Articles and Nouns

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Articles and Nouns


Identify whether the below given sentences
have correct articles.

1. There was a lot of noise in the class.

2. I saw a dogs and cats fighting.
3. Roma has a white and a black cat.
4. My father gifted me a blue and white bag.
5. I want to eat an eggs.
6. Children love to eat a chocolate ice-creams.
7. Seema works with an NGO.
8. My brother is an S.P.
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’

• _________ man • _________ union

• _________ orange • _________ umbrella
• _________ book • _________ alphabets
• _________ arc • _________ S.P
• _________ donkey • _________ M.Com
• _________ hour • _________ useful job
• _________ year • _________ yacht
• _________ honest man • _________ one-eyed man

• a man • a union
• an orange • an umbrella
• a book • - alphabets
• an arc • an S.P
• a donkey • an M.Com
• an hour • a useful job
• a year • a yacht
• an honest man • a one-eyed man
Uses of the article ‘a’

• Indefinite Article
• Used with consonant sounds (Hindi alphabets)
Ex. a boat, a cat, a rat, a teacher, a kite…

• Used before ‘yu’ or ‘wa’ sound

Ex. a utensil, a university, a European, a one-rupee note, a ewe
Uses of the article ‘an’

• Indefinite Article
• Used with vowel sounds (Hindi Swarmala)
Ex. An ass, an owl, an ink-pot, an apple-pie…

• Used before words beginning with consonant but has vowel sounds.
Ex. An honest man, an heir, an hour, an M.A, an M.P, an NGO, an X-Ray…
Uses of ‘a’ and ‘an’

• A single countable noun

Ex. I have a bicycle.
Rohan has bought a new car.

• Before the names of occupation or profession

Ex. Mr. Roy is a banker.
My friend wants to become a choreographer.
Uses of ‘a’ and ‘an’

• Before a single countable noun that represents a class

Ex. A bicycle is a useful, eco-friendly means of transport.
An elephant is a huge animal.

• In exclamatory sentences
Ex. What a lovely dress!
What an idea!
Uses of ‘a’ and ‘an’

• To express speed, price or ratio

Ex. The Bullet Train runs at 350 kms an hour.
the ticket is 50/- a person.

• To express numerical expressions

Ex. I want a break for a couple of days.
Bill Gates donated a million dollars.
Uses of ‘a’ and ‘an’

• To refer someone with his name whom we do not know

Ex. A Mr. Shaw has come to meet you.
A Dr. Mehta has applied for the post.
When NOT to use ‘a’ and ‘an’
• With uncountable nouns
Ex. This furniture is made of wood.
You should not drink black coffee so often.

• With the name of a meal

Ex. I have breakfast by 9 a.m.
We have invited our friends for dinner.

• With plurals
Ex. Roma has many friends in the U.S.
Fill the blank with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘X’

1. ___ idle mind is ____ devil’s workshop.

2. Iron is ____ useful metal.
3. _____ honest man does not fear anybody.
4. She has _____ funny look.
5. Sanskrit is _____ difficult language.
6. ___ English is _____ language of the English.
7. I eat _____ lunch at 1.00 p.m.
8. It is half _____ hour past five.
9. Please draw _____ map of ____ India.
10. Birbal was known for _____ witty answers.
Fill the blank with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘X’

1. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop.

2. Iron is a useful metal.
3. An honest man does not fear anybody.
4. She has a funny look.
5. Sanskrit is a difficult language.
6. X English is a language of the English.
7. I eat X lunch at 1.00 p.m.
8. It is half an hour past five.
9. Please draw a map of X India.
10. Birbal was known for X witty answers.
Uses of the article ‘a’

• Indefinite Article
• Used with consonant sounds (Hindi alphabets)
Ex. a boat, a cat, a rat, a teacher, a kite…

• Used before ‘yu’ or ‘wa’ sound

Ex. a utensil, a university, a European, a one-rupee note, a ewe
Uses of the article ‘an’

• Indefinite Article
• Used with vowel sounds (Hindi Swarmala)
Ex. An ass, an owl, an ink-pot, an apple-pie…

• Used before words beginning with consonant but has vowel sounds.
Ex. An honest man, an heir, an hour, an M.A, an M.P, an NGO, an X-Ray…
Uses of the article ‘the’

• Definite Article (particular)

Ex. Please give me the black pen you have.

