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1. Increase maternal death and unintended
pregnancies related to the following:
a. Declining utilization of facilities for antenatal
check-up and delivery
a.1 service DisruptIon
a.2 difficulty in commuting
a.3 fear of having COVID
b. poor access to modern contraception
2. Increase teenage pregnancy
 Teenage pregnancy affects about 6% of Filipino girls.

 An estimated 538 babies are born to Filipino teenage

mothers EVERY SINGLE DAY, according to the

Philippine Statistical Authority from 2017.
 96,370 babies born each year to teenage mothers in the

 Nearly 200,000 teenagers get pregnant every year! 

 there are roughly 40 births each year by girls who have

not yet reached the age of 13

3. Increase intImate partner violence
4. Disrupted access to life-saving sexual amd
reproductive health services
 Maternal mortality – increase by 26%
 Unintended pregnancies – increase by 42%
 No use of contraception- increase of 67%
 MANILA – Deaths due to complications from
childbirth in the Philippines are up 10 percent
in 2022, according to data from the Philippine
Statistics Authority.
 The PSA said 468 maternal deaths have been
recorded in the first 6 months of 2022, up from the
425 recorded in the same period last year.
 Lolito Tacardon, Executive Director of the
Commission for Population and Development
(POPCOM), said they are still investigating the
uptick in maternal deaths in the country.
 More Filipino mothers are dying at childbirth, new
data says
 Pregnant women urged to give birth in health facilit
ies after 'sharp increase' in maternal mortality
 delay in the referral, and of course other service-

related, pertaining in general on the quality of the

services being provided in the health facility,”
 together with the Department of Health, we’re in the

process of intensifying and developing multi-sectoral

comprehensive action plan for the more intensified
implementation of reproductive health (measures)
ANC, 21 October 2022
 The high number of maternal deaths in some areas
of the world reflects
 inequities in access to health services, and
highlights the gap between rich and poor.
 Maternal mortality is higher in women living in
rural areas and among poorer communities.
 Young adolescents face a higher risk of
complications and death as a result of pregnancy
than older women.

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