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The definition

The definition of discussion text is a text that contains a

discussion related to an issue. Issues can be discussed
from various points of view, for example from the point
of view of the people directly involved, or just observers.
Usually, this discussion text is found in philosophical,
historical and social texts.
The General Structure

– Issue : stating the issue which is to discussed

– Argument pro : presenting the point in in supporting the presented issue

– Argument cons : presenting other points which disagree to the supporting


– Conclusion / recommendation : stating the writer’ recommendation of the

The Language Feature

– Using thinking verb : feel, hope, believe, etc

– Using contrastive conjunction : however, on the other hand, but, in other side,
although, etc
– Using modalities : must, should, could, may, etc
– Using adverbial of manner : deliberately, hopefully, etc
– Simple present
Home schooling becomes an attractive choice to parents this time. Schools
have become increasingly unstable over the past couple of decades. Children
play truant, violence is prevalent, children are bullied and the quality of
education has decreased. That's why parents choose home schooling.
However, there are pros and cons of home schooling.

Children who are home schooled can avoid many problems. For examples,
children can study without fearing other students or teachers. It means that
they are under their parents' supervision. Home schooling allows children to
study at their own ability and speed. If a child is weak at math, a home
schooling teacher can more focus on that lesson or skill. Another advantages is
that home schooling keeps children on learning. There are many students in
school do not appreciate their teacher. By home schooling, students can value
However, home schooling also have disadvantages. First, home schooled
children are usually less socialized. Traditional schools are places where students
learn to interact with others and build social skills. On the other hand, home
schooled children just interact with
their teacher. They do not know working together or solving problem
in a group. Second, sometimes home schooling has different
esucational plan. Therefore parents must choose the qualified
perrson as the teacher, so that the children get the proper curriculum.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of home schooling. Therefore

parents must make sure the children ability and teachers' quality before they
decide to make their children home schooled.
Example :

Issue :

Home schooling becomes an attractive

choice to parents this time. Schools have
become increasingly unstable over the
past couple of decades. Children play truant, violence is
prevalent, children are bullied and the quality of
education has decreased. That's why parents choose
home schooling. However, there are pros and cons of
home schooling.
Example :

Argument pro :

Children who are home schooled can avoid many problems.

For examples, children can study without fearing other
students or teachers. It means that they are under their
parents' supervision. Home schooling allows children to
study at their own ability and speed. If a child is weak at
math, a home schooling teacher can more focus on that
lesson or skill. Another advantages is that home schooling
keeps children on learning. There are many students in
school do not appreciate their teacher. By home schooling,
students can value learning.
Example :

Argument cons :

However, home schooling also have disadvantages. First,

home schooled children are usually less socialized.
Traditional schools are places where students learn to
interact with others and build social skills. On the other
hand, home schooled children just interact with their teacher.
They do not know working together or solving problem in a
group. Second, sometimes home schooling has different
educational plan. Therefore parents must choose the
qualified person as the teacher, so that the children get the
proper curriculum.
Example :

There are many advantages and disadvantages of

home schooling. Therefore parents must make sure
the children ability and teachers' quality before they
decide to make their children home schooled.
group 6
1. Fista Fujiesa Tami
2. Nurmilah
3. Reihan Maulana Hasan
4. Syara Arianti Rusli
Nice to discuss with all of

Thank you

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