3rd Observation

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Quarter 3, Week 4

Day 1
• Use expressions appropriate to grade level
• Identify different meanings of content words
Quarter 3 Week 4

Day 5
Locate information from
Let’s read a dialog
between Christine and Jan. Let
us find out how Jan helped his
sister with her assignment.
A Wonderful Book
Mary Jane T. Ganggangan

One afternoon, Jan and Christine were busy doing their

Christine: Kuya Jan, will you please help me with my assignment?
Jan: Sure, what is it, Christine?
Christine: Our teacher in Math gave us some words and we have
to give their meaning.
The words are multiplier, product, dividend, and quotient.
Jan: That’s easy. A dictionary will help us find the meaning of
those words.
Christine: How do we use a dictionary? There are a lot of
words written in it.
Jan: You have to remember this Christine, the words
listed in the dictionary are called entry words. All the
entry words are listed in alphabetical order and in
dark print.
Christine: But there are still hundreds of words under a letter.
Jan: In every page of the dictionary, you will find two words
on top to help you find the words faster. These are called
guide words. Come, I’ll show you how to do it.
Christine: Thank you so much, brother. Now I know that a
dictionary is a useful book!
Talk About it
1. Why is Christine asking for help?
2. What helps you find the meaning of words?
3. How are the words arranged in a dictionary?
4. What words in the dictionary help us locate the
words on a page faster?
5. What information does one get from a dictionary?
This is a dictionary.
What can be found
in a dictionary?
cartilage core Questions
cartilage (kär’ti lij) n. firm elastic, flexible substance 1. What is the first entry word
of a translucent white color,consisting of connective on this page?
tissues and forming parts of a skeleton
2. How many definitions are
crater (krā’tərs) n. the area found around the there in the word cloud?
surface of the moon
cloud (klowd) n. masses of water particles that form 3. What is the definition of
over the earth; anything that darkens or threatens condensation?
condensation (kon’den sā shon) n. the changed 4. What word means “the
form of a gas to liquid center or innermost part of a
core (kōr) n. 1.the layer of the earth under the thing”?
mantle. 2. The center ofthe innermost part of a thing
3.the fibrous or membrenous central part of 5. What is the last entry word
a fruit, containing the seed. on this page?
Teaching Chart
A dictionary is made up of entry words listed in alphabetical
order. Each entry states how a word is pronounced and what
the word means. Since words are arranged alphabetically,
locating words is easy.

Two guidewords are printed at the top of each dictionary

page. Guidewords help us find words on that page faster.

The guidewords are printed at the top of each dictionary page.

While the guide word on the right is the last and on the page.
persistent proficiency Try and Learn
1. What is the last entry word
persistent \pə(r)’sῐstənt\ adj. continuing in a course on this page?
of action without regard to opposition or previous
failure 2. What is the definition of
pious \’pīəs\ adj. marked by or showing loyal “plankton?”
reverence for and faithfully performing the duties
owed to a person or thing 3. What word means “to
spring suddenly or make a
plankton \’plᾰƞktən\ n. the passively floating or sudden grab?”
weakly swimming animal and plant life in a body of
water consisting chiefly of minute plants 4. What part of speech is
pounce \’paun(t)s v. to spring suddenly or make a “pious?”
sudden grab
proficiency \’prə’fishənsē\ n. advancement toward 5. What is the meaning of
the attainment of a high degree of knowledge or skill “proficiency?”
Learn Some More
A. Write the meaning of the underlined word in each
sentence. Use the dictionary.
1. I did not finish solving the puzzle. It is so complicated.
2. My grandmother has a delicate ear for music.
3. The panel between the office and the clinic is newly
4. The PTA president should conduct the meeting
5. The dancers got a big hand from the audience after their
B. Read the poem “Dictionary.” List at least three words from the poem that you don’t
understand. Opposite the words, write their meanings. Then, use them in sentences.

Mary Jane T. Ganggangan
Often times I wonder why,
Words are so complicated. Oh, my!
They have the same spelling
But have different meanings.

But I have a very special friend

That can help me until the end,
A wonderful book that you should see
Please meet my friend, the Dictionary!

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