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❏ Destinations- the final step of a
journey or the goal of the traveler.

❏ Destination marketing- the process of

developing,promoting,and distributing
location to satisfy the travelers.

- Destination marketing is a marketing strategy used in the travel
industry to focus on promoting a location and its benefits instead of the
product or service that a company offers.“Destination marketing is a type
of marketing that promotes a destination (town, city, region, country)
with a purpose to increase the number of visitors.”(Promodo,2016).

- The purpose of destination marketing is to raise customers’ awareness

of a particular location, either to get them to start thinking about
visiting. A brand’s offering is implied by subtle references and calls to
action, with the hope that potential customers will choose to book a
holiday to that destination through that brand’s website.

- Over the last few years, destination marketing has expanded from early
promotional efforts to provide a more comprehensive range of products and
services for both consumers and businesses. As part of the marketing
services provided by destination Marketing, it is important to market the
destination’s brand, identity, and image.
There are example some of entertainment in destination
marketing like:

Sports,Recreation,and Entertainment

● Ski resorts
● Golf
● Hunting fishing
● Dude Ranch
● Concerts
Therefore, in order to understand the design process better, there are four
integrated stages that occur simultaneously - Research, Planning,Implementation,and

· Research

- A destination's research can assist it in determining its strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. This is done by identifying target markets and how to
reach them. It is part of a continuous marketing process that happens before,
during, and after other destinations' marketing activities.

· Planning

- Planning translates research findings into actions designed to achieve specific

goals. Planning involves:
· Developing an overall destination marketing (DM) strategy.

· Identifying and prioritizing target markets.

· Developing appropriate messages for each target market.

· Developing strategies and action plans.

· Selecting marketing tactics.

· Implementing
- The DM plan is fulfilled when activities are implemented. The
implementation of an integrated marketing campaign includes
various tactics, such as advertising, direct marketing, online
marketing, social media, and public relations, among others.

· Monitoring
- In order to make sure that marketing strategies for destination
destinations are meeting their objectives, monitoring must be
conducted. The process of monitoring allows us to identify what
is working well and what needs to be changed, as well as what
improvements can be made to our processes.

❏ Globalization and tourism are very dependent on

each other. Today, thanks to globalization,
people from across the world can easily exchange
ideas and values whether they are political,
environmental, technological, cultural, or
economic settings. Consequently, this exchange
has enabled the circulation of massive knowledge
amongst the people of the world. People now
understand each other better regardless of
language, religion, or cultural differences and
this has boosted tourism in a huge way.
❏ In the realization of how powerful globalization is,
nearly all countries on the planet are working hard to
open up their borders for international investors. This
has even forced neighboring countries to form trade blocs
in order to enhance the free flow of goods and ideas
within the region. The social media, on the other hand,
has made it easy for aspiring travelers and business
people to acquire information about different destinations
and markets, consequently aiding the growth of
globalization and the tourism industries. What’s more,
affordable accommodation options such as vacation rentals
have greatly increased across the world in order to
accommodate the growing number of international visitors.
An Example of How Globalization Has Affected Tourism

❏ Years back, East Asia was a sleeping economic giant. This has since
changed due to globalization. Economies such as China, Japan, and India
have grown tremendously in the recent past. These countries boast of a
huge working population, particularly in the tech industry. In fact,
companies in the traditional economic powerhouses are now outsourcing
cheap labor to Asia and some parts of Africa. This has led to a continuous
flow of money between citizens of different continents. The growth of ICT
in East Asia, on the other hand, has made it easier and cheaper to do
business in the region.
❏ According to research, demographic shifts due to globalization greatly
affect tourism as an industry. The higher the employment rate and average
income index a country have, the higher the number of travelers it
produces. Today, different tourists attraction sites across the world are
seeing more Chinese, Japanese, and other Asian tourists more than ever
4 Other Ways that Globalization Has Affected the Tourism Industry

Positive effects
1. Increased global mobility

-Globalization has made it easier to travel the world. There are cheaper
flights, interpreting companies are opening offices everywhere, there are
international credit card companies across the world, and changing currencies
is easier and more convenient than during any other time in history. This has
aided tourism in a big way.

2. Free flow of information

-Globalization has made it easy for travel enthusiasts to discover hidden

travel destinations and to learn about different cultures before making their
traveling decisions. There are more senior citizens in the developed countries
today and due to the increased circulation of information, this non-working
population is making more international trips than ever before.
Negative effects
1. Terrorism

-Increased globalization comes with some negatives too. Terror

groups such as Boko Haram, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda are able to send their
terror messages easily and faster thanks to social media. Deaths
resulting from terrorism are also on the rise because globalization has
made it easier for weapons and criminals to move freely between
different countries. This hurts tourism in a big way.

2. Culture erosion

-The richness of a given culture determines whether or not visitors

will be attracted to it. But with globalization sweeping across
continents, many people are losing their cultures and adapting to
foreign traditions. This is killing the tourism sector.

