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Complimentary and Alternative

systems of Medicine

Josephine Jojo
I M.Sc. Nursing

• Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

‘A group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and the
products that are not presently considered to be the part of
conventional medicine.’
-The National Institutes of Health/National
Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH/NCCAM)
• Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies are the therapies or interventions become the

primary treatment, replacing allopathic medical care.

• Complimentary Therapies

Complimentary therapies are therapies used in addition to conventional

treatment recommended by the person’s health care provider.
• Changes in science and medicines

• Knowledge and technology

• Chronic conditions which are sometimes difficult to treat with

allopathic medicine.

• Stress, pain and health conditions for which there are unknown
causes and cures.
• Cases in which allopathic medicine is generally less effective

• A desire for less invasive, less toxic, ‘more natural’ treatments

• Lack of satisfaction with allopathic treatments

• An increasing desire by patients to take a more active role in their

treatment process
• Believes that a combination of treatments (allopathic and complimentary)

result in better results.

• The research articles in journals

• Believes and values in a holistic approach.

• Poor prognosis by allopathic medicine

• Focus of care is comfort not cure

• Reduces side effects of treatment

• Reduce side effects of disease

• Desire to cover all the options

• Suggestions by family, friends, and society

• Philosophical or cultural orientation

• Less expensive than conventional medicine

• Easier access to health food stores than physician

• Dissatisfaction with or loss of trust in conventional medicine

• Desire to treat the disease in a natural way

• Decrease the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

• Improve the immune system

• Improve the quality of life


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1. Alternative medical systems

2. Biologically based treatments

3. Mind-body techniques

4. Manipulative and body-based methods

5. Energy therapies
I. Alternative medical systems

1. Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a system of healing based on homeopathy and

naturopathy, with an extensive use of herbs.
Ayurveda cont.….

• It is a system of traditional medicine native to India

• the word ayurveda consists of the words ‘ayus’, meaning longevity and

‘Veda’, meaning related to knowledge or science.

• Its focus is on the balance of mind, body and spirit

• Disease is viewed as an imbalance between a person’s life force (prana)

and basic metabolic condition (dosha).

Ayurveda cont. ……
• The Suśruta Samhita(ayurvedic surgical procedure) and the
Charaka Samhita (prevention and treatment of disease) were
influential works
• Aimed to remove cause of disorders, prevent illness, and
harmonize body, mind, and consciousness.
• Aids in maintaining good health, increasing longevity, and overall
quality of life.
Ayurveda cont. ……

Treatments include:
• Nutrition
• Herbal remedies
• Aromatherapy
• Lifestyle recommendations
• Massage
• Colour or sound therapy
• Meditation
Ayurveda cont. …….

• Panchakarma

• Yoga

• Rejuvenation

e.g.; terminalia arjuna useful in alleviating the pain of angina

pectoris and in treating heart failure and CAD. Also used for
Alternative medical system cont. …..
2. Siddha
•South Indian Tamil traditional medicine

•Part of trio Indian medicine

•Oldest medical system in the known universe

•Healthy soul can only be developed through healthy body

Siddha cont.…..

• Disequilibrium of 3 humors (vatha, pitha, and kapha) cause disease

• Factors affecting are environment, climatic conditions, diet, physical activity,

and stress.

• Diet, and lifestyle has major role

• Proper diet, medicine and disciplined life for healthy living

• The patient, the attendant, physician and medicine for successful treatment
Siddha cont. …

• Treatment
• Devamaruthuvum (divine): parpam,chendooram, guru, kuligai
made of mercury, sulfur and pashanams are used

• Manudamaruthuvum(rational): medicines made up of herbs like

churanam, kudineer, vadagamare used.
Siddha cont.…..

• In surgical method, incision, excision, heat application,

blood letting, leech application are used.

• purgative therapy, emetic therapy, fasting therapy, steam

therapy, oleation therapy, physical therapy, solar therapy
and blood letting therapy, yoga therapy etc.
Alternative medical system cont.….

