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Yusuf Haroun 8/D

Canada is a country located in
the Northern section of North
America. It is the second largest
country in the world after
Russia and contains half of the
world’s lakes. Canada is rich in
natural resources and is
bordered by oceans. It is located
above the United States and
under the North Pole. The
capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Things That Canada is Well-Known For
When I think of Canada, these things come to mind:
• Maple Leaves
• Ice Hockey
• Lacrosse
• Snow
• Tim Hortons
• Poutine
• Beavers
• Moose
• CN Tower
• Cold Winters
• Niagara Falls
Traditional Foods
Canada has many traditional foods. Some of them are:
• Poutine
• Maple Syrup
• Beaver Tails
• Timbits
• Donuts
• Pecan Pie
Interesting Fact About Canada
• It would take 33 years to walk Canada’s coastline; it’s the longest in
the world.
• Canada has more doughnut shops per person than any other country.
• The border between Canada and the United States is the longest and
most stable border in the world.
• The coldest ever temperature recorded in Canada was -63 degrees
• You’ll find the world’s oldest pool of water in a Canadian mine.
• Canada’s national animal is a beaver.
• Canada’s national sport is Lacrosse.

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