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Global Manager

Name – Aryan Laxman Patil

Class- TY. BMS ,. Roll no.- 36.
Subject – Human resource management in Global Perspective.
 Global manager is someone who knows how to conduct and
manage business across borders.
 Even high performers with proven technical skills at home may
find that their styles and attitude just do not work well overseas.
Meaning  The global managers poses certain quality and acquire a set off
skins that help them the work across Regional , National and Sub
National boundaries to propel the business forward.
 Self awareness- understanding once believes and knowing where
they might differ from others is critical to global executive success.
Without this the global manager will not be able to adapt to and
tolerate the pre-set beliefs of other and lose business opportunities.
Qualities of  Vision – global manager must have the ability to set the path that
global manager others will follow. He has to be focused and determine and a strong
vision to lead people.
 Sensitivity to cultural diversity- the global managers have to deal
with people of different nationalities and culture he must have an
tense interest in life and cultures of others.
 Flexibility- HR is burden with a lot of processes and guidelines.
Company strike for standardization across their entire enterprise.
Qualities Of A Global manager understand that flexibility is a key to success.
 Adaptability-Global managers have to work in areas which require
Global adaptability to the situation prevalent in a particular country. It may
Manager be offer different from headquarter. Hence, the global manager and
he should learn and adapt his style as needed.
 Global strategic thinking- the global manager mast have a global
perspective; things strategically about managing business using the
best people from around the world. The Ability to this comes from
Qualities Of A a lifetime of networking at the highest levels in the global board
rooms and the managers aptitude for seeing how various global
Global industries operate internationally.
Manager  High Emotional Intelligence – The global Manager must be able to
accurately identify and manage his own emotions, as well as those
of others. He should have the ability to utilize emotions and apply
them to tasks, like thinking and Problem solving.
 Effective Management Skills – Multicultural workforce are also a
part of the global business. Thus, a global manager should know the
Qualities Of A best to deal with a multicultural workforce since the styles of
leadership, motivation, decision making, planning, organizing,
Global leading and controlling may vary from country to country.
Manager  Good negotiator- doing business across ethnic National and
regional boundaries requires strong negotiating skills. The global
manager should posses the quality of negotiating.

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