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EMEA Emerge Results

Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally
IC-93002-AB Sep 2012

Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Summary: Emerge Evaluations

• 330 evaluations done across Europe to compare the performance of the new Emerge pre-dil balloon catheter versus
any other balloon in the market. Input from Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy and Belgium
• Emerge has been rated above any other balloon in all categories, this is: Trackability, Tip Performance, Crossability,
Balloon profile, Pushability, Deliverability, Dilatation, Marker Band Radiopacity, Deflation time & Kissing Balloon
• Emerge shows highest scores in Tip Performance, Crossability, Balloon profile, Pushability, Deliverability and KBT

• During Kissing-Balloon-Technique procedures, Emerge also performed above any other balloon, being Deflation time &
Deliverability the features with the highest scores
• Our new balloon size, 1.2mm Emerge, which has also been rated above any other balloon, shows the highest score in
Tip Performance, Crossability, Balloon Profile, Deliverability and KBT
• Emerge is rated better than Maverick & Apex in all categories. Emerge outperforms the most
 Apex in KBT and Deliverability
 Maverick in Pushability

• In evaluations versus Sprinter, Trek/Mini Trek & Ryujin, where Emerge has outperformed our main competitors,
Sprinter appears to have the best performance, after Emerge, and Ryujin the worse performance

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

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Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Performance: Overall Ranking

• Total: 330 evaluations across EMEA Graphics show a calculation of the

mean of all LME received being,
•SB: Emerge is significantly better
• 100 Germany, 80 France, 52 Italy, 50 Spain, 40 UK and 5 Belgium •B: Emerge is better
•S: Emerge is same
• Emerge performs better than any other balloon •L: Current pre-dil balloon is better
•SL: Current pre-dil balloon is
• Highest rates in Tip Performance, Crossability, Balloon Profile, Pushability, significantly better

Deliverability & KBT (68 procedures)

Emerge is SB

Higher is better

Another balloon
Emerge is rated above any other balloon in ALL categories. is better
Crossability, Balloon profile, Deliverability, KBT and Overall
Performance have highest scores
IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC
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Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Performance versus Competitors
• 157 evaluations against main competitors: Sprinter Legend (50), Trek/Mini Trek (69), Ryjin Graphics show a calculation of the
(36), Pantera (18), Falcon (3) and Tazuna (9) (some evaluations comparing more than one) mean of all LME received being,
•SB: Emerge is significantly better
• Emerge outperforms all competitors •B: Emerge is better
•S: Emerge is same
• Emerge shows the best performance against Ryujin, followed by Trek/MiniTrek & Sprinter •L: Current pre-dil balloon is better
•SL: Current pre-dil balloon is
Legend significantly better

• Sprinter Legend seems to be the competitor closest to emerge performance

Emerge is SB

Higher is better
Emerge has better performance than Sprinter,
Trek/Mini Trek & Ryujin. Sprinter is rated with the L
best performance after Emerge and Ryujin with the
worse performance
Another balloon SL
is better

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

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Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Performance during a KBT

Graphics show a calculation of the

• 68 procedures out of the 330 did a KBT mean of all LME received being,
•SB: Emerge is significantly better
• During the KBT procedures Emerge is rated slightly higher than in other procedures •B: Emerge is better
•S: Emerge is same
• Highest scores go to Deliverability and Deflation time •L: Current pre-dil balloon is better
•SL: Current pre-dil balloon is
significantly better

Emerge is
better SB

Higher is better
During a KBT, Emerge is rated above any
other balloon, showing highest scores in
Deliverability & Deflation time SL
Another balloon
is better

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally
Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge 1.2mm Performance 40 evaluations

Graphics show a calculation of the

• 40 evaluations use an 1.2mm diameter Emerge (4 of them with a KBT) mean of all LME received being,
•SB: Emerge is significantly better
• 1.2mm Emerge evaluated with a broad mix of competitors (8 Sprinter, 6 Mini Trek, 3 •B: Emerge is better
•S: Emerge is same
Tazuna, 5 Ryujin, 1 Falcon, 1 Saphire, 1 Pantera) •L: Current pre-dil balloon is better
•SL: Current pre-dil balloon is
• Emerge 1.2mm outperforms competitors in all categories significantly better

Emerge is

Higher is better
1.2mm Emerge is rated above any other balloon.
Emerge shows the highest score in Tip Performance,
Crossability, Balloon Profile, Deliverability and KBT
Another balloon
is better

