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140T D/H Crane-Operations

at accident site

List all crane motions.
List safety instructions taken during crane operations
at accident site.
Describe instructions for safe crane handling
List precautions to be taken at accident site.
Know about lifting of capsized loco/loaded wagon

140T Gottwald Design Crane at Accident
New Design Old Design

Crane Motions
Derricking IN-OUT
jib motion up or down

Travelling Forward-
Movement of bogie on
the track

Crane Motions
Hoisting UP - DOWN
Load lifted or lowered
through main/aux. hook.
Slewing LEFT - RIGHT
Super structure moves
left or right alongwith
cabin & counter weight
Used when load is out
from working radius.
Staff Needed for Crane Operation &
Crane driver-1+1(Stand By)
Technician-2(Dsl fitter mech.)+1 Elec.+1 Gen.

Deployment of Staff during Operation
Driver operates crane
from cabin
Gunner with two staff
for loading/unloading.
One staff at each prop
One staff watches the
wire ropes in drum
Supervisor is the gang

Safety Measures in Crane Operation
Before starting the engine, check
Hydraulic oil level
Fuel oil level
Water level in radiator
Belt tension
After starting the engine, check
All pressure gauges
All temperature gauges
SLI System

Safety Measures
Visual checking of wire ropes
DO NOT bypass SLI system
Feed 4 datas in display board
Visual checking of wire rope slings
Check wire rope binding on drum
Protect wire ropes during welding

Operation Control in Cabin
Left Hand Joystick Right Hand Joystick
Main Hoist-
Derrick-OUT DOWN

Aux Aux
Slew- Slew-
Hoist- Hoist-UP

Main Hoist-
Derrick-IN UP

Display Board

Prop CWT Main Hook Aux. Hook

position position position position 11
Control Lever in Display Board
Prop Position
No prop(Free on Rail)
Full Prop at 5.8 m
Prop at 5 m
Half Prop at 2.9 m
CWT Position
No Cwt
Half Cwt(24T)
Full Cwt(47T)

Hook Position
Main Hook
Auxiliary Hook
Tail Radius Position
At 5.5 m
At 6.5 m

Multi Spools in Super Structure
M1- Assly of 4 DC
 Travelling
 Main Hoist
 Aux. Hoist

 Winching.

M2- Assly of 3 DC
 Travelling
 Derricking
 U/C & Rear Frame Assly
Multi Spools in Under Carriage
U1-Assly of 4 DC
Two valves for Out
riggers control
Two valves for Propping
Cylinder control
U2-Assly of 5 DC valves.
Four valves like above.
One valve for AXLE
Blocking operation

Axle Blocking
In axle blocking operation
Travel gear engage.
Service Brake ON
 Suspension spring in
Home position.
A/Blocking,crane can
roll at gradient.
4 A/Blocking
Propping Photo

Out- Propping
Propping Rigger In-Rigger Cylinder
Propping Method
• Check space for propping
Check condition of the soil
Use wooden slabs below propping cylinder
Prop any two corners of the same bogie
Propping pad should be horizontal
Prop on any specified prop-position for sensing SLI.

Secquence of operations from starting the crane
Axle Blocking ON/OF
 Crane in train formation-Axle Blocking OFF
 Self crane motion-Axle Blocking ON

Proper propping
Taking Cwt position as instructed
Hoist UP-DOWN

Precautions taken at Accident Site
Crane should be ready in all respect.
Fuel oil,Hyd. Oil,Water upto proper level
All Pr, Temp.gauges & sensors in working condition
Axle Blocking in ON position
Observe site for propping
Nearest the job
Temporary track made if needed
Space for prop
Condition of soil
OHE cut off taken if required
• Prop as instructed
Select proper Cwt
slabs from M/T
Crane body level be
Wheel just tends to
LIFT the track

Slect proper wire rope
Staff deployed as
DO NOT by pass SLI
SLEW when load in
HANGING condition

Only authorised officials
deliver the instructions
to the crane driver.
Operate the joystick
Keep sharp observation
over the crane wheels.
Lifting of any wheels to
be communicated to
driver immediately.

Avoid dragging of cylinders with OHE wires.
Do not lift the load to the excessive height from the
ground level.
Do not override the SLI during restoration.
During slewing,observe the train movement on the
adjacent electrically charged line.

