Post OP STROK Management ASMA Alshehri

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Nursing Management Post Thrombectomy

prepare and Presented by: Asma Alshehri D2

Out line

• Introduction
• nursing management post thrombectomy
• Postoperative complications
• Teaching/Discharge Planning
• Prevention
• Reference

Nursing Management Post Thrombectomy
postoperative care of thrombectomy

Primary Assessment
1. Oxygenation/Ventilation
(Assess respirations and oxygen saturation)

2. Circulation/Perfusion
(Monitoring the patient’s vital signs
( Puls , BP , temperature [36° to 37°C])

3. Assess neurological status GCS

B . Secondary Assessment
1. includes a comprehensive neurologic examination (NIHSS Assessment Tool)
2. Allergy

3. Pain Management

4. assess Mobility/ Safety /Skin Integrity

5. Nutrition status
6. Psychosocial status (Anxiety, Depression )
7. Teaching / Discharge Planning
8. rehabilitation (physiotherapy –occupational – speech therapies )

Assessment of Postoperative complications

 Respiratory : ( Hypoxemia, aspiration, and laryngospasm )

 Cardiac: ( Hypotension, hypertension, and dysrhythmias )

 Neurologic: (Seizures, delirium or aggression )

 Thermoregulatory: ( Hypothermia or hyperthermia )

 Gastrointestinal: ( Nausea and/or vomiting )

 Additional complications:( bleeding ,Pain, surgical site complications, fluid management, and patient safety,

DVT ) 6
Wound Care
 Positioning of patient by elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees

 Maintain head and neck alignment

 avoid rotating, flexing, or hyperextending head

 Provide wound care by Cleaning and dressing the wound without pressure
 Monitoring for signs of infection (Fever, purulent, Redness, swelling, Warmer Skin, Malaise)
 Document of any abnormalities and Notify the physician
 Maintain patient comfort environment as possible

B. Teaching/Discharge Planning

1-Educate patient about signs and symptoms of stork

2- care for the wound.
3- managing pain.
4- Explain home medication
• Platelet inhibitors (e.g., aspirin)
• Anticoagulation therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation

5- psychological and emotional support.

• smoking cessation programs
• control glucose and hypertension
• weight management
• regularly screen of Cholesterol levels
• exercise programs
• Compliance with medications (antiplatelet and antihypertriton )
• teaching patients and families about early symptoms associated with stroke or TIA
 Any Questions
• Lewis's_Medical_surgical_nursing.pdf

• A_Holistic_Approach_(10th_edition) pdf

• Medical-surgical nursing : critical thinking in client care / Priscilla LeMone, Karen Burke, Gerene Bauldoff. 5 th ed


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