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What is Global Demogrpahy?
 As its name suggests, global demography is
the study of the worldwide population rather
than the population of a specific country,
region, or city. Global demography is useful
because it provides the "big picture" of the
entire human population without influence
from local economic, cultural, or geographic
factors. It provides data about the past,
present, and future of human society as a
whole. Global demographic statistics can also
provide a base for comparison against more
specific statistics, providing insight into how
the demographics of different places compare
not just to one another, but to the global
What are the examples of Global Demography?
•Age segmentation is an important •Family segmentation is a variation in which
element of demographic segmentation, as families have one or multiple children, with
each age group has its own unique needs. single mothers or fathers, gay parents, and
Babies need a constant supply of diapers, child-free families. Single parents are more
toddlers need educational toys, and likely to save costs at certain products, such
middle-aged adults invest more in health- as baby lotion, toys, or diapers. A
related products. Organizations can multinational organization may conduct
develop marketing strategies based on demographic examples based on the type of
these requirements to obtain valid results. family.
•Gender segmentation is a •Race and ethnicity
primary category to conduct segmentation – Race and
segmentation, as it is natural ethnicity are sensitive
for different genders to have categories.Promoting a
different likes and dislikes. product depends on that
Gender defines people's target race or ethnicity as
preferences, such as females it may be adapted
being more into makeup differently by each of these
products and males being races/ethnicities.Stereotypi
more interested in fashion cal segmentation may hurt
accessories. Brands can use sentiments, which may
this to create a marketing cause harm to a business
strategy that targets women
to get better business results.
•Family income segmentation – One of
the most straightforward segmentation
types is based on income.An individual OTHER EXAMPLES
or a family's income would govern their
ability to purchase different cost
categories' products/services.The most
likely target audience of an organization
that affordable mobile phones will be
mid to low income customers.

• Employment Status
• Living Status
• Educational Level
• Religion
• Marital Status
• The number of children
• Political Affiliation
• Nationality
There are several advantages of dividing
the target audience according to
 As the census is carried out regularly by the government, demographic data can be easily retrieved.
An organization can easily divide data into required categories, creating an effective marketing
strategy for each of these demographics.  
 According to the demographic data requirement of an organization, age, gender, income, race, etc.
can be adjusted and implemented.
 Factors such as family income, type of family, etc., give insights that will decide the consumers’
purchasing power. An organization can decide whether or not to target a particular group of
consumers based on these classifications.
 Considering that a lot of effort goes into dividing a target audience into demographic segments, an
organization modifies marketing strategies based on each segment’s requirements. There are high
chances of increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and increased retention rates due to this.
 In the longer run, demographic examples will help in reducing cost and time invested in developing
and implementing a marketing strategy as all marketing efforts will be carefully calculated according to
the various segments.
 This method is better at understanding a target market and creating policies that pertain to each of
these markets.

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