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Interview a change leader

Mr. Nirmalendu Das

Head of Customer service division of REVE tech limited
an MVNO & IPTSP service provider
The company was fetching a critical time with their customer experience & services, they
appointed a new Head, who basically a change leader, He made some tremendous impact
over the company through the change process he lead. By his successful driving of these
change initiative company got to gain its reputation on market again & its customer are
now satisfied with their experience.
Why was the effort important?

Absolutely. One of the most significant change efforts I led was a

transformation of our customer service operations. We realized that our
customers were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with our level of
service, and that we were at risk of losing market share to competitors
who were offering more personalized and responsive support.
What outcomes were achieved?

 As a result of our efforts, we were able to significantly improve

our customer service operations. Our customer satisfaction
scores improved by 30%, and our net promoter score increased
by 40%. We also saw a 20% reduction in customer complaints
and a 15% increase in the number of repeat customers. In
addition, our employees reported higher levels of job
satisfaction and engagement, and we were able to reduce the
overall cost of providing customer service.
How was it accomplished?

 One key factor was our commitment to a comprehensive change

management strategy. We recognized from the beginning that
this was going to be a complex and challenging effort, and that
we needed a clear plan for managing the various stakeholders,
risks, and dependencies involved. So we developed a detailed
roadmap that identified the key milestones and deliverables,
and we also established a dedicated change management team
to oversee the implementation.
Successes, challenges, and missed opportunities?
 Successes: was the improvement in our customer satisfaction scores and net promoter score,
which I mentioned earlier. We were also pleased to see a significant reduction in customer
complaints and an increase in the number of repeat customers.

 Challenges: the complexity and scope of the change effort. We were dealing with multiple
systems, processes, and stakeholders, and there were many dependencies and interrelationships
to manage.
 Another challenge was managing the resistance and skepticism of some employees, who were
unsure about the changes we were proposing and concerned about the impact on their roles and

 Missed opportunities, I think one area where we could have done better was in the area of
innovation. may have missed opportunities to explore new and innovative ways of delivering
customer service
Theories, frameworks, or concepts that applied

 Different theories and frameworks are used such as Lewin's

Change Management Model, Kotter's 8-Step Change Model, and
the ADKAR Model. These frameworks helped us to structure our
approach and identify key milestones and deliverables at each
stage of the change process.
 Another change effort was the idea of organizational culture.
It’s not limited to only implementing new systems and
processes, but also about shifting the mindset and behavior of
our employees. So we invested in culture change initiatives,
such as training and development programs.
Lessons have been learned

 Following are the important stuff to have to successfully drive a

change initiative
 clear understanding of the change effort's goals and the
importance of the change. It is also crucial to have
 a structured approach, such as using established frameworks or
models to guide the process. It is also important
 to engage and communicate with stakeholders, including
employees and customers, throughout the change process to
ensure their support and address their concerns.

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