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“That’s what I consider

generosity: you give your all,
and yet you are always feel as if
it costs you nothing”.
Simon De Beauvoir

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonomou

Inculcating a Culture of Generosity

◦ Definition
◦ Are we generous species?
◦ The connection with Gratefulness
◦ Elaborating a Hypothesis Generosity Model
◦ Raising Generosity Consciousness – Four (4)
Ways to inculcating a Culture of Generosity
◦ “ Are you ready to be generous ?” visual
demonstration- experiment - We are all
◦ A Rainbow of the Mind

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonomou

Generosity is the virtue of being liberal in giving, often as gifts. Generosity is regarding as a virtue by various
religions and is often celebrated in cultural and religious ceremonies. Scientific investigation into generosity
has examined the effect of several scenarios and games on individuals’ generosity, and potential links with
neurochemicals such as oxytocin, and relationship with similar feelings , such as that of empathy.
References :Wikipedia

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonomou

Is Generosity Run deep within us?

Humans appear
“Prosocial behavior” Biologically wired for
Case study The pied Generosity

Such displays
of generosity
suggest that
may be an
that has
promote the
survival of
these species
and our own.

References from John Templeton Foundation –Templeton Prizes –Funding areas such as
Science –Human Sciences , Philosophy e.t.c
Why not all of us practice a small act of generosity today ?

“Gratitude rewards generosity and maintains the cycle of healthy social behavior”.

Generosity and Gratitude go hand in hand both at a psychological and

neurobiological level.

Generosity and Gratitude are separate sides of the same coin. They are
Fortunately, each of us has the free will to kickstart the neurobiological
feedback loop-and upward spiral of well being-that is triggered by small acts of
generosity and gratitude each other and every day of our lives.

Senior Author Antonio Damasio the director of the Brain and Creativity Institute
(BCI) and Dornsife Neuroimaging Institude at USC, and professor of psychology
and neurology. Damasio is world –renowned for his neuroscientific research on
how emotions play a central role in our social cognition and decision making.

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonomou

Elaborating a Generosity Hypothesis Model, my hypothesis model based on The Hope Theory ( Snyder ).

◦ A generous person should have mental energy

◦ To be ready to produce alternative pathways
◦ Activate Self Talk “I can do this”, “ I am not going to be
stopped “
◦ Agentic Thinking is important in all goal –directed
thought,in generosity, as well.
◦ Etiologies Pathways
◦ The value of outcome, the person cease, and the
emotions can cycle back so influence the generosity goals
pathways and thoughts and increase positive emotions ,
sustain attention, and motivation

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonoimou

The Four (4) Ways to inculcating a Culture of Generosity - with daily Life examples

Take your co –worker to train station
Offer dinner to a friend, relatives, neighborhood
The power of words
Our words have power impact others , use them
wisely to empower , encourage others
The real act of listening with your full presence,
can be one of the most compassionate acts you
can offer.

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonomou

“ Are you ready to be generous ?” visual demonstration- experiment - We are all connected

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonomou

Thank you, All

A Rainbow of the Mind ,in practicing

generosity , this reminds the spectrum of
the Rainbow is a prism that sends shards of
multicolored light in various directions.
It lifts our spirits and make us think of what
is possible.
Generosity is the same – a personal
Rainbow in the mind!!!

16/10/2021 Roxani Oikonomou

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