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Lesson 2

Cause and Effect

Distinguishes between
Learning and among patterns of
Competency 1
development in writing
across disciplines (cause
and effect) (EN11/12RWS-

● identify the different ways to use cause and effect

in writing; and
● use cause and effect in writing.
Essential Question

What are the features of the cause-and-effect

pattern that make it different from the other
patterns of development in writing?
Warm Up!

Complete the table below by filling in the possible effects of

the given causes. Discuss your answers with a partner.
Causes Effects
1 continuous price and gas hikes
2 heavy rainfall for three consecutive
3 leaving all the lights on throughout
the night
4 being soaked in the rain for more
than an hour

● What details are taken into account when

comparing two or more concepts?
● What details are taken into account when
contrasting two or more concepts?
● What are the transitional words that signal
comparison and contrast?
Learn about It!

Cause - states why something happens

Effect - what happens

Cause-and-effect pattern - helps the writer explain how an

event or action leads to another
Learn about It!

Signal Words for Cause and Effect

● as a result
● accordingly
● because of (this)
● due to (this)
● consequently
● hence/therefore/thus
Learn about It!

Ways to Utilize the Cause-and-Effect Writing Pattern

Cause to Effect

In this pattern, the cause, which is either an event or action, is

stated right at the beginning of a paragraph, followed by
statements on its effects. This type of organization is best for
explaining a single cause with multiple effects.
Learn about It!


Filipinos are known to be happy people. This is because Filipinos

are adept at dealing with adversities—they are resilient and still
find joy even during hard times. As a result, problems are solved
with ease through communal effort (also termed as bayanihan),
which strengthens the bonds of people. Furthermore, this ability to
deal with hardships without losing hope or humor enables
Filipinos to be optimistic and tough enough to face difficulties
head on with a smile on their faces.
Learn about It!

Ways to Utilize the Cause-and-Effect Writing Pattern

Effect to Cause

The effect is stated at the beginning of the text, followed by

sentences and paragraphs that further explain the causes. This
type of organization is best for presenting a single effect with
different causes.
Learn about It!


Some individuals have a sharp memory. They find it easy to

memorize terms, languages, concepts, images, or situations. They can
effortlessly recall even the smallest or simplest details when needed.

Although some are simply blessed with an innate ability to easily

recall details, others are able to train their memory to become sharp
through various methods, one of which is visualization. To remember
a past event or action, for example, one could visualize the place
where the event happened.
Learn about It!

Another reason for why some people have a sharp memory is that
they use the simple technique of saying ideas out loud. Hearing things
said out loud or even just doing the process of mouthing them can
aid in recall.

Exercise contributes to the development of a sharp memory too.

Several studies have shown that aerobic activity helps improve
cognitive function, thereby enhancing one’s memory as well.
Learn about It!

Ways to Utilize the Cause-and-Effect Writing Pattern

Consecutive Cause and Effect

In this type of organization, each cause has its corresponding

effect, and they are tackled one by one in a few sentences or
paragraphs. The writer explains each cause and effect
completely before moving on to the next pair of cause and
Learn about It!


Diabetes, one of the most common illnesses in the Philippines, is

caused by uncontrolled sugar in the body. Once sugar is uncontrolled
and unmonitored, some bodily functions will be affected. Another
common cause is an unhealthy lifestyle: eating a lot of salty and fatty
or oily food and not engaging in enough exercise. If one has this
lifestyle, the body may find it difficult to metabolize carbohydrates.
Other than these, stress also contributes to the development of
diabetes. When stress is constant, blood glucose levels rise, which can
also affect one’s physical and mental abilities.
Writing Prompts
Answer the following writing prompts:

● Think of three topics that could best be explained

using the cause-and-effect pattern of development. In
a short paragraph, state those three topics and briefly
explain why the cause-and-effect pattern of
development would be the best writing to use for
each of them.
● Make a diagram showing the effects of proper waste
disposal. Use the diagram as basis in writing a
paragraph about this topic.
● Write three-paragraph essay about the multiple
Writing Prompts

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Content/ The output is The output is The output is well-
Substance unsubstantiated with substantiated with substantiated with
significant some significant significant supporting
supporting details. supporting details. details.
Organization The ideas are not The ideas are clearly The ideas are clearly
clearly and logically presented, but an and logically
presented. idea or two are not presented.
logically sequenced.
Writing Prompts
Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score
(1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Unity The written output The written output The written output
does not use any uses limited uses appropriate
transitional signals. transitional signals. A transitional signals.
The sentences do not sentence or two are All the sentences flow
flow smoothly, and seemingly unrelated smoothly from one
some sentences are to the topic. to another.
unrelated to the
Language There are seven or There are four to There are zero to
(spelling, more language six language three language
grammar, errors. errors. errors.
mechanics, and
word choice)
Values Integration

What is the best or worst decision you have made in

your life? What led to this decision and what is/are the
effect(s) of it?

1. Pretend that you are going to have a symposium for a

“Green Day” event.
2. Your teacher will assign your group one of the following
environmental problems:
a. pollution
b. illegal logging/deforestation
c. conversion of farms to establishments
d. mining
3. Instruct the students to prepare a presentation on the
environmental issue assigned to them and its causes and

4. Each group will prepare a diorama and show it during the

presentation. This is to show the current state of the
environment and represent the causes and effects of certain
actions done to it. The explanation should include the
situation’s causes and effects.

Criteria Score
(The presentation properly and effectively used the cause-and-effect
pattern of development. The causes and effects of the assigned
environmental problem are clearly explained.) 5 pts.
Group work
(The group showed unity, cooperation, and organization while
preparing and presenting the tasks.) 5 pts.
(The diorama is neat, organized, and is resourcefully and creatively
done. It highlights realistic situations in the environment and its
causes and effects.) 5 pts.

Write a four-paragraph reflection on the causes and

effects of choosing the strand you are in today.
Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score
(1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Content/ The output is The output is The output is well-
Substance unsubstantiated with substantiated with substantiated with
significant supporting some significant significant supporting
details. supporting details. details.
Organization The ideas are not The ideas are clearly The ideas are clearly
clearly and logically presented, but an and logically
presented. idea or two are not presented.
logically sequenced.
Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score
(1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Unity The written output The written output The written output
does not use any uses limited uses appropriate
transitional signals. transitional signals. A transitional signals. All
The sentences do not sentence or two are the sentences flow
flow smoothly, and seemingly unrelated smoothly from one to
some sentences are to the topic. another.
unrelated to the topic.
Language There are seven or There are four to There are zero to
(spelling, more language six language three language
grammar, errors. errors. errors.
mechanics, and
word choice)

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