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Name: Ajar Zia

Department: BS Physics
Subject: Mechanics
Topic: HAARP Technology
Submitted to: Mam Amna Dar
HAARP Technology

 HAARP stands for Hyper Active Acoustic Research

Program which was initiated in 1993 in Alaska by
funding’s provided US Air force, Navy and related
agencies. It was launched for better communication,
navigation for army implication and security purposes. It
was completed in 2014 later on in 2015 it was handed
over to university of Alaska.
 Itmay result into planned massive tsunamis, floods
and earthquakes and extreme weather conditions,
droughts etc. In addition its electromagnetic waves
affect the brains of the Army troops deployed in
any regions causing mental confusion and
disorientation thus making them incapacitated to
take proper and timely decisions. Another negative
effect is on the biosensors of birds and animals
disturbing their lives and movements as well.
 There are strong speculations about this unusual earthquake
in turkey to be declared it a well-planned manmade or
technical disaster rather a natural disaster, as many
scientists is showing their great concern over it. Many people in
turkey have witnessed a visible lightening on the sky before the
shake and the some videos have been vialled.
 The doubts also raise due to the timings of earthquake and
the geopolitical situation of the country and region as some
think tanks of Netherlands were prophesying these major event
in the region 03days back on February 3, 2023 and
according to them the next phase might involve the China,
Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Nepal as well so they are warned to
be well prepared.
 This truth alsocannot be ignored that aforesaid
earthquake hit the countries in the regions like Jordan,
Lebanon, cypress but surprisingly it did not even touch the
boundaries of Israel.
 Importantly, Turkey is among a few Muslim countries
who are champions of Muslims’ unity and are the depressed
voice of the oppressed Muslims all over the world under the
leadership of Tayyip Erdogan and has been USA target. His
anti-American and pro Muslim ideology is crystal clear and
the USA and the West are well aware of this fact.
 Furthermore the next general elections in Turkey
has been scheduled on 14thMay 2023,one month
before the due time and Tayyip Erdogan has a strong
political role in the country over the last two decades
and he is a potential President elect again hence it
was the right time to influence the regime change in
Turkey as USA is blamed for in the world through
socio-economic-political manipulation but
this time by suspected technological terrorism.
 At thesame time some diplomats of USA and allies were not
present in the region during the earthquake.
 It also to
draw the attention towards the technical point that
aftershocks of earthquakes are experienced in the same fault
zone as of the original one but amazingly all the aftershocks are
being experienced in new fault zones in the region.
 It is also
noticed with a great concern that over the last two
decades all natural disasters around the globe have been
increasing in terms of intensity, magnitude and duration
and at the same time are occurring and recurring out of time
not naturally rather by climate control or modification
For example
 2010 earth quake in Haiti, 2010 Chile earthquake and
tsunami, 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami,
2006Philippines massive tsunami. 2010 and 2023 floods in
Pakistan becoming suspicious and controversial.
 The former Iranian Prime Minister Mahmood Ahmadi and Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez have categorically blamed HAARP technology for
these disasters and its future serious consequences.
 Apparently, the USA has succeeded so far to achieve its hidden motives
in turkey as the stable Turkish lira has touched the record lowest level
and its stock market has crashed. Furthermore the tourism industry
which is one of its major revenue generation sources would be affected
enormously. So this not an Environmental disaster but a socio comic
political turmoil and resultantly the Turkish public who’d show strong
hatred towards Tayyip politics and influence the outcome of these
coming elections.
 As per rough estimate the turkey has suffered about 30 billion US
Dollar losses. In addition the collapse of over 17000 buildings and other
infrastructure would take longer time and huge money and patience for
complete rehabilitation to stand against the America and represent the
Muslim world.
Advantages of HAARP Technology:
 In reality, HAARP Technogym is an excellent tool to control and
modify the climate of any region of the world remotely thus
moulding the socio- economic and geopolitical dimension of the
countries hence it could be more potent weapon of mass
destruction (WMD) than other nuclear, biological, chemical
weapon. it is more powerful than fifth generation and cyber
warfare and this event must be investigated thoroughly by
impartial investigate agencies and be condemned at all levels. The
globe is more vulnerable to this technology terrorism. It is
concentrating power in the hand of its possessor.
 Neverforget the golden principle of peaceful mutual co-
existence for human growth and development with equity
and equality before it is too late!!!


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