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IT 111: Introduction to Information

Technology (IT)


Introduction to Microsoft word 2010 (MS

Word 2010)

03/01/23 1
Layout of Lecture#05
The Microsoft File Tab
Quick Access Toolbar

03/01/23 2
Microsoft Word is a word processing
program that allows you to create, edit, and
save documents for printing and future
As you type (e.g. using the keyboard), the
words are displayed on a monitor or screen,
and are stored in computer memory rather than
on paper.

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More on Microsoft Word 2010:
It is a part of a suite of Office programs that have an
enhanced design.
This collection of the programs is usually called Microsoft
Office Suite (MS Office Suite)
MS office suite:
Is an essential collection of desktop applications that includes Word
for documents, Excel for spreadsheets, PowerPoint for presentations,
Access for databases and much more.

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Microsoft Office suite (MS office suite)

Includes the following programs:
Microsoft Word
 For word processing.
Microsoft Excel
 For spreadsheets.
Microsoft PowerPoint
 For presentations.
Microsoft Access
 For databases.
Microsoft Publisher
 For desktop publishing
Microsoft Outlook
 For electronic mail (e-mail)
Microsoft OneNote
 For Notes.
Microsoft Office Suite:

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Apart from the Microsoft Office suite of 2010,

there are also other versions/releases of Microsoft
Office suite:
 Microsoft Office 2019
 Microsoft Office 2016
 Microsoft Office 2013
 Microsoft Office 2010
 Microsoft Office 2007
 Microsoft Office 2003
 Microsoft Office XP
 Microsoft Office 2000
 Microsoft Office 97
 Microsoft Office 95
This lecture will:
Introduce you to the interfaces of Microsoft
Word 2010 and
Guide you through the steps of performing word-
processing tasks.

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What can Microsoft Word be used to prepare:
Permission and (job) application letters, ….
Proposal + Report documents
Curriculum Vitae (CVs)
Personal documents
Like notes, plans, ….

03/01/23 9
Starting Microsoft Word 2010
Steps to Start Word:
1.Click the Windows START MENU
2.Locate the MICROSOFT OFFICE folder,
then, click the MICROSOFT OFFICE
WORD 2010 option.

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Starting Microsoft Word 2010
Step 1 − Click the Start button:

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Starting Microsoft Word 2010
• Step 2 − Click the All Programs option from the menu:

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Starting Microsoft Word 2010
• Step 3 − Search for Microsoft Office from the submenu and
click it:

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Starting Microsoft Word 2010
• Step 4 − Search for Microsoft Word 2010 from the submenu
and click it:

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Starting Microsoft Word 2010
• Click the Windows START MENU button, and then search for
Microsoft Word in the search field (Alternative 01):

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Starting Microsoft Word 2010
• Click the Windows START MENU button, and then search for
Word in the search field (Alternative 02):

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Starting Microsoft Word 2010
• In both cases, after you click the Microsoft Word 2010
application, you will see the following window:

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To start with, we’ll go through the
Microsoft Office File Tab, the Quick
Access Toolbar, Ribbons, Tabs and
Groups to familiarize ourselves with
common features of Microsoft Word 2010.

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The Microsoft Office File Tab
 It replaces the Microsoft Office button from
Microsoft Word 2007.
 This is where you come when you need to:
Open or save documents
Create new documents
Open recent documents
Share documents
Print documents, and
Do other documents -related operations.

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The Microsoft Office File Tab

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The Microsoft Office File Tab

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The Microsoft Office File Tab

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Title Bar
This lies in the middle and at the top of the
Title bar shows the program and document titles.

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Quick Access Toolbar
This you will find just above the File tab.
This is a convenient resting place for the most-
frequently used commands in MS Word.
You can customize this toolbar based on your comfort.

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Quick Access Toolbar
Customization Example :
 If you need to add the Insert Picture button to the Quick
Access Toolbar:
Got to Insert Tab and then RIGHT click the Insert Picture
One of the choices will be Add to Quick Access Toolbar.
When we clicked this choice the Insert Picture button will be added.
You can add any button you choose by doing this.

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Quick Access Toolbar
Customization - Before &After:
 Before:


03/01/23 27
Quick Access Toolbar
More customization:

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Quick Access Toolbar
Customization – Removing a button:
 To remove buttons from the Quick Access Toolbar just
RIGHT click on the button you desire to remove and choose
Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

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Ribbons stretch across the top of your application
screen with features to assist you as you click the
Ribbons Tabs.
Sometimes the terms Tabs and Ribbons are used
interchangeably .

