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1,000 people died in a fire at which

tower after Abimelech told his men

to each cut down a branch and carry
it on their shoulders?

A. Hananel
B. Lebanon
C. Penuel
D. Shechem
What did Jeremiah tie to a stone and throw in
the River Euphrates?

A. Scroll
B. Sandal
C. Crown
D. Turtledove
Who named a stone “Ebenezer?”

A. Samuel
B. Jacob
C. Abraham
D. Isaac
What was the man gathering on the Sabbath
for which he was stoned to death?

A. Barley
B. Straw
C. Wood
D. Grapes
What was the name of the valley where
Achan was covered with a pile of stones?

A. Achor
B. Hinnom
C. Achan
D. Shaveh
What type of stones couldn’t be taken as
security on a loan?

A. Cornerstones
B. Precious Stones
C. Tombstones
D. Millstones
What sort of stone could not be used for an

A. Stone shaped with tools

B. Blemished Stone
C. Sandstone
D. Stone from a burial site
Which prophet threw a stick into water to
make an axe float?

A. Joel
B. Elisha
C. Ezekiel
D. Samuel
Who was hit on the head with a millstone
thrown by a woman?

A. Ahaziah
B. Eli
C. Jehoram
D. Abimelech
What did Legion do with stones?

A. Cut himself
B. Built Altars
C. Collected them
D. Threw them at people
How many times did Paul say he was beaten
with a rod?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
In Zechariah’s Prophecy of the restoration of
Jerusalem why will people have staffs?

A. To shepherd sheep
B. To discipline the children
C. To lean on in old age
D. Sign of authority
Who crossed the Jordan alone with only his

A. Jacob
B. Abraham
C. Lot
D. John the baptist
What did Jonathan dip the end of his staff
into and eat?

A. Crushed figs
B. Honey
C. Oil
D. Stewed lamb
What was Jesus tempted to turn stones into
when he was in the wilderness?

A. Bread
B. Fish
C. Quail
D. Grapes
What animal did Balaam strike with a stick?

A. Ox
B. Sheep
C. Goat
D. Donkey
Whose name was written on the staff of Levi?

A. Moses
B. Eli
C. Aaron
D. Eleazer
Who was told to take large stones and bury
them underneath the pavement outside the
entrance to Pharaoh’s palace?

A. Aaron
B. Isaiah
C. Moses
D. Jeremiah
Different stones carried in an Israelite’s bag
must be the same what?

A. Color
B. Shape
C. Size
D. Weight
What was put on the end of stick and
presented to Jesus when he was on the cross?

A. Sponge
B. Fat of an ox
C. Hyssop
D. Rag
(Number who carried the
paralytic man and lowered him
through a roof) plus (baskets of
left overs after the feeding of
(Mark 2:3) + (Matt 14:20) = (4) + (12)

= 16
(Number of the beast / of man)
divided by (Number of spies
hidden by Rahab)
(Rev 13:18) / (Josh 2:4) = (666) / (2)
= 333
(Number of loaves at the feeding
of 4000) multiplied by (Number
of loaves at the feeding of 5000)
(Matt 15:34) x (Matt 14:17) = (7) x (5)
= 35
(Age at which Adam died) minus
(Age when Jesus started his
(Gen 5:5) – (Luke 3:23) = (930) – (30)
= 900
(Number of people ‘sealed’ in
Revelation) divided by (Length
of New Jerusalem in furlongs /
(Rev 7:4) / (Rev 21:16) = (144,000) /
= 12
(Number killed by tower of
Siloam falling on them) plus
(Number of lepers Jesus met on
the way to Galilee)
(Luke 13:4) + (Luke 17:12) = (18) + (10)
= 28
(Day of creation on which
God made whales) multiplied
by (Number of waterpots at
marriage in Cana)
(Gen 1:20-23) x (John 2:6) = (5) x (6)
(Number of cows in Pharaoh’s
dream) divided by (Seals in
(Gen 41:2-4) / (Rev 5:1) = (14) / (7)
(Churches in Revelation)
multiplied by (Stars that bowed
down to Joseph in a dream)
(Rev 1:4) x (Gen 37:9) = (7) x (11)
= 77
(Number of years Israel
wandered in the wilderness) plus
(Number of years that Israel
spent in Babylonian exile)
(Num 32:13; Ex 16:35) + (Jer 25; Dan 9:2;
Zec 7:5) = (40) + (70)
= 110
(Number of times Naaman dipped
himself in the River Jordan) minus
(Number of true Gods) all multiplied
by (Pieces of silver that Jesus was
betrayed for)
(2 Kings 5:14 – 1 Timothy 2:5) x (Matthew
26:15) = (7-1) x (30)
= 180
(Number of peoples saved from the
flood) multiplied by (Number of
others crucified with Christ)
(1 Peter 3:20) x (John 19:18) = (8) x (2)
= 16
(Age of David when he became
King of Israel) plus (Number of
years that David reigned)
(2 Samuel 5:4) + (2 Samuel 5:4) = (30) + (40)
(Number of Psalms) plus (Tribes of
Israel) all divided by (Number of
gifts brought to Jesus by the wise
(Psalms + Genesis 49:28) / (Matt 2:11) =
(150 + 12) / (3)
= 54
(Times that the priests walked
round Jericho) multiplied by
(plagues upon Egypt)
(Joshua 6:11-15) x (Exodus 7-12) = (13) x
= 130
(Sons of Jacob) multiplied
by (Number of Jesus’
(Genesis 35:12) x (Matthew 10:2) = (12) x
= 144

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