Organização Do TS

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Organizing your TwinSpace

PDW eTwinning Ambassadors

Rhodes 29th September – 1st October 2016
Elizabeth Sauser-Monnig, FR NSS
Alexandra Tosi, IT NSS
Workshop Goals
For both of your roles

1.As eTwinners: to help you get the most out of your

TwinSpace during the project and after
(dissimenation, Quality Labels, …)

2.As ambassadors: to identify good practices to

dissimenate among other eTwinners
Organizing the Twinspace to make
the most of it!
Why take the time?

•For project participants and administrators: easier

to coordinate and contribute to the project if clear
•For people outside the project: parents,
headmasters, press, evaluators (prizes and Quality
A well organized Twinspace provides a better
reflection of the work done during the projet
The nitty-gritty of
• When to plan the TwinSpace ?
• What and how many
pages/subpages, forums, folders?
• What structure?

Prevent Chaos! It may all look simple and clear to you

but…Think of an external viewer and final users, like
your pupils, other teachers who may join, your
headmaster, parents or an evaluator for QL!
Different criteria for organization
• One page for each type of activity (for example:
group work, video production,
collaborative writing, webquest etc.)
• One page for each project phase (for example: icebreaking,
self-presentation, Country/town/school presentation,
project evaluation…)
• One page per group of pupils (if you create mixed groups)
• One page per theme (for example: Autumn, Winter, Spring,
• Or something else that fits your project !
A few examples…
•Upper secondary school:
• European Immigration:
• Migranti del 21esimo Secolo / Migrants du 21ème Siècle:

•Lower secondary school:

•Primary school:
• Arts & Maths
• Fairy Yoga
•Teacher Training, peer learning:
• Euroteachers team up
Plan the TS with the project

• Structure the TS while planning the project :

• Agree on the draft structure with your partners before
activities start (pages, forums, folders…)
• Set up the main TS structure before you invite your
pupils or other non-administrator teachers
• Limit the number of pages and give clear page titles
• Use subpages and links to other parts of the Twinspace

Of course things may change and flexibility is key, but time

spent at this stage is an important investment!
Public or private?
Think carefully about which pages to make public.
•Public? Project documentation, project outcomes, evidence for parents,
colleagues, local press…
•Private? Pupil’s images, videos, messages, private info

Consider in particular:
• Your pupils’ safety
• Your school policy (liability waiver, parents authorization)
• Your partner’s expectations and school policy
• The project’s communication plan & dissemination needs
•External evaluation

Unauthorized close-up pictures of underage

pupils and sensitive data should always be
A few reminders...
• Remember!
The project journal in the TS home is always public and it’s
meant for external communication! How are you going to use
it? Who is going to updated it?
• For communication among teachers, you can use the teachers’
bulletin – it’s only visible to teachers!
• If you spice up your project with eTwinning Live meetings,
remember to document with pictures, videos, report…
• Even if you use external platforms, leave a trace of what you
are doing in the TS, this is the only way the community can
know what you are doing!
Actors and roles
• Are you going to invite all your pupils in the TS?
• Are you going to make any of them administrators?
• Are you going to invite visitors (experts, parents, Headmaster…)?
• Will other partners have administrator rights?

Remember! You can choose who can edit each page!

You are responsible for the security of the TS, only people invited by
administrators can access. (NSS do not have access to your
Make sure you agree with your partner on who should be invited
and with what roles!
Now it’s your turn!
In small groups of 2-3, each ambassador shows one of
her/his TwinSpaces and receives feedback - 30 min:
•How has the TS been organized? What was the main
criteria used for structuring pages?
•What pages are public and what private?
•Have all tools been properly used?
•Was it easy to understand in a short time the project’s
goals, activities and outcomes?
•Any suggestions for improvement?
To do/not to do
Bonus! A few cool tools
compatible with eTwinning
(embed i-frame code)

• Padlet ( and Learningapp (

• Thinklink:
(presenting schools)
• Zeemap: -
locating students on a map
• Pictochart:
(organizing, presenting information - final production)
• Tricider:
(social voting - voting, arguing for a position)
• Tiki-Toki:
(interactive timeline)
• interactive images, posters, infographies
Other examples of TS
• eTwin News
• Es war einmal…
• Dairy of you and me
• France/Italie
• Dalla terra al mare
• A year together (time)
• My World of Math
• Mirrow Mirrow
Elizabeth and Alexandra

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