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SUBMITTED BY: Marty Hanna Veron A. Cabisuelas

Lesson 1: Clearing the Space: The Study of
 HUMUNUS is a Latin word that means "human.“ it
the Humanities denotes polished human being cultured and deserving
of respect man.
Different Concepts of HUMANITIES:  May refer to those branches of knowledge concerned
with man and his culture.
 Generally refers to the art, literature, music,
Human was first recorded in the mid 13th century, and architecture dance and theatre. (Zulueta 2006.)
owes its existence to the Middle French humain “of or  records of man’s experiences, his / her values,
belonging to man.” That word, in turn, comes from the sentiments, ideals and goals; humanities are ultimately
Latin humanus, thought to be a hybrid relative the experiences of the man’s feelings and thoughts.
of homo, meaning “man,” and humus, meaning (Zulueta, 2006).
“earth.” Thus, a human, unlike birds, planes, or even  the study of man’s nature, his/her cultures, the
divine spirits up above, is a man firmly rooted to the evolution of his her thinking and ideas, his/her
earth. aspirations and ideals, through an examination of his
works using a certain format of analysis (Ferraro, 2008)

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Different Concepts of HUMANITIES:  Humanities studies a variety of topics, the

disciplines of knowledge associated with Man's
cultural accomplishments

A cultural conversation that focuses on man/ultimate

woman's dignity or the greatest need for
development is for LGBT people, realizing his or her
utmost potential as a cultured individual who is well-
balanced person.

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What are the study that includes to Humanities? ➢ Humanities is designed to expose man to the
fullest and wisest exposure to his physical and
 The humanities study comprises Fine arts, history, social environments making him/her into a well-
literature, and language together with philosophy balanced and culturally sensitive person.

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Discuss in at least 5 sentences the importance of
studying the humanities vis-à-vis the degree
Here’s the Significance of HUMANITIES: program you are currently enrolled.

➢ important in the development of the complete The importance of studying the Humanities.
social being.
Democracy cannot thrive without the humanities.
➢ it helps us acquire the values and wisdom to
Through their languages, histories, and cultures, the
understand and appreciate the excellence of our humanities help us understand others. They promote
people. social justice and equality while also revealing how
➢ gives broad knowledge of our history and people have attempted to my moral, spiritual, and
cultured traditions. intellectual sense of the world. They teach us to think
➢ helps develop our sense of pride critically about our humanity and to ask probing
questions about our surroundings. They train citizens to
be informed and critical thinkers. It will be given the
opportunity to read and write critically, and it also
trained academic eyes critique and evaluate your work,
making you a better communicator.

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Lesson 2: Celebrating Life: On Arts Studies
What are Different Concepts of ART? Here we have 4
concepts of art! ➢Art is man’s way of expressing his/her ideas
and feelings through his/her creations in non-
➢The arts constitute one of the oldest and most geographic expression. (Ferraro, 2008)
important means of expressions developed by
➢ Art is made by man, no matter how close it is to
nature; although each work of art is evidently the
expression of an artist’s personal thoughts and
feelings, it may be inferred that, like any other
individual, he/she belongs to a nuclear, and he/she
can not free himself/herself from the influence of
his/her social, economic, political, cultural,
geographic , scientific, and technical environment
– these factors undoubtedly affect his/her creative
expressions. (Zulueta, 2006)

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We have 5 Classification of art
➢Ferraro contends that art could be:
1. Visual Arts and Space Arts
The visual arts are art forms that create works that are
1. A creation of man or any non-graphic expression primarily visual in nature
of man that appeals to man’s/woman’s taste or
sense of beauty; The use of employment of
things to answer some special need.
2. The special skill required but hose who practice
fine arts.
3. A way or means of communicating ideas
through sensors mediums.

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2. The Arts and the Auditory Arts 3. Major Arts.
The Arts and the Auditory Arts includes music in all its forms These are fields that have reached their golden years of
but not song, opera, and those arts that combine music with development, the highest peak of development, especially
literature. It is an forms of arts that require the use of time in the employment of high technology.
and duration such as reading, dancing, and singing.

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4. Creative Arts. 5. Performing Arts.

These require man’s/woman’s creation or intervention of The performing arts is a collective term for arts performed in
objects in two or three-dimensional mediums like painting, front of an audience. They primarily focus on dance, drama,
sculpture and architecture. music and theatre. This means there's often overlap with the
film and media industries. These require man’s/woman’s way of

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The Subject of Art: Perspective etc: Here are the examples of Representative Arts
and Non-representative Art

 The subject of art can refer to any person, REPRESENTATIVE ARTS

object, or event depicted in a piece of
Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Artist, Representative Art
 Some arts have subjects, while others do Literature, and Theatre Arts.
not; those with subjects are known as
representational or objective arts, while
those without subjects are known as non-
representational or non-objective arts.

