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The Art of Friendship

Friendship does not
happen. We make it happen
because we need friends.
No man is an island. No
man can live alone since
God created man as a social
being. Meaning, we are for
others, with others and by
others. It is our human
nature to need friends.
Unlike our family, which is given to us not of our
own choice, friendships are based on personal
selection. It is deliberate; we are able to choose
our friends and our friends choose us.
Stages of Friendship
1. Attraction – It is a recognition of a person as a
candidate for a friend. It is a matter of shared

2. Initiating – It is a stage where friends are

searching for common ground in attitudes and life

3. Comforting– A stage where friends are able to

turn one another for comfort and support.
4. Strengthening – This stage of friendship creates
joint memories and shared good times. It is also
exchanging gifts and borrowing material possessions.

5. Testing – It is responding in a way either to bring

friends closer or to push them away.

6. Commitment – This is the highest where friends

have achieved the level of trust and acceptance.
There is reciprocal self-disclosure.
Voluntary Informal

enjoy each other’s involves mutual
company acceptance

Reciprocal learned

like a “life vaccine”

HAND IN HAND December 6

Performance Task #2
1. On a sheet of bond paper, trace your hand either
left or right.
2. After doing so, make sure that you have your
name on top of the bond paper then leave it on
your desk.
3. Go around and write messages on one another’s
4. Add designs and color onto your work.
5. Make an acrostic for the word FRIEND at the
back of your paper.

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