Ash Wednesday

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Call to Worship Mrs.

Lilly Jeyakumar
Lord, your word which summoned this world into
existence, brought order out of chaos and beauty
out of the formless, has infused the very air we
breathe with the precious perfume of your love.
word is the light by which our journey is
illuminated, the light by which we see the beauty
of this world, and the light we pass to those who
would join us travelling in the joy of your
company. O God,
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my
Opening Prayer
God our parent, you are sovereign over all the
creator of each and every one of us. Your ways are
not our ways. Your thoughts are not our thoughts.
Give us perspective, as we seek to understand
ancient sacrifice and its significance in our modern
lives. Reveal to us the wisdom we need to embrace
and fully receive salvation. May our lives behold
the Lamb of God. Jesus, your defeat of death will
not be lost on us. We will daily take up our crosses
to follow you, until the day we see you face to
face. What a Saviour, you are the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world.
Let our hearts be full of gratitude for the
gravity of the cross. And, when we open
our soul to your presence, let your loving
kindness flow over us and keep into our
heart through your servant our guest
speaker. Lord we as your sustaining grace
to help us as we start this session of
reflection. In Christ Name. Amen.
Praise And Worship : Kannada Bhajan
Call to Worship
Call to Worship
Call to Worship
Call to Worship
Call to Worship
Call to Worship
Call to Worship

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