Slave Raiders (Philippine HIstory)

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Raiders of the Sulu

presented by: Group 2 ( ABPolsci)
Background of the Producer
*It is a Documentary film produced by Oak3 Films
in 1996

* Directed by Idzman Oathman

* I was televised internationally by Discovery

Channe; and History Channel in 2008
About the Documentary
*It talks about the “ slave raiding” activities of the Muslim Tribes in
the Southern Mindanao and how brutal it is.

* How the Muslim Tribes showcase their maritime skills and


* The conflict between the Muslim Tribes and the Spaniards.

* The reasons of Muslim Tribes resistance against the Spaniards.

The Slave Raiding
* The Muslim were focused on captivating
innocent people to become slaves.

*They captive people by pretending as

fishermen and will declare or as slave

* The Muslim raiders bear a whole in their

captives palm where they can insert a
string to tie them in order for them to not
escape in anyway.

*Slave raiding already happened even

before the presence of the Western
colonizers. It was also legal during that
Spaniards Vs. The Muslim Tribes
The attempt of the Spaniards to take control of the economic
activity and to propagate Christianity in the Southern Mindanao
resulted into conflicts between the Spaniards and the Moros.

The 3 tribes united namely the Illanun, Sama- Balanguigui and

the Tausugs with their 3,00 men and 100 boats to attack the
Fort Pilar, Rajah Dalasi led these 3 tribes
About the 3 Tribes

* They were known as the fierce of Maritime Force

* They were the very important Tribe in the privacy


*They were excellent in maritime activities as

they traditionally sailors and pirates.

* They are the expert slaying group

*Also known as Sama or Northern Sindama

* They occupied chain of the Islands between

Basilan and Sulu Island
*They controlled the Sulu Sultanate

*Known for its fierce and widespread political power

The Tribes showcase different kinds of weapons and

maritime skills
On December 8, 1720 in Zamboanga City
( Southern Peninsula of the Philippines) an
attacked happened at Fort Pilar. Raja Dalasi
fight aggresively into battles with only swords
against the firearms and cannons of the
The Fort
of Pilar
The Spanish build the Fort Pilar
which serves as the territory
defenses for their military
presence at the south. Fort Pilae
is a concrete 10 meter high
fortress and 2 acres wide
But their attacked didn’t succeed. It is not
easy for the Spaniards, but with the help of
the Steamshhip that they bought from
England, they caught the boats of the
Muslims. The steamship is faster and bigger
than the Muslim’s boats.
The Brave
When the 3 tribes failed the
attempt. It is said that, they killed
all the women and children in their
tribes because they don’t want that
each of them will suffer against the
Spaniards. This actually for their
culture and religion
• This documentary is significant in Philippine
history because it demonstrates that the title
Bangsamoro is well-known throughout the Malay
community, or in general the Muslim community, and
that it assists the people of Mindanao in achieving the
everlasting peace that they desire over a long period
of time.

• It also provided details about people's

determination to defend the land from colonizers, and
it inspired many Filipino revolutionaries who occurred
after the events.
Raiders of the Sulu Sea is a major part of the grand
narrative of Philippine history.
• Filipino’s struggle for freedom
• Opposition towards Western Imperialism
• Political Dynasty
• ‘’Bangsamoro’’ title was well-known throughout the
Malaysian archipelago and among Muslim community
• Insistent resistant may have inspired Filipino
Thank You... .
Group 2 ( ABPolSci)
Gwyneth Zain Tiu Sunico
Jose Alejandro Papelleras

Aramae B. Flores
Christian Bonilla Garcia
Loumel Sansoy
Angel Ravelo Obejas
Robert Carl Dolores Gorgod
Charlimagne Tiu

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