =
Low High 173.25/- Cost / gram = 1.73/3)

Boost 3) Ensure: Protein – 20.10gms.

Cost / 100 grams = 164/- Cost /
gram = 1.64/4)

4) Boost : Protein – 7.5gms. Cost /

Protein Low 100 grams = 45.40/- Cost / gram =
Q3. Drawing insights from what you saw in the video, devise a positioning
statement for Protinex.

(Word Limit: 120 words) 

As a recap, the  framework of a positioning statement is given below:
‘For [target market], Protinex is [frame of reference/competitive set] that [key benefits, unique value
claim] because [reasons to believe, evidence]’.
Answer 3

Enter your response

In India there are 107 cr people who are facing protein deficiency, also 85% people have protein intake less than the
ideal amount of protein consumption. For a result ,most of the people are facing protein deficiency disease, like : Fatty
Liver, Skin Hail and Nail problem , Losso of Muscle Mass , Stunted growth in childreen etc. In Tier 1 cities, like urban
areas, protinex is the best solution for those who are looking for high nutrition value to build their body and to make
themself fit, which fulfill younger's and adults expectations for health fitness. There are some problem and
misconception in Indian consumption that , protein basically consume who only have protein deficiet , because people
think that what they are consuming and taking with daily food has enough protein, but only protein supplement taking
by people for their illness or for muscle gaining time. So with the various campaign protinex make a position in tier 1
and tier 2 cities that are illness to wellness, from the proactive to reactive , also they came into the old distribution
channel ,like pharmacy to GT or Modern trade. Protinex now build their position in the Indian market that Health
through food for all kind of people
Q4. Build your marketing mix to help Protinex shift from a prescription-based
brand, to an everyday nutrition brand. You will have to mention the rationale
behind each of these.

As a recap, the 4Ps of marketing — Product, Price, Place, and Promotion — are distinct factors that
marketers can influence in order to create a meaningful product or service and market it to a
defined audience. 
Note: Please draft at least 30 -70 words for each of 4Ps.
Answer 4
Product: Protinex Junior – For kids between 2-8 years old. 2) Mama Protinex – For lactating and would be mothers. 3) Protinex Lite – For
health conscious, diabetic people because it has zero added sugar and helps to stay on track with your active lifestyle and weight
management goals every day, for growth and maintenance of muscle mass, provides energy, helps in metabolism, supports immunity, for
stronger bones and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. 4) Protinex Original, Tasty Chocolate and Kesar Badam – For everyone who is
looking for healthy diet full of nutrients and multivitamins to keep themselves mentally and physically active and boost their immunity.

Price: The average serving size per serve of Protinex is 30g. 2) Comparing the price of Protinex with its competitors it can be concluded that
the price of Protinex is moderate. 3) For better serving of their audience in the future it should use competitive pricing.

Place: 1) Protinex should place their product in provisional stores / supermarkets, pharmacies, e-commerce platforms like Amazon,
Pharmeasy etc. 2) Metropolitan cities in Tier-1 and urban and semi-urban cities in Tier-2 3) Reason being people are well educated and
know about their health problems very well and are well aware about the brand. 

Promotion: 1) campaigns awareness of protein deficiency in people should be done in clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and malls to inform
people about protein deficiency in their daily diets. 2) Promotional campaigns in stores like Big Bazaar. 3) Use of storytelling across all
social media channels and TV Commercials conveying a strong message to the society regarding the importance and the right amount of
protein in their daily diets so that they can enjoy a quality time with their loved ones. 4) Use of influencer marketing, affiliate marketing,
Q5. Now that you have finalised the marketing mix for Protinex, you have to create
a digital marketing go-to strategy. You can use the digital marketing framework you
learnt in DM Channels and Metrics module. You will have to identify the digital
content, digital devices, digital channels, and digital metrics to track for Protinex,
with the rationale behind each.
Answer 5
Digital Content: Google ads, display ads, youtube ads, influencer marketing, email marketing, blogs

Digital Devices:
 Smart Phones, Tablets, PCs / Laptops, Smart TVs.

Digital Channels:
Company Website- Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube,

Business E-Commerce Portals- Amazon, Flipkart, Pharmeasy, Futurebazaar, Paytm Mall

Digital Metrics:
At the awareness stage they use the Impression matrices on digital campaign channel. They calculated how many reached happen with
 At the consideration stage they calculated the total visits rate, engagement rate, Bounce rate, cpc rate At the purchase rate: They calculated
total conversion rate, cpc rate
 At the delight rate they understand the customer's mind through customer reviews, comments etc.

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