Relatioship Between Level of Compliance On Modular Distance Learning To Home Responsibilities Among Grade 12 Students of Fhabci

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• The focus of the study is the Relationship between level of compliance on modular distance
learning to house responsibilities among grade 12 student of Forest Hills Academy Bayugan
City Inc. In addition, the researchers specifically aims to
• Answer the following questions:
• What is the level of compliance on modular learning among grade12 students of FHABCI? In
terms of:
– Work performance
– Quality of instruction
– Misuse of technology
– Financial assistance
– Internet connection status
• What is the level of house responsibilities among grade 12 students of FHABCI?
– Time management
– Household chores
• 3. Is there any significant relationship between levels of compliance on modular distant
learning to house responsibilities among grade 12 students of FHABCI?
• The researchers used the null hypothesis of
the study and being tested at alpha 0.05 level
of significance.
• Ho: There is no significant relationship
between level of compliance on modular
distance learning to home responsibilities
among grade12 students of Forest Hills
Academy Bayugan City INC.
• The study aims to the significant the relationship between the level of compliance on modular distant
learning to house responsibilities of grade 12 students of Forest hills Academy Bayugan City Inc.
• Hence, this study will serve as a complaisant endeavor if ever we could answer those written problems.
• The researcher believes that this study will significant to the following persons.
• This study help the students to manage their time for their house responsibilities in terms in complying
their module in the right time.
• This will help teachers to understand and know the students struggle why they are not complying their
modules in a right time.
• The study will help them cope with the student needs and response effectively.
• The government can employ more solutions to the problems through the study and could use study as
reference rot further improvements.
• New researchers can utilize the ideas on this project and implement on their own concept. The way the
progress of improvements will not stop and further benefits could be developed.
• This study will be conducted to assess the impact of COVID-19
Pandemic to the level of compliance on modular learning distance to
their house responsibilities, specifically in Forest Hills Academy. All
the grade 12 student who are using modular learning will be the
respondents of the study. It will be conducted with in the month of
April 202. More over this study is limited only particularly to the
• The researchers will select respondents from the grade12 student of
FHABCI Studying in the year of 2020-2021. The researchers will use
paper and pen and digital survey questionnaire for the data
gathering. The evaluation of report will be conducted at Barangay
Magkiangkang Bayugan City Agusan Del Sur on April, 2021. The date
will be carefully observed and recorded accurately.
• Introduction
• The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework introduces and
describes the theory that explains why the research problems under study exists. Therefore, the theoretical framework for a study should
incorporate all of the necessary knowledge components.
• Theories
• Meaningful learning, which anchors new learning matter in the cognitive structures, not rote learning, is the center of interest. Teaching is
taken to mean facilitation of learning. Individualization of teaching and learning, encouragement of critical thinking, and far-reaching student
autonomy are integrated with this view of learning and teaching (Holmberg, 1989, p. 161).
• Holmberg summarizes his theoretical approach by stating that Distance education is a concept that covers the learning-teaching activities in
the cognitive and/or psycho-motor and affective domains of an individual learner and a supporting organization. It is characterized by non-
contiguous communication and can be carried out anywhere and at any time, which makes it attractive to adults with professional and social
commitments (Holmberg, 1989, p. 168).
• Garrison and Shale (1987) include in their essential criteria for formulation of a distance education theory the elements of noncontiguous
communication, two-way interactive communication, and the use of technology to mediate the necessary two-way communication.
• Meaningful learning, which anchors new learning matter in the cognitive structures, not rote learning, is the center of interest. Teaching is
taken to mean facilitation of learning. Individualization of teaching and learning, encouragement of critical thinking, and far-reaching student
autonomy are integrated with this view of learning and teaching (Holmberg, 1989, p. 161).
• Holmberg summarizes his theoretical approach by stating that :
• Distance education is a concept that covers the learning-teaching activities in the cognitive and/or psycho-motor and affective domains of an
individual learner and a supporting organization. It is characterized by non-contiguous communication and can be carried out anywhere and at
any time, which makes it attractive to adults with professional and social commitments (Holmberg, 1989, p. 168).
• Garrison and Shale (1987) include in their essential criteria for formulation of a distance education theory the elements of noncontiguous
communication, two-way interactive communication, and the use of technology to mediate the necessary two-way communication.
• Today, distance education programs have a wide range of approaches [13]. For example, independent study courses through computer
networking, computer‐delivered instruction, communication between students and instructors through electronic mail, class sessions, cluster
groups, undergraduate and graduate degrees through cable networks, and video courses with texts and other collateral materials are these
approaches [13].
• This theory tells the importance of this nontraditional kind of education, early theoretical approaches attempted to define the important and
unique attributes of distance education.
• The conceptual framework of the study is shown in figure
1. As presented, the independent variables are the factors
that affect the level of compliance on modular distance
learning , of the grade 12 students of Forest Hills academy
of Bayugan City, Inc.
• On the other hand, the dependent variable of this research
is the student’s house responsibilities . The indicators of
self-esteem include: success, competence, self-love,
appearance, relationships, and assertiveness. As an output,
results of this study will be the basis for a development
approach towards school transformation and reformation.
• The students capacity to submit the given task through modular learning on the given period. This also
shows self-initiate on how to cope on the new learning system.
• A practice of distance learning that use self-understanding. A home based study that can be through online
and offline modular. Nowadays we cannot deny the fact that we use modular learning to continue our study
instead of face to face due to COVID-19 pandemic.
• Early research on working mothers suggested that girls took on more house works when their mothers were
employed outside the home. This chapter takes an updated look at this issue by asking whether daughters
take on more house work when their mothers report stressful occupational condition and by making with in
family comparisons of sons versus daughters involvement in house work. Adolescent Development 2001
94,23-42,2001. House responsibilities in our study in the independent variable , as we can see we students
use modular but we cannot focus our time and mind to answer our modules because we have lots of house
responsibilities it can affects our study and the compliance of our modules.
• Twelfth grade, senior year, or grade 12 is the final of secondary school in most of north America , it is typically
the last year of high school. In our study grade 12 students are the respondent because many of them are
focusing on their house responsibilities instead of answering the module.
• This research utilizes descriptive-correlational quantitative
research design. In this type of design, researcher is primarily
interested in describing relationship among variable, without
seeking to establish a causal connection (Quaranta 2017), A
descriptive-correlational design was employed in this study to
describe the first 2 questions as it is descriptive in manner, to
be able to address the level of compliance on modular
distance learning to house responsibilities of grade12
students of F,H,A,B,C,I on the other hand the answer supplied
on the third query examine or describe the relationship that
is established between the two aforementioned variables.
Locale and Respondents of the Study