Preparation Chart:
S.N. Item/Status Action

01 OHE To be slewed towards coach movement and ensure that

OHE of adjacent line has been made dead.
02 Condition of props and availability Full propping to be done and 04 staff on each prop
of staff should be deputed.
03 Suitable packing and its size Wooden/synthetic packing of size 4’x2’x14” and
04 Position of SLI duty selector To be kept on No. 1
05 Wire rope Sling and SWL 30 Te. 5 Mtrs sling and 70 Te. SWL as per requirement
06 Chain sling as per requirement 25 Te. Capacity chain sling
07 Position of Cant of the track Should not be more than 140 mm
08 Position of SLI SLI should be kept in working.
09 Maximum working radius 16 meters by main hook.
10 Place where sling to be inserted (under frame) Solbar
S.N. Item/Status Action
11 Gas cutting equipment DA and Oxygen gas with equipment

12 Availability of wooden wedges 04 wooden wedges

13 Position of coach trolley Lashing chain to be used for securing with structure.

14 Lighting arrangement To be arranged during dark/night.

15 Observation for suitable place Analyze suitable place for 360º slewing and placing the
coach/damaged trolley.

16 Arrangement of rope for coach 02 Nos. in sufficient length at both the ends of coach.

17 Availability of Megaphone/ One person should be deputed with equipments


18 Photography/Videography Videography of all critical operations and clues


19 Average timing for restoration of Average – 55 minutes

each coach
Removing Entangled Coach
Ensure full prop & attach
CWT slabs.
Insert Aux. Hook in the solbar
of coach at facing end and lift
slowly with slewing actions.
 Remove entanglement of
coach at another end also in
the same manner

 If coach trolleys are in good

condition, re-rail the coach by
MFD Jacks.
Restoration of Coaches in non-electrified
Restoration can be
executed with 140 T
Crane by placing coaches
on the adjacent track:-
Insert Hook in the
solbar of rear end of
coach and lift.
Again release the hook,
and pick up the coach in
the center by 30 T 5
mtrs wire rope and lift.
Restoration of tilted coach:
1. If the trolleys of coach are intact, secure the
trolleys with lashing chains so that trolleys
remain with the coach structure.

2. But, if the trolleys are damaged or have got

uncoupled, remove damaged trolleys first by Aux.

3. Bring 140 T crane near the coach, ensure complete

propping and insert hook at this end.

04. Lift the rear end. of tilted coach, it will get turned
straight by this operation and further do next
exercise for removing the coach.
Restoration of Loaded 4 Wheeler Wagon
Establish the crane and
ensure full propping.
For loaded vehicles: use 30
T 5 mtrs wire rope sling and
insert hook in the barrel
bracket/body bracket.

Initiate lifting operation

and place wagon any where
at 360º within 11 meters

Restoration of Loaded BCN/BOX-N by 140 T
Ensure that centre of the
wagon is not more than
8 meters of radius.
Insert 70 T 6 meters
“two leg” 02 wire rope
sling in the solbar near
cross bar support in the
centre of the wagon and
lift slowly just above the

Restoration of damaged BCN/BOXN by 140
T Crane
Advise commercial
staff/officers for
Insert Aux hook and
remove the vehicle.
. If it is not possible to
unload the vehicle,
permission of competent
authority must be
obtained for toppling of
the wagon.
Damaged BCN/BOXN
 After getting permission, inert 30T, 5 Mtrs wire rope slings
in the one side solbar and lift the same for toppling

 Again insert slings on one side solbar of the wagon taking

support of cross member and continue slewing and
derricking as per requirement till unloading of the wagon.
 . Further insert 25 T capacity hook in the supporting
channel of center seal near center pivot and lift
accordingly. The wagon in this operation will get toppled
Restoration of Derailed oil tank wagons involved in
Preparation Chart :
S.N. Item/Status Action
01. OHE Working line OHE to be slewed. OHE of adjacent line to
be made dead.
02. Requirement of fire brigade Heavy duty fire brigade is called
02. Condition of props and All props to be prepared and 04 staff on each prop should
availability of staff be deputed.
03. Suitable packing and its size Wooden/synthetic packing of size 4’x10”x6”and other
suitable sizes.
04. Position of SLI duty selector To be kept on No. 1
05. Suitable wire rope sling 30 Te. 5 mtrs sling
06. Suitable chain sling as per 25 Te. Capacity chain sling
07. Position of Cant on the track Should not be more than 140 mm
08. Position of SLI SLI should be kept in working.
09. Maximum working radius 16 meters by main hook and 19 mtrs. By Aux. hook.
S.N. Item/Status Action