►Tourism is vital for the success of many economies
around the world. There are several benefits of tourism
on host destinations. Tourism boosts the revenue of the
economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the
infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural
exchange between foreigners and citizens.
►The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is
significant. These jobs are not only a part of the tourism sector
but may also include the agricultural sector, communication
sector, health sector, and the educational sector. Many tourists
travel to experience the hosting destination’s culture, different
traditions, and gastronomy. This is very profitable to local
restaurants, shopping centers, and stores. Melbourne, Australia’s
population is greatly affected by tourism. It has a population of
around 4 million people and around 22,000 citizens are
employed by the tourism sector only.
►Governments that rely on tourism for a big percentage of their
revenue invest a lot in the infrastructure of the country. They
want more and more tourists to visit their country which means
that safe and advanced facilities are necessary. This leads to new
roads and highways, developed parks, improved public spaces,
new airports, and possibly better schools and hospitals. Safe and
innovative infrastructures allow for a smooth flow of goods and
services. Moreover, local people experience an opportunity for
economic and educational growth.
► Tourism creates a cultural exchange between tourists and local citizens.
Exhibitions, conferences, and events usually attract foreigners. Organizing
authorities usually gain profits from registration fees, gift sales, exhibition
spaces, and sales of media copyright. Furthermore, foreign tourists bring
diversity and cultural enrichment to the hosting country.

► Tourism is a great opportunity for foreigners to learn about a new culture, but it
also creates many opportunities for local citizens. It allows young entrepreneurs
to establish new products and services that would not be sustainable on the
local population of residents alone. Moreover, residents experience the benefits
that come with tourism occurring in their own country.

Escriba, John Xavier M.
Group 8
Brand image is
everything when it comes
to tourism.
Aggressive marketing involves any
immediate and forceful technique that
prospects find hard to ignore. The aim
is to persuade prospects to
immediately click to find out more.
• Immediate 
• Stands out in a competitive marketplace 


• Prospects don’t like it 
• Effectively advertises your competitor, as prospects turn to them instead 
• Google dislikes it and won’t bump your website in rankings 
• May breach regulations 
• Shock tactics are outdated 


⮚A tourism marketing strategy is a

structured document that outlines your
current position in the marketplace,
what you hope to achieve going
forward, and how you’re going to
make that happen.
⮚ Run a SWOT analysis
• A SWOT analysis is a fun exercise that identifies your company’s
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

⮚ Identify your value proposition

•After doing your SWOT Analysis, you should have a general idea of
your value proposition which is a simple statement that answers why
someone should book with you instead of your competitors.
⮚ Create a guest persona
•If you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll wind up appealing to no one.
That’s probably one of the biggest tourism branding mistakes.

⮚ Create a competitor profile

•The travel industry is tight-knit, so much so that you can even turn
your competitors into partners.

⮚ Develop a tourism marketing mix

•A tourism marketing mix is a combination of factors you can control
to influence a guest’s decision to book with you.
⮚ Factor in budget and resources
• Everyone wishes they could have marketing clout like the big-
name online travel agencies.

⮚ Pinpoint goals, metrics, and activities

• Now that you know all that you know, give yourself something to
work towards by determining what you want to achieve this year and
how you’re going to make it happen.

⮚ Plan your marketing roadmap

• After you’ve assigned an activity per goal, break each one down
into smaller, manageable tasks to complete from quarter to quarter.

⮚In tourism terms, investments typically

focus on micro- and small enterprises
and infrastructure-related projects
(sanitation, health, transportation,
electrification) that serve both local
residents and visitors.

⮚Central City is best known for its history and

gaming, to not mention its breathtaking mountain
setting and the recreation opportunities that come
with it would be a disservice.

⮚Black Hawk is the largest gambling city in

Colorado. 18 casinos operate here, some 24 hours
a day, seven days a week.

Marketing Segmentation in the Travel and Tourism Industry

⮚Considering the travel market is far too

large and diverse to reach effectively in
one fell swoop, tourism marketers use
segmentation to better understand
customer needs and allocate marketing
dollars effectively.
⮚Effective segmentation is based on extensive
quantitative research focusing on large numbers of
people and grouping them together based on
shared characteristics such as demographics,
behavioral patterns, or cognition ratings. Once
identified, these groups are referred to as particular
segments and can be targeted by particular
product offerings, services, and tailored marketing
Seize the (Micro) Moment
⮚ Marketing segmentation requires you to think critically
about your target audience and how they move through
the customer journey. Often, tourism and travel market
segments are created by one, or a combination, of the
•Age / life stage (e.g., millennial, retiree)
•Socioeconomic status
•Type of travel (e.g., business, leisure, extended stay)
What is tourism market segmentation?

⮚Tourism market segmentation is the tactical

instrument for getting a clear picture of the
heterogeneity and commonalities among
potential tourist groups. Tourism industry
customers have different backgrounds,
preferences, aspirations, habits, and of course
price sensitivities; even the media they are
exposed to varies.
⮚ Tourism and marketing professionals thusly must practice
market segmentation strategies to understand the
opportunities for competitive advantage in the marketplace
by bringing together consumer groups according to sets of
common features.