• Used with both singular and plural nouns

Ex. The boats, the men, the king, the book

• Used with countable and uncountable nouns

Ex. The moon, the stars, the oil, the sand
Uses of the article ‘the’

• Used before the nouns that are unique

Ex. the Sun, the equator, the Himalayas, the Ganga, the Arabian Sea

• Used before the noun which we use it the second time

Ex. Mohan bought a new car. The car is of red colour.
I met a man on the street. The man was an amazing juggler.

• Used before a singular countable nouns that represent a whole class of things:
Ex. The rose is my favourite flower.
The elephant is the heaviest land animal.
Uses of the article ‘the’
• Used before superlative degrees
Ex. the best, the largest, the highest, the slowest, the most beautiful

• Used before the adjectives used to represent a whole class

Ex. The young should get the opportunity.
Show some mercy on the poor.

• Used before names of directions, rivers, mountain ranges, oceans, seas,

deserts, group of islands, plural names of countries
Ex. the Yamuna, the Atlantic, the Red Sea, the Maldives, the Philippines, the
Netherlands, the UAE, the USA, the east
Uses of the article ‘the’

• Used before proper nouns which indicate a family or nationality

Ex. the Mehtas, the Bachchans, the Indians, the Germans

• Used before the comparative adjectives like

Ex. The bigger the better.
Meet the younger son, Rajshekhar.

• Used before names of newspaper, holy books, magazines, well-known buildings

Ex. the Gateway of India, the Hindu, the Filmfare, the Ramayana,
the Worli Sea Link
When NOT to use ‘the’
• With abstract nouns generally
Ex. Honesty is the best policy.
The honesty of this boy has won my heart. (particular)

• before proper nouns, material nouns used generally

Ex. Mahesh is my neighbor.
Gold is a precious metal.

• Before plural nouns that are used in general sense

Ex. Children are usually naughty.
When NOT to use ‘the’
• Before names of meals, diseases
Ex. Dinner is ready.
She has high fever. (But the mumps, the measles)

• before titles used after proper nouns

Ex. Mr. Modi, Prime Minister of India, is the Chief-Guest. The Prime Minister has

• Before common places where one goes for a general purpose

Ex. Rohan has gone to school. (for studying)
Mother has gone to the school for attending a meeting. (for specific purpose)
Fill the blank with ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ or ‘X’

1. ___ Sri Lanka is to _____ south of _____ India.

2. ____Iron is ____ useful metal.
3. _____ Ganga is ____ sacred river of ____ India.
4. ___ Mahabharata contains many interesting stories.
5. Eat your ____ breakfast quickly.
6. ___ English is _____ language of____ English.
7. I have ____ severe headache.
8. It is half _____ hour past six.
9. Please draw _____ map of ____ Netherlands.
10. What ______ excellent speech he made!
Fill the blank with ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ or ‘X’

1. X Sri Lanka is to the south of X India.

2. X Iron is a useful metal.
3. The Ganga is a sacred river of X India.
4. The Mahabharata contains many interesting stories.
5. Eat your X breakfast quickly.
6. X English is a language of the English.
7. I have a severe headache.
8. It is half an hour past six.
9. Please draw a map of the Netherlands.
10. What an excellent speech he made!
Insert ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ if necessary-

1. Bus arrived quarter of hour late.

2. Man cannot live by bread only.
3. Physics is difficult subject.
4. They started late in afternoon.
5. At top of this tree lived eagle.
6. April is fourth month of year.
7. May I have pleasure of dancing with you?
8. Have you read Bible?
9. Sanjana loves chocolate cake which you bake every Christmas.
10. Himalayas have number of tourists destinations.
Insert ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ if necessary-

1. The bus arrived quarter of an hour late.

2. A Man cannot live by bread only.
3. Physics is a difficult subject.
4. They started late in the afternoon.
5. At the top of this tree lived an eagle.
6. April is the fourth month of a year.
7. May I have pleasure of dancing with you?
8. Have you read the Bible?
9. Sanjana loves the chocolate cake which you bake every Christmas.
10. The Himalayas have a number of tourists destinations.
Uses of collective nouns

• Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns.

• 1. The cat has a ……………………. of five kittens.
• 2. The ………………… of singers sang melodiously.
• 3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a ………………… of lions.
• 4. The poachers were attacked by a ……………….. of wild elephants.
• 5. A ………………… of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.
• 6. A ……………….. of stairs leads to the terrace.
• 7. The ……………….. of musicians delivered a magical performance.
• 8. The children were amused by the ………………. of monkeys in the park.
• 9. A …………………. of grapes was hanging from the vine.
• 10. We waited anxiously for the ……………to announce their verdict.
Uses of collective nouns

• 1. The cat has a litter of five kittens.