3. Unani & Tibbi

• Indian government approved practice

• Very close to ayurveda

• the body is made up of the four basic elements, i.e., Earth, air
Water, Fire which have different Temperaments, i.e., Cold, Hot, Wet,
Unani cont.……

Unique mixture of blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile determines his
• These elements present in different fluids

temperament • Their balance leads to health and imbalance leads to illness

• Unique mixture of blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile

These elements present in• different fluids

determines his temperament
Predominance of blood –sanguine temperament, phlegm –
phlegmatic, yellow bile – bilious, and black bile - melancholic
Their balance leads to health and imbalance leads to illness

Predominance of blood –sanguine temperament,

phlegm – phlegmatic,
yellow bile – bilious, and
black bile - melancholic
Alternative medical system cont. …..
4. Homeopathy

It is a system of therapy based on the concept that

disease can be treated with drugs (in minute doses)
which are capable of producing the same symptoms in
healthy people as the disease itself
Homeopathy cont. …

• Developed in Germany
• The basic principle of homeopathy is “let like be cured by like”.
• A substance that, when given in large doses, causes a set of
symptoms is believed to cure the same symptoms when it is given
in minute doses.
• Derived from plant extracts and minerals
Homeopathy cont. …
• More diluted, more stronger
• Remedies
Toxicodendron - derived from poison ivy substance
Arsenicum album - Arsenic oxide
natrum muriaticum - sodium chloride
Thyroidinum - thyroid hormone
Nosodes - from fecal, urinary, and respiratory
discharges, blood, and tissue.
sarcodes - prepared from healthy specimens
Alternative medicine cont. …

5. Naturopathy

According to the manifeston of British Naturopathic

Association, “Naturopathy is a system of treatment
which recognises the existence of the vital curative force
within the body.”
Naturopathy cont. …

• Based on preventative care

• Use of water, light, heat, and body’s natural healing abilities
• Focuses on finding the cause of disease
• Treating the whole person, search for causes at many levels,
and eliminate the fundamental cause
Naturopathy cont. …

• Therapies:
Nutrition and dietetic
Structural adjustment
• Healthy life style
Manipulative and body based methods

1. Yoga
The factual connotation of YOGA is unification, to unite the
individual self(Jiva) with the supreme or pure
• Fundamental of Yogic philosophy are the concepts of Karma- cause
and effect relationship
Yoga cont. ….

• To manage the influence of thinking

• Eases from cramped tension
• Enhance concentration
• Cures all disease
• Controls the aging process
• To gain control over health
Yoga cont. ….

• Used as complimentary practice to conventional

• It may include exercise, meditation, and massage

• Safer and effective

• Aim is the mind – body integration

Yoga cont. …..

• 3 body parts which work together

physical posture
breathing technique
relaxation technique
Yoga cont. ….
Benefits of Yoga therapy
• Positive results in treating depression
• Deep breathing is beneficial in controlling premature ventricular complexes
• Beneficial in post – treating strategy, breast cancer
• Benefits in emotional function, fitness variations and psychological benefits
• Variations in tension, mood disturbances, cognitive functions, and G.I
Yoga cont. …..

• Increases body’s ability in using antioxidants

• Improves nerve function and lower blood sugar

• Increases hand grip strength

• Treating asthma, respiration problem, back pain, etc.

• Helps in weight reduction

Yoga cont. ……

Criticisms of Yoga therapy

•Yoga therapy is possible if you have limited mobility and flexibility

• Some postures without pre-exercise preparation may cause injury

Biologically Based Therapies (Natural products)

1. Herbal Medicines

 Traditional Hindu system of herbs used to for over 2000 years.

 The herbal products are used in the form of powder, tonic etc.

 These could be a single herb or a mixture of many herbal products, depending on the
diseases and the treatment required.

 Common herbal remedies include garlic, peppermint, chamomile.

 Plant based therapies used in whole systems of medicine

 Individual preparations by allopathic providers and consumers for specific symptoms or issues
2. Diet therapy
• According to this therapy, the food must be taken in a natural form.

 Fresh seasonal fruits

 Fresh green leafy vegetables and sprouts are excellent

• These diets are broadly classified into 3 types:

 Eliminative diet – liquids – lemon, citric juice, tender coconut water, vegetable soups, butter – milk, wheat grass juice etc.

 Soothing diet – fruits, salads, boiled or steamed vegetables, sprouts, vegetable chutney etc.

 Constructive diet – wholesome flour, unpolished rice, little pulses, sprouts, curd etc.

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