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• A Definition is a statement of the meaning of a

term. Definitions can be classified into two
large categories, intensional definitions and
extension definitions. Another important
category of definition is the class of ostensive
definitions, which the meaning of a term by
pointing by pointing out examples.
Example of definition

• Reading: The action or skill of

reading written or printed matter
silently or aloud

• Writing: The activity or skill of

marking coherent words on
paper and composing paper
Definition in writing

• Definition is a rhetorical style that

uses various techniques to impress
upon the reader the meaning of a
term, idea, or concept. Definition may
be used for an entire essay but is
often used as a rhetorical style within
an essay that may mix rhetorical
How do we find definition?

• Basic definitions of words are found in

dictionaries, While scholarly definitions
typically come from scholarly journal
articles or books.

• Mirriam Webster Dictionary

• Dictionary of Social Work
• Webster New World Medical Dictionary
Formal definition

• A formal definition consist of three parts: the term, the part

of speech to which it belongs, such as a noun or a verb, and
all the traits or characteristics that are specific to the term.
the dictionary is filled with formal definition, but it is not the
only place where you will find them. Writers often include
formal definitions when they are writing about something
that may be unfamiliar to their readers. In textbooks, you
may find the formal definition of terms listed at the
beginning, at the end of a chapter, or in the glossary, which
is a mini-dictionary of terms relevant to that text.
Formal definition example:

• Term: Freedom

• Part of speech: Noun

• Definition; The power or right to act, speak,

or think as one wants without hindranc or
Informal definition

• In an informal definition, the writer uses known

words or examples to explain an unknown term.
These definition may be synonyms or antonyms
introduced by or , in other words, or like.

Informal definition example:

• Freedom, also reffered to as liberty or

independence, is a state people reach when they
are free to think and do whatever they please.
Extended definition

• Extended definitions generally have

components of both informal and formal
definitions. However, as the name suggests, the
Author uses a number of other techniques to
define a word, concept, or phrase, including the
• Listing and describing the parts: identifying
smaller, more familiar pieces of an idea to
point to the definition of the bigger concept.

• Etymology: sharing a word's origin.

• Examples or Anecdotes: telling a story or

example that illustrates the term.

• Negation: defining a term by explaining what

the concept is not.
• Evoking The Senses: Using a word that creates a picture
in the reader's mind so that the reader might relate
through memory of sound, sight, touch, hearing, or smell.

• Environment or Sector: Pointing out how and where

something is used.

• Ramifications: Showing how the term or concept affects

people or objects

• Historical References: Showing how a word has been

defined throughout history.
Extended definition example:

To our colonial forefathers, Freedom meant having a voice

in their government.

• (Historical References) The revolutionary war was a last

resort againstand empire that continued to tax its
colonists without the representation of the colonists
parliament. Since the united states won the right to rule
itself, our country has beed referred to as "the land of the
free and the home of the brave"
• (Example) True freedom means the ability to think, feel,
say, or act however one chooses.

• (Listing parts) It is a state where the bars of bondage do

not exist.

• (Negation) Unfortunately, the widening gap between the

haves and have nots means that some are now shackled
by their lack of education.

• (Evoke The Senses:Shackled) Americans can attain real

freedom when everyone has the same educational
Importance of Definition

• Definitions are important because they

provide a clear understanding and common
language for a particular concept, idea, or
object. They help to clarify meaning annd
reduce ambiguity in communication,
ensuring that everyone is on the same
page and can accurately convey and
interpret information.
here are some specific reasons why definitions are important:

1. precision: definitions provide a precise description of a concept

or term, allowing for accuracy and consistency in communication.
for example, a definition of a scientific term like "gravity" ensures
that everyone understands what the term means and how it can be
applied in various contexts.

2. clarity: definitions help to clarify meaning and reduce confusion,

especially when multiple interpretations or connotations are
possible. by providing a clear and concise explanation of a term,
definitions ensure that everyone understans the intended meaning.
3. communication: definitions provide a shared vocabulary and
facilitate effective communication, particularly in technical or
specialized field where jargons and technical terms are common.
whern everyone is using the same definitions, communication
is more efficient effective.

4. learning: definitions are essentiall for leaning and

understanding new concepts. by providing a clear and concise
explanation of a term, definitions help learners build a solid
foundatioi of knowledge and a common language for further
5. consistency: definitions ensure consistency in how term is
used, particularly in legal, academic, or scientific contects. by
providing a clear and agreed-upon definition, definitions help to
prevent misunderstanding and ensure that the term is used
consistently across different contexts and by different people.

overall, definitions are essential for effective communication,

learning, and understanding in a wide range of contexts. without
clear and precise definitions, there can be confusion,
misunderstanding, and a lack of clarity, which can hinder
progress and lead to errors or misinterpretations.
purpose of definition

the purposes of a definition are to provide a clear, concise,

and precise explanation of a concept, object, or term.
definitions serve several important
purposes, including:

1. clarification: definitions help to clarify meaning and

reduce confusion by providing a clear and concise
explanation of a term or concept.
they help to ensure that everyone undestands the intended
meaning of a particular word or phrase.
2. standardization: definitions help to standardize the use
of a term or concept, particularly in technical or
specialized fields where specific
terminology is essential. they provide a share language
and vocabulary that allows experts to communicate
effectively and effienciently.

3. differentiation: definitions help to differentiate between

similar concepts or terms, highlighting the unique
characteristics of each. for example
a definition of "liberal democracy' might be differentiate it
from other forms of government such as autocracy or
4. learning: definition help learner to understand new
concepts and ideas by providing a clear and concise
explanation. they are essential
for building a solid foundation of knowledge and a shared
understanding of key concepts.