• 2. The choir of singers sang melodiously.
• 3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a pride of lions.
• 4. The poachers were attacked by a herd of wild elephants.
• 5. A swarm of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.
• 6. A flight of stairs leads to the terrace.
• 7. The band of musicians delivered a magical performance.
• 8. The children were amused by the troop of monkeys in the park.
• 9. A bunch of grapes was hanging from the vine.
• 10. We waited anxiously for the jury to announce their verdict.
Abstract Nouns

Emotions/ Actions Qualities/ idea Names of arts State

Feelings and science
Happiness Laughter Honesty Physics Childhood

Excitement Movement Truth Grammar Youth

Anger Judgement Beauty Music Sleep



Abstract Nouns (add suffixes-t, th, tion, sion, ance,
hood, al, ment, ty, ism, age, ness, ure)

Brother Brotherhood Hero Heroism

Good Goodness Wise Wisdom
Strong Strength Wide Width
Entertain Entertainment Poor Poverty
Grow Growth Fail Failure
Dark Darkness Safe Safety
Perform Performance Beautiful Beauty
Arrive Arrival Proud Pride
Depart Departure Just Justice
Compound Nouns

Two different words join to make a new word is called a compound word.
Ex. Hotdog, blackboard, dry-cleaning, keyboard, toothpaste, wallpaper,
Backbone, mother-in-law, underworld
Add a suitable word to make a compound noun-
Fund___________ Swimming_______
News___________ cooking_________
Sun____________ scare___________
Child__________ ice_____________

Door__________ foot____________
Compound Nouns

Add a suitable word to make a compound noun-

Fundraiser Swimming-pool
Newspaper cooking-oil
Sunglasses scarecrow -
Childhood ice-cream
Doormat football

How to express doubts and confusions

Mohan: I am in two minds, I don’t know which is the better one.
Rohan: Why don’t you put your feelers out and then decide which career to opt

Saina: I am in a real quandary, which job should I accept?

Tina: Oh! I think you should sleep on it and then decide.

Ria: Are you coming for the trek?

Soham: The weather is really bad these days so I am on the fence

Use one word instead of VERY

1. This movie is very funny.
2. Old Delhi is very crowded with people.
3. I am very eager to watch his movie.
4. This country side is very calm.
5. The sound of a fighter plane is very noisy.
6. The Bhagwad Gita has very deep knowledge.


1. If you have any problem, call me twenty four seven.

2. It will be a cold day in July, if we win this tournament. We are terrible.
3. He has scored really low and now he is on thin ice.
4. My friend Raj is a straight arrow.
5. Let me just put my face on before we go out.
6. We must reach home soon before the heavens open!

1. Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum.

2. The herd of bison ran across the prairie, leaving a massive dust cloud in its
3. We waited anxiously for the jury to come to a verdict.
4. This year’s basketball team includes three players who are over six feet tall.
5. Napoleon’s army was finally defeated at Waterloo.
6. The town council has approved plans to create a new park.
7. He comes from a huge family: he’s the oldest of eleven kids.
8. The rock group has been on tour for months.
9. Everyone in the audience applauded loudly when Elvis appeared on stage.

A TRAIN of camels A NEST of mice

A MURDER of crows A DROVE of horses

The vocab world

Origins of some amazing idioms

1. Straight from the horse’s mouth
To get information from a reliable source.
2. Let the cat out of the bag
To reveal a secret
3. Riding shotgun
Riding in the front seat of a vehicle next to the
4. Cost an arm and a leg
Extremely expensive
Thank You Students!!!
By- Grammar Academy
Stay Home; Stay Safe



The Vocab World

Emoji Quiz

Happy, elated, delighted, ecstatic,

thrilled, perky, gratified

Sad, melancholy, gloomy, blue,

somber, woebegone, low

Good, exceptional, superb, marvelous,

classy, commendable, tip-top, exotic

Bad, unacceptable, inferior, unsuitable,

awful, rough, rotten, lousy

Alphabet Person Place Animal/Bird Thing

Noun is a part of speech that names a person, place, animal, or thing .







The Vocab World
Emoji Quiz
Happy, elated, delighted, ecstatic,
thrilled, perky, gratified

Sad, melancholy, gloomy, blue,

somber, woebegone, low

Good, exceptional, superb, marvelous,

classy, commendable, tip-top, exotic

Bad, unacceptable, inferior, unsuitable,

awful, rough, rotten, lousy

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