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The Subject of Art: Perspective etc:
Non-Representative arts

Non representational art is art that is devoid of any reference ➢ Art operates in certain dimension or space. Artist consider
to the natural world. It has no subject, and meaning is only the following dimensions where his art piece can operate.
derived from the artist's intent and viewer's interpretation.
Representational art is a recognizable depiction of something
in the real world, but not limited to being completely realistic.
The example of non-representative art are Music and There are 4 Dimension:
Architecture Art

The Social Dimension (Value to Social

Interaction), Economic Dimensions,
Ideological Dimensions, and Psychological

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1. Social Dimension (Value to Social Interaction)
The relationship could be
objective (for common
good), manipulative (for
The social dimension of person-centred arts practices with propaganda purposes)
communities lies in the word 'community'. This is an arts functional (for advisory)
practice that is not focused on an individual's artistic career and personal for limited
or achievement. It is based within a community, and the arts goodness (to age group,
processes involved have been designed to respond to a social group, ethnic group,
particular community. This area of consideration is concerned etc.
with communicating a message focusing on the relationship
of man with his fellowmen and with some instructions in
2. Economic Dimensions
society. – the relationship could be between man and himself,
mand and his family; and man and his community. This is an issue of importance for both the artists, art
collections, and art collectors. It signifies that art is
his career for artists. He/she strives to increase the
quality of his/her work in order to pique the interest
of art collectors and aficionados. Art purchasers
assess the piece's potential resale worth as well as
the pride of owning it.

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2. Economic Dimensions

3. Ideological Dimensions

The study of ideas, systems of thought and systems

of belief. Images used to convey messages, and often
to obscure the truth (in art, in advertising, on the
news, etc). When artists express their feelings,
political or ideological commentaries through their

The example of Ideological dimension is the painting

of the spoliarium by Juan Luna

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4. Psychological Dimensions Here are the process of creation:

The psychological dimension of the making and 1. Idea.

messages of art work can provide opportunities
for release of emotions, expression and
definition of self. When the artist tries to Before an artist starts working on a piece of art. He or she
express the emotional condition or the state of should have a mental image or notion of something that
mind of the model or of the image or images, will be delivered from a subject gathered from a certain
through a certain style of presentation source.

The starry night by

Vincent van Gogh

The scream by Edvard munch

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2. Material 3. Organizational/Form.

It's also known as the media via which an The art of giving a concept form using the chosen
artist expresses his or her thoughts. This is material; the skill of planning how the composition
the things that the artist uses to produce a will be completed. It is the orderly piecing – up of
work of art. numerous portions of elements to make one organic
whole, and it is done wonderfully by following a pre-
planned pattern.


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Juan Luna Exhibits are goldery hopes treasured for the government
service insurance system collection Parisian life and Juan Luna Now here are the Lesson 3: Philosophy of Beauty:
innovation 1857-1899 that is exhibited on 1904 at the same exposition On Arts Appreciation
worlds fare and was barred military and where is part of GSIS in 2002
at kiristies in Hong Kong. Luna completed the painting in Paris before
returning to his native land. They're attempting to launch a On the Different Views of BEAUTY:
propaganda campaign in the Philippines. The gallery also displayed
several journal paintings by Fernando C. Amorsolo, the Philippines'
first national artist, who was known for capturing rural landscapes and
folk scenes with a distinct use of doomed light. Area 1 already Beau
astounds me as I watch it. I know it's only the beginning of the virtual
tour, but the paintings and journals pique my interest. It not only has ty
an aesthetic vibe, but it also amazes me with the details it has. When
you look closely at the paintings, you will notice that they have a lot of
meaning. I know there are many wonderful things in the museum, but
I chose Area 1 because, as a self-thought artist, I am easily drawn to
the arts, and while watching the video of the virtual tour, I realized
that the Philippines has a lot of things that need to be proud of. It
shows us how our country grew up and teaches us about its history. I
enjoy the virtual tour, but it’s more enjoyable if I experienced it in real
life. I know that if that time comes when people are allowed to travel
or go on school trips, students like me will learn more at the National
Museum of the Philippines

