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Jennifer Yesnid Perez Bustos

What is it

Facebook is a free social network that allows users to

interconnect to interact and share content through the Internet.
It was launched in 2004. Its founder is Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook is a social network that was created to be able to keep people
in contact, and that they could share information, news and audiovisual content with their
own friends and family. It is one of the most popular digital channels for all users who
browse the Internet today. In fact, according to the studies that have been carried out in the
last year, after WhatsApp it is the second most used social network in Spain. All types of
users can register on it: individuals, companies, or big brands, to be in contact with each
other and thus be able to share content
Main goal

Facebook is a social network created by Mark Zuckerberg while he

was studying at Harvard University. Its objective was to design a space in which the
students of said university could exchange fluid communication and share content in a
simple way through the Internet.
Facebook is currently used by more than 400 million people and has
been translated into 40 different languages. Since 2006,
when it appeared, it has revolutionized society,
facilitating interaction between users.

Facebook without a doubt has broken down the communication barriers

of today.It managed to become indispensable for society, by uniting
the world by creating a great communicative and informative virtual society
 Facebook en nuestra sociedad grandes logros, no sólo conocer o mantener
contactos con otras personas en otras partes del mundo, enviar fotos,
publicar estados, mandar notas de voz o vídeos, lo que permite ampliar
nuestro circulo social, pero no sólo eso, sino que también ha ayudado en
investigaciones policiales, lo que facilita el acceso a la información personal
de diversas personas. 
 Otra de las ventajas de esta red social es que muchas empresas utilizan sus
publicaciones para promocionar sus productos, ya que es uno de los medios
sociales más utilizado y así alcanzar su objetivo principal que es obtener
mayor cantidad de clientela

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