5. precision: definition gelp to ensure precision and

accuracy in communication b providing a concise and
specific explanation of a term.
this is particularly important in fields such as science and
engineering, where accuracy is essential.
6. avoiding ambiguity: definitions help to avoid ambiguity
by providing a specific meaning for a term. this is
particularly important when communicating across
languages or cultures, where words may have different
connotations or interpretations.

overall, definitions serve a crucial role in communication,

learning, and the development of shared knowledge
across different fields and disciplines. they provide a
clear and concise explanation of concepts, helping to
ensure accuracy, clarity, and consistency in
What is Classification?

• Group things or ideas into specific


• divides things into groups, classes, or


• organizes ideas into divisions based on

criteria or standards
The following words can help you identify a classification

1. "can be divided into"

2. "is a type of"
3. "falls under"
4. "belongs to"

Other helper words:

5. "is a part of"
6. "fits into"
7. "is grouped with"
8. "is related to"
9. "is associated with"
There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the
standard sets and best sellers - unread, untouched (this
deluded individual owns wood pulp and ink, not books). The
second has many great books - a few of them read through,
most of them dipped into, but all of them read as clean and
shiny as the day they were bought (this person would
probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a
false respect of their physical appearance). The third has a
few books or many - every one of them dog eared and
dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked
and scribbled in from front to back (this man owns hi
books). In which classification would you belong?
Mortimer J. Adler, "Book Owners"
What is Exemplification?

Exemplification means "giving examples".

Exemplification is simply proving or
supporting your point, or thesis with

In this type of essay, examples act as

supporting material to explain or clarify the
It uses a list of:

• Facts
• Events
• Statistics
• People
• Samples
• Quotations
• Anecdotes (brief stories)
• Other kinds of specific items
• to make a general statement more understandable,
more clear, and/or more convincing.
• Writers use exemplification to create interest,clarify
ideas or convince.
Features of Exemplification/Classification

• The structure of these essays usually

begin with a topic sentence or main idea,
and then use more and more vivid
examples to prove the point to be true.

• Effective examples should enhance your

writing, giving your essay vitality and
Types of Examples

• Examples that illustrate - useconcrete examples to

illustrate an idea.

• Examples that explain - give an explanation to

illustrate a concept.

• Examples that tell a story - use a short story to

illustrate a point.

• Examples that describe - use examples to make help

the reader
visualize a scene or a thing
Examples that Illustrate

• Muslim women are active, assertive and

engaged in society. In Qatar, women make up the
majority of graduate-school students. The
Iranian parliament has more women members
than the U.S. Senate. Throughout the world, many
Muslim women are educated and professionally
trained; they participate in public debates, are
often catalysts for reform and champions for
their own rights.
Examples that Explain

• But I came to realize that those husbands who

helped very little at home were often just as
deeply affected as their wives - through the
resentment their wives felt toward them and
through their own need to steel themselves
against that resentment.
Examples that tell a story

• One day, rushing into the office of a magazine I

was writing for with a deadline story in hand, I
was mistaken for a burglar. The office manager
called security and, with an ad hoc posse,
pursued me through the labyrinthine halls,
nearly to me editor's door.
Examples that Describe

• In Berkeley, there are wheelchair users on

every corner. Propped in sagging hospital-
issue chairs. Space-age sports chairs. Motor-
driven dreadnoughts.
Length of Examples Essays

• often combine both brief and extended examples.

Brief. These examples appear rather frequently
within the essay, and they usually function as
concrete examples of straightforward ideas.
Extended. These examples contain more detail.
Such detail is needed because extended examples
function as concrete illustrations of ideas that are
too complex to be made clear by a brief example.
How to Write an Exemplification Essay

• The examples used in your essay must be relevant,

that is they must be directly to the point. Find as
many examples as possible and then be choosey
about what you include, using the strongest, most
representative, examples. If they lead to
unexpected conclusions consider altering your
essay thesis in light of the new evidence. Make
every example work in your favor
How to Write an Exemplification Essay

1. Decide on a topic. Basically, what generalization do you want to


2. Determine a purpose. What angle of the generalization do you

want to present to the reader? Having a clear purpose will help
you choose examples and write your thesis.

3. Think about your audience. How do you

think members of the audience feel about the generalization
that you are discussing?
7. Write an introduction that lets your reader know
what to expect from your essay and states the thesis.

8. Write a well-developed body that supports the

thesis. The body should fully support the
generalization. Each paragraph should directly relate
to the thesis.

9. Arrange your examples logically. It may be

important to categorize examples if you have a lot of
them so that you don't confuse your reader.
10. Use transition words and phrases to guide
readers through your essay.

11. Write a conclusion that sums up the essay's

main points and restates the thesis. Remember
to make it clear in the conclusion what you
want readers to take away with them.

I. Introduction that uses a college level strategy, tells how

the subject came up, states the thesis in the pattern above,
and names the audience who can benefit from knowing the

II. Body
A. Example 1
B. Example 2
C. Example 3

III. Conclusion

Dogs are domesticated animals that have been living with

humans for generations. Dogs can be classified in a number of
different ways.For example, they can be classified by breed.
Examples of different breeds include beagles, basset hounds,
poodles and countless others as defined by the American
Kennel Club (AKC). They can also be classified by their role in the
lives of their masters and the work they do. For example, a dog
might be a family pet, a working dog, a show dog, or a hunting
dog. În many cases, dogs are defined both by their breed and
their role For example, a dog could be a beagle that is a family
Writing Activity

Task: You are a sales manager. A customer sent

you an e-mail asking about the different types of
products you sell. You need to respond to the e-
mail indicating the classification of your products.
Your message must contain the product's category
and specific features.

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