Unit 3.a - Illnesses Related To The Respiratory System - A. Classroom

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Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)

 Objectives

 1. Vocabulary
 1.1 Key words and word search
 1.2 Key words and crossword
 1.3 Useful expressions

 2. Illnesses related to the respiratory system (causes and symptoms)

 2.1 Flu
 2.2 Common cold
 2.3 Asthma
 2.4 Bronchitis

 3. Preventive and curative measures

 4. Activities

 5. Video: how flu virsuses attack

 5.1. Listening and task (answer the questions)
 5.2 Speaking (task in groups)

 6. Websites of interest

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)


 To understand the key words.

 To recognize illnesses related to the
respiratory system depending on the
symptoms and causes.
 To get know the treatment for each illness
 To aware of the importance prevention.
 To improve English skills (writing, reading,
listening and speaking) through learning of
biology related topics.
Illenesses related to the
respiratory system: contents
 Objectives

 1. Vocabulary
 1.1 Key words and word search
 1.2 Key words and crossword
 1.3 Useful expressions

 2. Illnesses related to the respiratory system (causes and symptoms)

 2.1 Flu
 2.2 Common cold
 2.3 Asthma
 2.4 Bronchitis

 3. Preventive and curative measures

 4. Activities

 5. Video: how flu virsuses attack

 5.1. Listening and task (answer the questions)
 5.2 Speaking (task in groups)

 6. Websites of interest

Biology and Geoloogy 3rd ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)
1. Vocabulary
1.1 Key words (word search)

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)

2.1 Match the words from the word search to their definitions

k) 1. Tiredness a) pain in the back

L) 2. Healthy b) the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration
C) 3. Breathless c) loss of breath
D) 4. Breathlessness d) inability to breath
E) 5. Headache e) a pain located in the head
J) 6. Tired f) freedom of disease or ailment
F) 7. Health g) not in a state of good or normal health
H) 8. Pain h) physical suffering or distress
G) 9. Unhealthy i) causing or characterized by pain
I) 10. Painful j) exhusted
B) 11. Breath k) Faigue
A) 12. Backache l) Possesing or enjoying good health

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)

1.2 Key words and crossword

 1. Rise in the body temperature

 2. Preventive inoculation to
confer immunity
 3. A disease which affects a
community like a city , a country,
a region or a continent
 4. Allergic disorder of respiration
 5. Unhealthy condition
 6. Not in a state of good or
normal health
 7. Viral infectious disease of the
upper respiratory system
 8. Chemical substance used to
destroy bacteria or inhibit their
 9. Chronic inflammation of the
bronchial tubes
 10. Disease which affects a very
large territory like one or more

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)

1.3 Useful expressions
1. Common cold is origined by a virus
2. She suffers from asthma
3. Bronchitis can be cured by antibiotics
4. Flu can be prevented by using a vaccine
5. Flu has a lot of symptoms such as fever,
sneezing or tiredness
6. A pandemic is related to an illness which
spreads is around the world
7. Be careful, if not, you can catch a cold.
8. Explain the differences between a virus and
a bacterium/explain the differences among
bacteria, viruses and protozoa
Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)
2. Illnesses related to the respiratory system
2.1 Flu

Influenza virus Symptoms

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)
2. Illnesses related to the respiratory system
2.2 Common cold

Common cold virus Symptoms

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)
2. Illnesses related to the respiratory system
2.3. Asthma

Triggers of asthma and symptoms

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)

2. Illnesses related to the respiratory system
2.4. Bronchitis

Causes of bronchitis:
 Cold or common cold
 A bacterium
 Smoking

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)

2. Illnesses related to the respiratory system
2.4. Bronchitis

 Muscle aches
 Nasal congestion
 Sore throat
 Cough may be dry or may produce
 Breathlessness
 Wheezing with breathing
Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)
3. Preventive and curative
Flu Flu Vaccine/Vaccine- An Your doctor may recommend over-
influenza vaccine contains the-counter medications, such as
three influenza viruses. Be acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or
sure to wash your hands ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB,
regularly with soap and others).Use these medications
warm water. according to label directions or
Clean surfaces. doctor's recommendations. Be
careful and avoid taking them in
excessive amounts.

Asthma Identify and avoid triggers: Asthma can be controlled with

triggers can be exercise, medicines. Medications vary
certain foods, pollen depending on the severity of
Follow prescribed symptoms. Medicines are
administered using inhalers or
Learn how to use inhalers
properly, including
nebulizers. Medication through
cleaning inhalers tablets helps control the
4.3.Explain the main differences
a) a pandemic and an a)A pandemic affects a large territory like continents
epidemic b) A common cold rarely has symptoms of fever. With flu
symptoms, you will probably have a fever initially with the
flu virus and you will feel miserable.
b) flu and common cold
c) Vaccines are of different types-live and attenuated,
inactivated subunit, toxoid, conjugate, DNA, and antibiotics
are compounds that are effective in treating
infections caused by organisms such as bacteria

c) vaccines and d) Preventives measures avoids the appearance of a

antibiotics diseas. And curative measure treats it once it has

d) a preventive and a
curative measure

Biology and Geoloogy 3º ESO La Anunciata-León (Teacher: Soraya Mazón Suárez)

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