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First or Second Action?

1. a) His car broke down.
b) He took the bus.

e.g. Because his car had broken down, he

took the bus. (1st)
First or Second Action?
2. a) My legs ached.
b) I played tennis.
 My legs ached because I had played tennis.

3. a) Mary couldn’t sleep.

b) She drank several cups of strong coffee.
 Mary couldn’t sleep because she had drunk
several cups of strong coffee.
First or Second Action?
4. a) We were really hungry.
b) We didn’t eat all day.
 Because we hadn’t eaten all day, we were
really hungry.
 We were really hungry because we hadn’t
eaten all day.
had/hadn’t + V3

Past Perfect Tense shows that

something happened before a specific
.time in the past

As soon as Past Perfect/Simple Past , Simple Past



• After I (had) watched the film, I went to bed.
• As soon as I (had) played the match, I went home.
• After he saw/had seen his friend, he went to school.
• Until he (had) listened to the offer carefully, he didn’t
accept it.
as soon as

Simple Past until Simple Past/Past Perfect

• He got high marks after he (had) studied hard.
• She cooked the food as soon as she (had)
bought the ingredients.
•I didn’t make a plan until I (had) discussed it with
my friends.
By the time
Before* Simple Past, Past Perfect

by the time
Past Perfect before* Simple Past
•Before Mandy cooked the food, she *(had)
bought her needs.
•Amy had prepared the dinner by the time/when
her guests arrived.
Further Examples:
 When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had
already gone home.
 When we got home last night, we found out
that somebody had broken into the flat.
 One of the passengers on the plane was very
nervous. He hadn’t flown before. / He had
never flown before.
 Ann had just got home when I phoned.

Present Perfect Past Perfect

 Who is that man? I didn’t know him. I had
I have never seen him before. seen him before.

 We aren’t hungry. We have We weren’t hungry. We had

just had lunch. just had lunch.

 The house is dirty. They haven’t The house was dirty. They
cleaned it for weeks. hadn’t cleaned it for weeks.
Compare the following sentences. What are the

1. When we arrived, they had eaten dinner.

2. When we arrived, they ate dinner.

3. When we arrived, they were eating dinner.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answers.
1- When I arrived at the station, the train …….. , so I couldn’t
catch it.
a) left b) is leaving c) had left d) will leave

2- She was getting dressed while her friend .......... the dishes.
a) is washing b) was washing c) had washed d) washing

3- I telephoned my friend to tell him the good news........... I

had learned the exam results.
a) before b) after c) until d) while
4- I missed the beginning of the match. When I arrived at
the stadium, it........ .
a) started c) was starting
b) had started d) would start

5- When I arrived at the party, Mona................ We only

shook hands and said goodbye.
a) was leaving c) leaves
b) has left d) had left

6- When we got home, my mother........... my clothes.

They were ready for the trip.
a) washed c) was washing
b) washing d) has washed
7- He went to bed ........... he had arrived home.
a) before b) as soon as c) till d) by the time

8- As soon as I heard the news, I ........... Ali about it.

a) told b) was telling c) had told d) would tell

9- The police ........ the road after an accident happened

in the city center.
a) closed b) had closed c) have closed d) would

10- He had stamped the letter before he.......... it.

a) posted b) had posted c) posting d) posts
11- He............. back home until the bell rang.
a) didn't go b) hasn't gone c) won't go d) hadn't

12- I bought a car as soon as I............. how to drive.

a) was learning c) had learnt
b) have learnt d) will learn

13-My parents went to the cinema, but I stayed at

home ............ I had seen that film before.
a) after b)because c) before d) by the time

14- When the police arrived, the thief............. They couldn't

arrest him.
a) will escape c) has escaped
b) had escaped d) is escaping
15- He .......... the trees as soon as he had planted them.
a) waters c) has watered
b) had watered d) watered

16- When I got home last night, I saw that somebody

…….. into the flat.
a) breaks b) broke c) had broken d) is breaking

17- I had finished my work before I …….. the office.

a) left b) was leaving c) had left d) leave

19- I …….. know the truth until I had met him.

a) won’t b) didn’t c) don’t d) can’t
Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences.

1- First he played football. Then he had a shower. (after)

2- I met him, then I learned about everything. (as soon as)

3- I went out for a walk, but first I did my homework.

4- After he made a plan, he discussed the issue with his
friends. (until)

5- He saw the barking pitbull dog. He ran away. (when)

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