Shotput 1

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Field Events

What are Field Events?

Field Events consist of throwing

events and jumping events. These
events are not done on the track,
they are contested on the field.
Throwing Events
The throwing events include:

● The ShotPut
● The Javelin Throw
● The Discus Throw
● Hammer Throw
Jumping Events

● The Long Jump

● High Jump
● Triple Jump
● Pole vault
The Ancient Greeks threw stones as a
sport and soldiers are recorded as
throwing cannon balls in the Middle
Ages, but a version of the modern
form of the discipline can be traced to
the Highland Games in Scotland
during the 19th century where
competitors threw a rounded cube,
stone or metal weight from behind a
The men’s shot put has been part of every modern Olympics since 1896, but
women putters had to wait until 1948 before they could compete at the Games.

The US are the most successful shotput nation in Olympic history and grabbed
gold at every men’s shot competition from 1896 through to 1968 - except two.
Poland’s Tomasz Majewski became the third man in Olympic shot history to win
back-to-back titles, achieving the feat in 2008 and 2012. Valerie Adams is one of
the leading women’s performers in shot history. The New Zealander claimed
successive Olympic titles in 2008 and 2012 and snared a silver medal at the 2016
Rio Games.
Shotput throw
What is common among all throwing events?

All throwing events take place from within a prescribed

area and the implement must fall within a defined sector
for it to be legal.
What is Shotput ?

The shot put is a

track and field event
involving "putting" a
heavy spherical ball—
the shot—as far as
What is Shotput Ball?

The shot is a solid steel ball

that is pushed away from the
body into the air, in an effort to
get it to travel some distance
before it lands on the ground.
The Weight of the Shotput.
How do you hold/grip the Shotput?
● The shot is held at the base of the
fingers, not the palm.

● The fingers are slightly spread

apart with the thumb for support.

● The hand will be bent back in the

cocked position when holding the
shot. It looks like you are carrying
a pizza.
Neck placement of Shot put

● Raise the shot above your head.

● Lower the shot straight down until it is

under your jaw.

● Push the shot into your neck.

Lift your elbow parallel to the floor.
Don't squeeze your elbow towards your

● Check to see that your thumb is pointing

down towards your clavicle.

● The palm should be pointing towards the

throwing direction.
What is Shotput?
Shotput Rules
Shotput rules
Once the athlete's name is called, they have 60 seconds to release the shot

The shot must be placed close to the neck and resting on the shoulder, while keeping
it in that position the entire time until it is released. No padding or extra equipment
is necessary

The shot must be released above the height of the shoulder with one hand

The athlete is permitted to touch the inside surface of the stop board; however
neither the top nor the outside of the circle or stop board can be touched or passed

The shot is required to land within the legal sector (34.92░)

The competitor must exit the circle from the back

Fouls Occur When

A player does not pause within the circle before throwing motion

A player allows the shot to drop below the shoulder

The shot lands outside the boundaries of the sector or touches the sector line

A player leaves the circle before the shot has landed or the competitor fails to leave
the circle from the back

The player touches the top/end of stop board, the top of the iron ring, or steps or
touches on/outside of the line of the circle

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