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Below the Title Bar and the Quick Access Toolbar
we see a series of Tabs/Ribbons.
Tabs are similar to the Drop Down Menu choices in
previous versions of Office.
The Home Tab/Ribbon for Word 2010 looks like the
image below.

03/01/23 31
• Ribbon contains commands organized in three
– Tabs
• These appear across the top of the Ribbon and contain
groups of related commands.
– Home, Insert, Page Layout are examples of ribbon tabs.
– Groups
• They organize related commands; each group name
appears below the group on the Ribbon.
– For example, group of commands related to fonts or group of
commands related to alignment, etc.
– Commands
• Commands appear within each group as mentioned above.

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Clipboard Font Styles Editing

03/01/23 33
Clipboard Group
The first Group on the Word Home Tab is

To open more options of a Group you move your cursor
over the little down pointing arrow in the lower right
corner of a group.
You will see more contents of the clipboard:
See Practical

Font Group
Notice, in the Font Group area (right), you have
the most used Font features.
However, if you desire all of the font features, just click
the Open Group arrow at the bottom right of Font.
Here you can specify:
 Font
 Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, …
 Font style
 Bold, Italic, Bold Italic,….
 Font size
, , 14, 16, …
 10 12

 And other text characteristics such as font color, superscript, subscript, …

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Font Group

03/01/23 36
Styles Group
 In Word you can now select a style from the
Styles Group (image below).
If you click the More arrow in the lower right corner of
the Styles group, you will see additional choices.
Can use the Headings styles to create headings and sub-

03/01/23 37
Word has two rulers:
A horizontal ruler
Appears just beneath the Ribbon and is used to set margins
and tab stops.
A vertical ruler.
Appears on the left edge of the Word window and is used
to gauge the vertical position of elements on the page.

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Horizontal Ruler

Vertical Ruler

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Zoom Control
Zoom control lets you zoom in for a closer look
at your text.
The zoom control consists of a slider that you can
slide left or right to zoom in or out.
You can click the + button to increase or the – button to
decrease the zoom factor.
It is located at the lower left corner of the Microsoft word

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Document Area
This is the area where you type.

The flashing vertical bar is called the insertion point and it

represents the location where text will appear when you

Document Area

Status Bar

This displays the document information as well

as the insertion point location.
From left to right, this bar contains the total number
of pages and words in the document, and language.

Saving a New Document
Once you are done with typing in your new Word
document, it is time to save your document to
avoid losing work you have done in a Word
The following are the steps to save an edited Word
document :

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Saving a New Document
Step 1: Click the File tab and select the Save As

03/01/23 44
Saving a New Document
Step 2: Select a folder where you will like to
save the document.
Enter the file name which you want to give to your
document and Select the Save As type option, by
default it is the .docx format.

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Saving a New Document

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Saving a New Document
Step 3: Finally, click on the Save button and
your document will be saved with the entered
name in the selected folder.

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Saving a New Changes
There may be an instance when you open an
existing document and edit it partially or
completely, or an instance where you may like to
save the changes in between editing of the
If you want to save this document with the same name,
then you can use either of the following simple options:
 Just press the Ctrl + S keys to save the changes.
 Optionally you can click on the floppy icon available at the top left corner and
just above the File tab.
 This option will also help you save the changes.
 You can also use the third method to save the changes, which is the Save
option available just above the Save As option as shown in the previous
03/01/23 48
Other Tabs
Insert pictures, tables, page number, symbols, footer,
header, …
Page Layout
Document margins/borders, watermark, indentation, …
Table of contents, Footer notes, references inserting, …
Checking spelling and grammar, inserting and dealing
with comments, …
Print layout + others
03/01/23 49
For more lessons on MS Word 2010
 Online resources:
Tutorials Point:
Learning Computer:

03/01/23 50
1) Creating a Document.
2) Aligning text, formatting text (bold, italic,
underline, superscript, subscript).
3) Creating Tables.
4) Insert Images/Pictures in a word document
5) Saving a new document.
6) Saving new changes to an existing document.
7) Saving a document in PDF format.
8) Printing a document.
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