10. Place, where sling to be Under frame barrel bracket

11. Position of wagon Lashing chains to be used for securing with
trolley structure.
12. Lighting arrangement To be arranged during night/dark.

13. Observation for suitable Analyze suitable place for 360º slewing and
place placing of wagons.
14. Arrangement of rope for 02 Nos. in sufficient length at both the ends
tank adjustment of tank.
15. Availability of One person should be deputed with
Megaphone/ equipments
16. Photography/ Videography of all critical operations and
Videography clues collections.
17. Average per oil tank Average – 30 minutes
timing for restoration
Generally, it is observed that after
derailment of oil tanks, they
catch fire, which in turn results
internal explosions. In this
situation, it is not possible to
rerail the tanks by MFD
equipments because machine
and breakdown staff may have
sustain injuries due to explosions.

1. First of all, thorough inspection of accident site should be carried out and fire
brigade is called immediately.
2. High pressure foam power is sprinkled on the tanks involved in the fire.
3. Until and unless putting off the fire completely, 140 Te crane should not be
brought near accident site.
4. If the track is available and fire is put off, crane is moved and propped fully and
aux. Hook/main hook is applied as per requirement on all four barrel brackets of
the tank.
5. Now, Lift the wagon and keep anywhere at 360° within the radius of 18 meters.
6. In general, wagons involved in fire are removed/toppled and kept aside because
such wagons are always dangerous for running on the track.
Restoration of derailed Locomotive in the dead end
siding by 140 T Crane.
Preparation Chart :
S. Item/Status Action
01 OHE Working line OHE to be slewed. OHE of adjacent line to be made dead.
02 Condition of props and availability of All props to be prepared and 04 staff on each prop should be deputed.
03 Suitable packing and its size Wooden/synthetic packing of size 4’x12”x12”/ 4’x10’x6”
04 No. of cranes required and Position of Two cranes.duty selector to be kept on No. 1
SLI duty selector
05 Suitable wire rope sling 50/70 Te. 6 mtrs sling (both side eye)
06 Position of Cant on the track Should not be more than 140 mm
07 Position of SLI SLI should be kept in working.
08 Maximum working radius 09 meters by main hook
09 Place, where sling to be inserted All four buffer plates
10 Lighting arrangement To be arranged during night/dark.
11 Observation for suitable place Analyze suitable place for placing of loco.
12 Arrangement of rope for loco adjustment 02 Nos. in sufficient length at both the ends of loco
13 Availability of Megaphone/ One person should be deputed with equipments
14 Photography/Videography Videography of all critical operations and clues collections.
15 Gas cutting equipment DA and Oxygen gas with equipment
16 Availability of wooden wedges 04 wooden wedges
17 Average per loco timing for restoration Average – 2.0 hrs. minimum
When diesel or AC locomotive
enters in to the dead end siding and
derails, it is rerailed with the help of
two cranes. Each crane at either end
of adjacent track from where
working radius is not more than 8

1. One 140 T crane is kept at one end on the adjacent track and other 140 T at another
2. Full propping is done for both the cranes and 50 T, 6 meters wire rope sling with ‘D’
shackles are used.
3. ‘D’ shackles are inserted in the lifting holes of buffer plates of loco on four places and
both cranes are allowed to lift the loco simultaneously.
4. Lifted loco should be slewed towards adjacent track by both the cranes.
5. One bogie of the loco is placed on track in first occasion and then another crane is
permitted to do so.
6. Lifted loco is always kept in dead condition during restoration operation .
(7) Restoration of Hot Axle/Cold Axle broken Wagons
Preparation Chart :

S.N. Item/Status Action

01 MFD power pack and 120/60 Te. Cap. Jacks with Two jacks of 120/60 Te. Cap. and displacing jacks.
control table and hoses