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally
Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Performance vs Apex/Maverick

• 116 evaluations versus Maverick (26 with KBT proced.) and 49 vs. Apex (13 with KBT) Graphics show a calculation of the
mean of all LME received being,
•SB: Emerge is significantly better
• Emerge outperforms both (Maverick and Apex) in ALL categories •B: Emerge is better
•S: Emerge is same
• When compering with Emerge, Maverick gets better results than Apex in most categories •L: Current pre-dil balloon is better
•SL: Current pre-dil balloon is
• Emerge outperforms the most Apex in KBT and Deliverability significantly better

• Emerge outperforms the most Maverick in Pushability

Emerge is SB

Higher is better
Emerge is rated better than Maverick & Apex in
all categories. Emerge outperforms the most
Maverick in Pushability and Apex in KBT and
Deliverability SL
Another balloon
is better

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally
Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Feedback

Live Cases at PCR’2012

Hospital Clínico de San Carlos de Madrid (Spain)
In a case of a RCA restenosis, where physicians were attempting to cross a very tight calcified
lesion with multiple competitive products & no success,  Dr.Alfonso took a 1.5mm Emerge,
which crossed the lesion easily and said, 
“This is the new balloon from Boston Scientific and it is really good”

Dr. Castadot, Hospital St.Jean (Brussels, Belgium)

A case with a distal high calcified lesion was prepared to undergo with  Rotablator. The
physician used an Emerge 1.2*12 mm Push, which crossed the lesion to the
surprise of the physician. Emerge was rated better in the evaluation form in most of
the categories in comparison with Pantera (Biotronik) and Ryujin (Terumo).

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

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Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Feedback

Oxford Live Course (UK)

Physicians ballooned with a 3.0x12mm Emerge and then recrossed with same balloon extremely
easily through the second stent. Physicians commented on the Emerge’s red “Maverick-like” tip,
and the slimmer shaft for KBT in a 6F guide.
They then used two 3.0mm Emerges down a 6F GC to do a kiss and the whole panel commented
on what a beautiful result it was

Prof Gershlick, Glenfield hospital (Leicester, UK)

Doctor performing a CTO of the RCA, when his most preferred balloon, a 1.25 Ryujin
plus (Terumo), did not cross the lesion. The physician took a 1.2mm Emerge Push that
sailed across very easily. Very impressive were his comments!

Clinique Rhone Durance-Avignon (France)

Dr. Brunot using a 1.5x15mm Emerge, “Emerge feels like a micro catheter”

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

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Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Feedback

Hospital of Arendal (Norway)

Physicians tried to dilate the lesions (highly occluded, highly calcified and very difficult), first with
balloons from Abbott (Mini Trek) and Terumo (Ryujin Plus), without success.
They decided to take an Emerge 1.20x8mm Push, which to their surprise passed the lesion, and
continued with an 1.50x15mm Push. They experienced the same situation in two different cases
with two complex lesions. Emerge was rated as better (versus Mini Trek) in most of the

HBK Zwickau (Germany)

Dr. Walter, “Emerge goes through the stent struts very well, even after re-wrapping”

Hospital SMZ Süd (Wien, Austria)

Prof. Christ was very positively surprised with Emerge, when he used it in two difficult calcified
lesions, which Emerge crossed easily. He said “ I stay with Emerge” (being himself  a Trek and
MiniTrek user).
IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC
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Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan
Emerge Feedback

Rimini Hospital (Italy)

A patient with a severe calcified lesion in the proximal LAD (99% occlusion) was being treated the day
before the Emerge evaluation was scheduled. The physician tried to cross the lesion,  without
success, with the following balloons,
- Ryujin Plus 1.25x 10 mm
- Tazuna 1.25x 10
- Sprinter legend OTW 1.25x6
and the doctor scheduled a Rotablator procedure for  one day later.
The day after, being the BSC team on site for the Emerge evaluations, the physician decided to test an
Emerge 1.2 *12mm Push and he was able to cross easily the lesion. The feedback of the operator
was excellent! And again another great performance example against our main competitors!

Dr. Comeglio, Pistoia Hospital (Italy)

The physician tried to cross a tight lesion with a Maverick 1.5mm and after a Minitrek 1.2,
without success. He  took an Emerge 1.2mm Push that crossed easily!

IC-93002-AB Sep 2012 Data on file at BSC

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Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only.  Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally. These materials are not intended for use in the US or Japan

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