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Essential Parts of a

Forensic 1
Light tight box
• A camera's'body' is simply a light-tight box that permits
light to be captured on film, paper, or a digital sensor.
Camera bodies come in a variety of styles, shapes, and
formats, and they serve a wide range of purposes.
• A lens is a device that directs light to a certain focal point. The lens
of a film camera directs light to the film strip, whereas the lens in a
digital camera (such as a DSLR or mirrorless camera) directs light to
a digital sensor.
• In photography, a shutter is a device that opens the lens aperture of
a camera to admit light and so expose the film (or the electronic
image sensor of a digital camera). Adjustable shutters regulate
exposure time, or the length of time light is admitted.
Holder of the sensitized material
• Located at the opposite side of the lens designed to hold
firmly the sensitized material to prevent the formation of
the multiple or blurred image.
View Finder
• The viewfinder on a camera is the eyepiece that you hold close to
your eye to see what is being photographed. Viewfinders are
classified into two types: optical and digital. An optical viewfinder in
a DSLR works by light traveling through the lens and reflecting off
the camera's reflex mirror and prism.

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