• The research was conducted in the respected school named Forest Hills
Academy of Bayugan city, Inc. It is located at Purok-3, Makiangkang Bayugan
City ADS with a total of 45 grade 12 Students. The aforementioned school
was estimated to be km. away from the city and is offering lots of
opportunities which one can benefit. These include free tuition fee for those
who starts as grade 7, Special program of skills for the grades 9 and 10, and
General Academic Strand (GAS), Tech-Voc courses such as tailoring and
dressmaking, CSS, and Horticulture for Senior High School.
• The study was interestingly conducted in the said institution, because this
school is known of having a scarcity of internet connection, therefore all of
the grade12 student there in the mids of pandemic instead of online class
they are just use modular leanings.
• Respondents.
• The respondents of the study are all grade12
students, one can qualify if he/ she is a bona-
fide student of FHABCI this school year 2020 -
• Secondly, for them to be officially included in
the list of our respondents, they must pass the
given standard for qualification such as being
busy all day because of doing house chores.
– Sampling Design
• The sampling design that the researchers will employ in
this study is universal sampling design which refers to the
selection of sample where not all the people in the
population have the same profitability of being included in
the sample and each one of them probability of being
selected is unknown (Richard and Margaret,1990).
• The researchers preferred to use this kind of sampling
design to select respondent among all grade12 students in
FHABCI because they are the ones who may provide the
useful information to test the hypothesis of the research.
Data gathering procedure
• Permission to Conduct the Study-
• In the conduct of the research first we asked the permission of the school administrator for they are
under and guided by the premises of the school. After which we asked the consent of the
respondents if they are willing to partake in our study.
• Administration and Retrieval of data-
• On the second phase of our data collection procedures, we the researchers, will debriefed our
respondents that there will be survey structured questionnaires that we have prepared. This will be
the assessment scales that are describe in the research instrument after debriefing them, they will be
given with the questionnaires which is to be answered by them. Study and to where the study will be
• Collation and processing of data-
• After retrieving the data from our respondents we will collate it by using the Microsoft excel to be
able to come up with a reliable result.
• Interpretation and analysis of data-
• On the fourth phase of the data gathering procedures, the researchers have gone over the data for
review, interpretation and evaluation of result. Finding out whether house responsibilities have a big
impact to the compliance on modular learning of grade12 students of Forest Hills Academy of
Bayugan City, Inc.
Instrumentation and validation
• The researchers used the self-made questionnaire because they found no questionnaires appropriate
for their study. Besides, they want to ask questions which they assumed to be helpful in gathering the
most accurate result for their study. The respondents will just make appropriate choices that
corresponds to their actual situation and it is easy to quantify and analyze.
• The questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part looks into the level of their compliance on
modular distance learning of the students either high or low as personally observed and perceived by
the respondents. The second part is on the house responsibilities of the respondents as to measure
the level of their house chores.
• The questionnaire was provided with 4 questions in each of the indicators in the dependent variable
(24 in total), and 15 questions for each of the indicators in the independent variable (30 in total). This
will be rated by simply putting a check based on their choices having 5 as the ‘strongly agree’, 4 as the
‘agree’, 3 as ‘neutral’, 2 as ‘disagree’, and 1 as ‘strongly disagree’ (legend for the first questionnaire
which ask about the level of compliance on modular distance learning) . On the other hand, 5 is for
‘strongly agree’, 4 for ‘agree’, 3 for ‘neutral’, 2 for disagree’, and 1 for strongly disagree’ (legend for the
second questionnaire which asks about level of their house responsibilities).
• The questionnaire will be subject for validation. Practical Research 2 adviser will be asked to validate
the questionnaire prepared by the researchers.
• Statistical Treatment
• In this study, in order to treat the results which
are the answers of the three problems, the
researchers employed weighted arithmetic
mean to answer the problems 1 and 2 of the
study. Meanwhile, in knowing if there is a
relationship between the present variables in
the study, the researchers will apply the
Pearson-r correlation.

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