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On the Different Views of BEAUTY:
Beautiful things are things in order, things with precision,
Beau purpose and proportion; likewise; there are no mistakes in
beautiful things – everything is appropriate, interesting,
According to (Ang, 2018) Beauty is within one’s relevant and perfect. (Zulueta, 2006)
perspective, it is the perfection in terms of symmetry
and balance, when something is pleasurable and exudes
The different views on beauty is attributed to the many
Beauty is being confident with a heart.
(Wurtzbach, 2015) expectations of man, including those standards found
in his/her culture and those that must be fulfilled
within his culture; others are of the opinion that this is
divergence largely depends on the philosophy held by
man, which shapes their mental attitude affecting
his/her views of life. (Ferraro, 2008)

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On the Different Views of BEAUTY:
Neck rings, metal coils put around the neck to look like
they are extending it, are popular among women of the
Here in the Philippines, For women of the Kalinga, it was Kayan Lahwi tribe. When girls are about 5 years old, they
the complete opposite-tattoos were a sign of beauty and begin to wear rings. Their goal is to preserve cultural
the more tattoos that adorned your body translated to identity (one associated with beauty). Neck rings are still
how beautiful you were perceived. used by the Kayan people as a sign of ideal beauty: an
extended neck.


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On the Different Views of BEAUTY: On the Philosophy of the Beautiful:

The Bagobo tribe in Mindanao beautify themselves by

filing and blackening their teeth. Philosophy refers to the system aimed at giving man
or giving methods for carrying out his practical affairs
in life, especially those that are ethically acceptable in
his society. 


What is Pragmatism?
• Pragmatism is a philosophical movement that includes
Beauty also increases the love for natural and those who claim that an ideology or proposition is
artificial objectis and knowledge of our true if it works satisfactorily, that the meaning of a
proposition is to be found in the practical
cultural heritage. (Zulueta, 2006)
consequences of accepting it, and that unpractical
ideas are to be rejected. It is also a contemporary
doctrine that denotes the tendency of man to
subordinate his/her logical thinking to ends of
practical living.

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On the Philosophy of the Beautiful
 a theory that relates scientific method to philosophy by
Individual existence, freedom, and choice are central to affirming that all beings and events in the universe
existentialist philosophy. It is the belief that, despite (whatever their inherent character may be) are natural.
living in an illogical universe, humans establish their  It asserts that a thing or idea becomes good/beautiful
own purpose in life and attempt to make reasonable only if its truth is established by actual experience as
judgments. indeed good, and which conforms to the natural laws of
nature of the arts.
Realism – It has two Distinct meaning in philosophical
concept. First it is a theory that general ideas, the MAN’S VIEW OF BEAUTY
universal, have existence independent of the individual
and the individual’s mind. Second, It is a theory that Pragmatism
external objects have an existence independent of any
thought about them. A thing or idea is beautiful if it will satisfy a
person's practical needs in life.

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Second Theory
 This concept stresses that man as perfect being can
As a doctrine, it stresses man’s concrete existence, his/her reach perfection only if man will strive to always do or
personal freedom, and his/her consequent responsibilities five his best in everything he does.
for what he does, for his/her life to have meaning.   This concept emphasizes that a thing or idea will
Realism become beautiful only if it is the results of man’s best
efforts. If man gives his best efforts in everything he
There’s a two concept for man’s view of beauty in first theory and does, time will come that he will reach perfection.
another two for second theory of Realism
First Theory

 This theory suggests that things exist, occur, or It asserts that a thing or concept becomes good or
beautiful only when its reality is proved as actually
happen beyond man’s control, but their
excellent by actual experience and corresponds to
existence, occurrence, or happening has certain
the inherent principles of nature of the arts.
independent of man’s thinking or
 This meaningful basic purpose of existence or
happening, which is beyond man’s control, is
always good and therefore beautiful.

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Various Types of Beauty
Real Beauty
Ideal Beauty A type of beauty that conforms to man’s general
expectations or beliefs about an object, thing, or
A type of beauty found in items, scenes, or quality should be his own. society, personal culture.
people that conforms to man's definition of

Among all the data collected, Bella Hadid ranked highest Natural Beauty
with 94.35% of symmetry, making her the most beautiful
 Natural Beauty means real beauty which is in
woman in the world. While keeping in mind that beauty is
its original or inherent form. The natural
celebrated in all forms of imperfection, De Silva's list is
beauty did not need to be achieved by doing
taken in stride when considering cosmetic beauty's
or wearing something (performing plastic
societal standards.
surgery, wearing makeup, getting a certain
style). It can be simply applied to whatever in
nature including women, even when offend it
 A type of beauty as found in nature in its
original form.

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Various Types of Beauty

Artificial Beauty

Artificial beauty is achieved through altering one's

physical appearance. Plastic surgery is the more
frequent term for it. A physical anomaly is corrected by
plastic surgery. It is possible to improve a person's looks
as well as their capacity to perform. To simplify ,It
makes some changes in nature.

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