02 Suitable packing and its size Wooden/synthetic packing of size 3’x1’x6”/ 3’x2’x6” and 04 iron

03 Availability of Lashing chains and bolts 03 Lashing chains to be used for securing with structure.

04 Availability of wooden wedges 04 wooden wedges

05 Rail skates trolley 02 trolleys with 36/40 mm pana

06 Availability of MFD tool box Should be available at site

07 Gas cutting equipment DA and Oxygen gas with equipment

08 Lighting arrangement To be arranged during night/dark.

09 Observation for suitable place Analyze suitable place for jack operation.

10 Availability of Megaphone/ One person should be deputed with equipments


11 Photography/Videography Videography of all critical operations and clues collections.

12 Average per wagon timing for restoration Average – 30 minutes

1. These wagons are rerailed by
MFD equipment, and brought
in the alignment on the track.
2. Rail Skates are inserted under
the wheels of broken axle.
3. 32 mm bolt of the skate is
tightened to establish the wheel
completely in the container.

4. Each skate has two wheels,

which should be observed for
proper sitting on the rail before
moving the wagon.

5. Move the wagon slowly without jerk, attaching with the

breakdown train or assisting loco, not more than 5 Kmph
6. Wagon in this position can travel 10 to 12 KMs at a stretch
for next block station without changing the wheels.
7. This modification facilitates reduction in restoration timings
and avoids toppling of such axle broken wagons at accident
Responsibility for correct carrying out of rules
A. Crane man are responsible not only for the mechanical manipulation
of cranes but also for their safe operation and for seeing that all rules
pertaining to their working are correctly carried out.
B. In general, cranes working on break down operation or where a A-
frame or jib is likely to foul adjacent line, must work under the
supervision of an officer or competent subordinate.
C. In electrified section, before commencing the operation, the crane
supervisor / Driver will clearly indicate by a written memo to OHE
department present at site to obtained power block and will operate
the crane only after receiving the permit to work by authorized TRD
staff after OHE has been made dead and earthed.
D. During crane operation, the operator must be thoroughly conversant
with load chart to assess the duty selection.
E. Whenever 140 Te. Crane of ART is ordered to site of accident /
derailment is to be accompanied by an officer.
Precautions when lifting with Cranes :
1. The crane must not be used to lift more
than the maximum safe working load
authorized at the radius.
2. Precautions should be taken to avoid load
catching on obstructions as this may
seriously overload the crane.
3. Sudden shocks and jerks also tends to
overload the cranes and tackles.
Shocks and jerks usually result from:
(a). Mistake in signalling to the crane driver.
(b).Want of observation by the crane driver.
(c). Sudden application of brakes on crane.
(d).Kinks in the chains.
(e).Slipping of chain due to incorrect slinging or sling
hooks not properly secured
Lifting Tackles & Wire rope slings should be of
suitable capacity
Loaded Wagon

Single Side Propping
If propping space is not available
Opposite the load side, just prop near the rail
Must do propper prop in load side
In this position,SLI do not work
Do the work slowly with trial & error method

Load Stabilisation
Proper propping as instructed
Taking counter weight as per load chart
Fix the Cwt tail radius as per load chart
Fix the wire rope slings symmetrically in the job.
Do NOT bypass SLI system

Toppling of Ernakulam Crane

Crane is on no prop position ie free on rail.
Full cwt slabs(47T) already taken.
One sided wheels lifted from track
Jib damaged & thrown away
No fatal ocurred.
Operational fault found

Danapur CraneToppled at Karauta

Propping is not done properly
Old & damaged wooden slabs used in propping
No CWT slabs taken
Two props on the same side damaged simultenously.
Operational fault found.

Lubrication of Cranes
1. Crane drivers are personally responsible for adequate and
efficient lubrication of all bearing surfaces.

2. Ensure that bearing surfaces are clean and free from

dust, dirt. This applies particularly in matching surfaces
of clutch gear, center pivots, rollers and motion gears.

3. Ensure that visible parts are adequately lubricated.

4. Greasing of slew ring by grease gun
5. The manufacturers recommendations for lubrication
should be strictly followed


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