Metal Rose Part 1a

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Rose Construction Path

By: Armaan Lidder

Before Starting to work make sure that you have the
Following Safety Equipment.

● Safely Gloves
● Eye protection
● Hearing protection.
Step 1: Gather All Materials

The materials that are need to

successfully complete the project
are a hangout from the teacher
that contain the stencils for the
parts of the rose. Then you will
need to get galvanized sheet
metal and welding rod. Also, once
you have received your materials
remember to put your name on
Step 2: Cut Your Sheet Metal
Once you have go you piece of sheet metal and have
the right away from you teacher, being get the
measurements of the circles that you need. This is
case you will need to cut out 4, 3.5 in by 3.5 in cubes
with the metal shear. So once you go over to the shear
make sure that the back fence is set to the right
distance. Once you have checked that over then insert
you sheet metal into the shear. Make sure that the
metal is pushed up against the back and right shoulder
fence. This will make sure that all of your pieces are
equally cut. Next you are going to keep you finger on
the metal to keep it secured, but away from the blade.
After this you are going to step on the foot pedal and
4x make the cut. Make sure that your other foot isn’t
underneath the pedal as it will crush it. The cut piece
will fall onto the group under the shear and you can
collect them at the end once you are done cuttin all of
your pieces.
Step 3: Engraving and Marking

Since you have your sheet metal cut you will want to put your name on them with the engramaver. Make sure that you
wear hearing protection when using the engraver. Once your name in on the 4 pieces of sheet metal you can move on
to the next step which is cutting out the circle stencil. Then once you have cut out the stencil you can trace the outline
and make sure you can clearly see the cut lines. Also, make sure that you trace and make all four of your pieces of
sheet metal to make the pedals.
Step 4: Cutting the Circle Pedals

Once you have clearly marked out the cut lines/circle not it is time
to use a pair of tin snips. When you are cutting the sheet metal
make sure to wear gloves and eye protection and it will prevent
possible cuts from the metal. Also, wearing eye protection will
also prevent flying pieces from getting into your eyes. You should
go slow and steady when you are cutting the pedals and after the
first or second pedal you will get the hang of it.
Step 5: Filing Your Pedals

Now that you have cut out all of your pedals you are
going to file the edges of the circles to remove and
excess materials and to improve the shape of your
circles if they are misshapen. Find a vice around the
room that is free and clamp in your circle. When you
are filing you should make sure that you are wearing
safety gloves to protect your hands as well as eye
protection. When filing there are many steps that you
have to follow such as, you should have the file
angled 45 degrees to the surface of the material to
use a file properly. Also, you only are allowed to file
one way, forward, away from you and then you
should pick up the file and bring it back to file again.
If you file on the way back it will wreck the file and it
doesn’t really get rid of any excess material. .

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