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Information, Education,


Part -2

Dr Syeda Farzana
Communication with Groups
Kinds of HP Group

• For awareness raising

• For mutual support
• For social action
• For education
Communication with Groups
Group Leadership

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a
group of individuals to influence and guide
followers or other members of an organization.
Communication with Groups
Successful group leadership depends upon:

• The leader’s preferred style of operating and

• The group members’ preferred style of leadership
• The group’s objectives and tasks
• The whole environment
Communication with Groups
Working with Groups

Group Development: Group development cycle goes

through four phases

1 Forming: members meet each other, individual establish his/her

identity and role. Group purpose and ways of working is established
2 Storming: most groups go through a conflict stage. Members start
questioning various issues . This can be a difficult period for both leader
and members. Successful handling of this stage lead to
communication ,trust and shared purpose
3 Norming: group settles down
4 Performing: fully effective, get on the tasks ahead
Communication with Groups
Working with Groups
Setting up a group: you need a clear statement
of the followings

• Why are you proposing the group?

• Who will the members be?
• Where and when will the group be held?
• What resources do you need?
• How will the group be run?
• How will the group be evaluated?
Communication with Groups:
Working with Groups

Getting Groups Going: people naturally feel nervous

about going to a group for the first time

On arrival: it helps if you greet personally and introduce to other

people. Giving people something to do also helps-”make yourself a cup
of tea”
Getting to know each other: Introduction in pairs, Name games ,
name cards, sharing initial feeling-what do you feel today coming here?
Setting ground rules: how expected to behave, how to leave, when
will be the break, role of Chair, taking new members
Communication with Groups:
Working with Groups

Dealing With Difficult Situations

• Silence: can be useful, not as threatening to group members as it may to you. Prepare
in advance: keep spare questions, spare activities to use.

• Disasters: too few or too many people: I am delighted to have so many or next time
we will try our best to bring more: share your feeling openly with group members

• Distractions: noise outside/ from the group, interruptions, coming late, side talks:
acknowledge; do not ignore: outside: we just have to put up. Inside: please help, lets
share, etc

• Difficult Behavior: non-participation, talking too much: trigger materials, underlying

causes: Finally confront
Thank You

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