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Group 1 reporting

Preliminary Concept
Angeline Dela Cruz
Althea Sayritan
Fulgar. Shekainah Alyn O.
Orimdo, Jhoana Rose
Abiad, Mark
Libarios, Laiza
Bacolod, Jhoana
Preliminary Concept

❑ Discuss background and the development

of statistics.
❑ Differentiate the two types of variables
❑ State and Analyze the properties of
❑ Gottfried Achenwall (20
October 1719 – 1 May 1772)
was a German philosopher,
historian, economist, jurist and
statistician. He is counted
among the inventors of
✔ The word statistics comes from the Latin word “Status” or Italian word “Statistia” or
German word “Statistik” or the French word “Statistique”.

✔ According to pioneer statistician Yule, the word statistics occurred at the earliest in the
book “The element of universal erudition” by Baron (1770). In 1787 a wider definition
used by E.A.W. Zimmermann in “A Political survey of the present state of Europe”. It
appeared in the encyclopedia of Britannica in 1797 and was used by Sir John Sinclair
in Britain in a series of volumes published between 1791 and 1799 giving a statistical
account of Scotland. In the 19th century, the word statistics acquired a wider meaning
covering numerical data of almost any subject whatever and also interpretation of data
through appropriate analysis.
Origin and Growth of Statistics
▪ The origin of statistics can be traced back to the primitive man, who put notches on trees
to keep an account of his belongings. During 5000 BCE, kings used to carry out census
of populations and resources of the state. Kings of olden days made their crucial
decisions on wars, based on statistics of infantry, and elephantary units of their own and
that of their enemies. Later it enhanced its scope in their kingdoms’ tax management and
administrative domains.

▪ In olden days statistics was used for political- war purpose. Later, it was extended to
taxation purposes. Akbar`s finance minister Raja Thodarmall collected information
regarding agricultural land holdings. During the seventeenth century, statistics entered in
vital statistics, which is the basis for the modern day Actuarial Science. Gauss introduced
the theory of errors in physical sciences at the end of eighteenth century.
Origin and Growth of Statistics
▪ Though the importance of statistics was strongly felt, its tremendous growth was in
the twentieth century. During this period, lot of new theories, applications in various
disciplines were introduced.

▪ In early 1900s, statistics and statisticians were not given much importance but over
the years due to advancement of technology it had its wider scope and gained
attention in all fields of science and management. We also tend to think statistician
as a small profession but a steady growth in the last century is impressive. It is
pertinent to note that the continued growth of statistics is closely associated with
information technology.

‘Statistics is the science of counting’

‘Statistics is the science which deals with
the collection, presentation, analysis and
interpretation of numerical data’
“Statistics is a body of methods for
making decisions in the face of

“Statistics is a method of decision making in

the face of uncertainty on the basis of
numerical data and calculated risk.”
Characteristics of Statistics
Some of the most important characteristics of statistics are as follows:

• It consists of aggregates of facts: In the plural sense, statistics refers to

data, but data to be called statistics must consist of aggregate of certain


• It is effected by many causes: It is not easy to study the effects of one factor only
by ignoring the effects of other factors. Here we have to go for the effects of all the
factors on the phenomenon separately as well as collectively, because effects of
the factors can change with change of place, time or situation.
• It should be numerically expressed: A data to be called statistics should
be numerically expressed so that counting or measurement of data can be
made possible.

• It should be collected in a systematic manner: The data collected in a

haphazard manner will lead to difficulties in the process of analysis, and
wrong conclusions.
• It should be collected for a predetermined purpose: Before we start the collection of data,
we must be clear with the purpose for which we are collecting the data. If we have no
information about its purpose, we may not be collecting data according to the needs.
• It should be capable of being placed in relation to
each other: It is last but not less important of the
characteristics of the statistics. The collection of data
is generally done with the motive to compare. If the
figures collected are not comparable, in that case,
they lose a large part of their significance.
Functions of Statistics

● The functions of statistics can be elegantly expressed as 7 -

C’s as :
Collection: The basic ingredient of statistics is data. It should be
carefully and scientifically collected
Classification: The collected data is grouped based on similarities so
that large and complex data are in understandable form.


Condensation: The data is summarized, precisely without
losing information to do further statistical analysis.
Comparison: It helps to identify the best one and checking
for the homogeneity of groups,
Correlation: It enables to find the relationship among the
Causation: To evaluate the impact of independent variables
on the dependent variables.
Chance: Statistics helps make correct decisions under
Differentiate the Two Types of


Is a characteristic that can be measured and that
can be assume different values.
Ex. Height, age, income, grades obtained etc.

Variables may be classified into two main categories:

Categorical and Numeric Variable
Categorical Variables
A categorical variable (also called as qualitative
variable) refer to a characteristic that cannot
be quantifiable.

Categorical variables can be nominal or ordinal.

Nominal Variables
A nominal variable is one that describes a name,
label, or category without natural order.
Ordinal Variables
An ordinal variable is a variable whose values
are defined by an order relation between the
different categories.

What is Numerical Data

› Numerical data is a data type expressed in numbers, rather

than natural language description. Sometimes called
quantitative data, numerical data is always collected in
number form. Numerical data differentiates itself from other
number form data types with its ability to carry out
arithmetic operations with these numbers.
What are the Types of Numerical Data?

› Numerical data can take 2 different forms, namely; discrete

data, which represents countable items and continuous
data, which represents data measurement. The continuous
type of numerical data is further sub-divided into interval
and ratio data, which is known to be used for measuring
Discrete Data

› Discrete Data represents countable items and can take

both numerical and categorical forms, depending on usage.
It takes on values that can be grouped into a list, where the
list may either be finite or infinite.  Whether finite or infinite,
discrete data take on counting numbers like 1 to 10 or 1 to
infinity, with these groups of numbers being countably finite
and countably infinite respectively.
Continuous Data

› This is a type of numerical data which represents

measurements—their values are described as intervals on
a real number line, rather than take counting numbers.
2 TYPES OF Continuous Data
› Interval Data
› This is a data type measured along a scale, in which each
point is placed at an equal distance from one another.
Interval data takes numerical values that can only take the
addition and subtraction operations. 
› Ratio Data
› Ratio data is a continuous data type similar to interval data
but has a zero point. In other words, ratio data is interval
data with zero points.
State and Analyze the
properties of summation
What is Summation?

▪ Sigma notation is also known as summation notation and

is a way to represent a sum of numbers. It is especially
useful when the numbers have a specific pattern or
would take too long to write out without abbreviation.
The symbol  Σ (sigma) is generally used to denote a
sum of multiple terms. This symbol is generally
accompanied by an index that varies to encompass all
terms that must be considered in the sum.
Upper limit

Summation symbol nth-term formula

Inde Lower
x limit
Properties of Summation
The summation of a constant taken from 1 to n is equal to n multiplied by a

Properties of Summation
The summation of a constant multiplied by a variable is equal to a constant
multiplied by the summation of a variable.

= c    


Properties of Summation
The summation of an expression which has 2 or more qauntities is equal to the
sum of their summation.

    = -


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