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“Whoever walks in integrity will be

delivered, but he who is crooked in his ways

will suddenly fall.”
- Proverbs 28:18
Integrity is doing the right thing even when it’s hard or
when no one is looking.
 Many people only do what they are supposed to
because they know that an authority figure is watching.

 If someone is watching them, then they do what they

are supposed to only because they don’t want to get in
trouble. That’s not sincere. It’s not in their heart to be
honest because they are doing it out of fear of the

 True integrity is abiding by the rules because you know

that it’s the right thing to do.
How Do You
1. Know the rules or laws.
2. Know what is expected of you and others so
you know how to act.
3. Treat others how we want to be treated.
If someone is bullying another person, then you know that they aren’t doing
what they are supposed to. If you stand by and say nothing, then you are
guilty by association. You let it happen without speaking up, which is
basically the same as bullying yourself. Stand tall for yourself, as well as
others, regardless of who is watching.
Having integrity shows people what your heart is really like.

Do you do things for the approval of others, or do you do things

because you have a strong character? If you have a strong
character, then people know that they can trust you.

Trust is a hard thing to earn, but by doing what’s right at all

times, you’ll have trust with everyone around you
1. Keeping promises.
2. Keeping secrets.
3. Not letting someone else take the blame.
4. Not gossiping.
5. Doing the right thing without expecting a reward
6. Being polite even when someone is rude to you.
7. Always telling the truth.
8. Admitting you made a mistake.
9. Working hard at school or work.

10. Apologizing for your mistakes.

11. Not cheating in a test
12. Giving credit where credit is due.
13. Standing up for what’s right (even when it’s tough)
Integrity can be difficult, but after you practice it, it’ll become
easier and easier.

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