⮚ The travel services provider must have a clear

understanding of their actual and potential consumers as
well as what motives and incentives will determine their
willingness to buy the tourism products on offer.
4 kinds of market segmentation:
1.The family market

- Babies: The baby's safety and comfort is the primary

concern avoid countries with poor hygiene
- Infant (2-5yrs old.): A short journey to the destination
because the child may get bored on a long journey.
- Early school age children (5-12yrs old): May be content with
the simple pleasure of playing areas and swimming pools.
- Teenagers (13-18yrs old): usefully want to be independent
and enjoy more adult activities.
2.The backpacker market

- independent rather than package travel

- a desire to quit expenditure to a minimum
- a tendency to try to get off the beaten turist
- a trip might extend beyond the usual duration of
the two of a normal holiday
3.Snowbird market

- where in the USA 'snowbirds' travel from the northern states

such as Pennsylvania and New York to the southern states such
as Tennessee and Arkansas
- it is pain it is based on the summer sand holiday
- same goes to the European too.

4.Religious tourist

- religious tourism is one of the most oldest form of tourism

- driven by a sense of duty and obligation (rather than for
There are three kinds of degree of disability which are:

⮚ Those that have mobility ⮚ Sight difficulties

⮚ Hearing difficulties
Short break market
⮚An additional holiday rather than a substitute for the
main annual holiday.

•Health form or spa breaks
•Special interest and activity breaks
•Special event
•Relaxing breaks in country house hotels

Communicating with the Tourist Market

• Image Making
• Developing packages of attractions and amenities
• National Tourist Organizations (NTAS)
• Outside the United States, this agency is often run
by the central government, state, or province,
together with local government officials.
Importance of Image promotion

⮚ Every communication related to a destination helps the

potential tourist form and image.
⮚ Negative images can also have a profound effect on
⮚ Countries spend millions of dollars to create positive
⮚ Form an attractive image of destination.
⮚ Develop packages of attractions and amenities
-attractions alone do not attract visitors
Organizing and Managing Tourism Marketing

• A destination marketing organization is similar to a

destination management organization and the two
terms are sometimes used interchangeably.
However, in the case of a destination marketing
organization, the focus is on promoting a
destination, in order to make it more attractive to
tourists, businesses and other potential travelers.
• A DMO may use a wide range of marketing
techniques, including display advertising, content
marketing, social media promotion, offline
advertising and experiential marketing. There are
many different types of destination, so destination
marketing efforts may consist of country marketing,
city marketing, or marketing a specific geographical
4 Steps to Execute Destination Management
1.) For a destination management organization actually looking to
execute a management plan, it is best to break the strategy down into
four main steps, which can broadly be described as: place, people,
product and process.

2.) When thinking about place, it is important to clearly define the

destination and understand why managing it holistically is beneficial.
Meanwhile, in terms of people, you need to be clear on who is most
likely to visit the destination and what their main motivations are. You
should also know who your key destination management partners are.
3.) The product refers to what your destination actually has to
offer travelers and businesses looking to move into the area. A
destination management organization will typically consider
aspects like the overall travel experience, as well as specifics
like accommodation options, attractions and local facilities.

4.) Finally, the process stage involves determining precisely

what actions need to be taken, in order to achieve the best
possible results. This will mean taking the right steps to
ensure the travel experience matches customer expectations.
Destination Marketing Strategies

• Destination marketing forms a key part of wider DMO

responsibilities, helping to make a destination stand
out from alternatives and hold a unique appeal for
potential travellers. However, marketing a destination
is a complex process, which can involve a number of
different strategies being used, often simultaneously.


⮚ Countries and states usually have government or quasi-

government agencies that market destination tourism. On
the national level these are referred to as national level
these are referred to as national tourism organization
(NTOs).an NTO has two marketing task (1) The NTO can
formulate and develop the tourist product or products of the
destination and (2) it can promote them in appropriate
market it can base is approach to development and
promotion on market research and thus achieve a close
match between the product and the markets.
The NTO is responsible for the following functions:
⮚ Flow of Research data – the NTO coordinates tourism research
for the area information on origin of visitors length of stay, type of
accommodation used and expenditures on different tourism
products are collected and disseminated to members of the

⮚ Representation of markets – The NTO often has offices of in

major market these promote the country within the market. The
promotion comes in the form of advertising with response
mechanisms, such as advertisements in travel magazines
featuring a toll-free number to call for additional information.
⮚ Organization of workshops and trade shows- the NTO facilitates
the interaction of tourism with members of the distribution channels
such as travel agents and whole sales.

⮚ Familiarization trips- the NTO familiarization trips for key

members of the distribution channel and travel writers.

⮚ Participation in joint marketing schemes- some NTOs provide

cooperative advertising support to help members to promote to
selected markets. The British tourist authority for example helps to
support British tourist authority.
⮚ Support for new or small business – NTOs may provide support
for new products and small businesses that are important to the
overall tourism of the area for example rural tourism, regional
festivals and bed and breakfast accommodations are often promoted
by NTOs.

⮚ Consumer assistance and protection- NTOs assist the consumer

by providing the product information for examples, in some countries
there are classification schemes for lodging.

⮚ General education- NTOs conduct conferences and courses to

educate travel industry provides from their nation to understand the
needs of foreign markets.

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