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Al Mafrq city center

Location : Mafrq - Jordan

Area : 23 hectare
Type : development project

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Al Mafraq (over view)

Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, where an area containing the amount
of 89.3 thousand km2 with the nature of the diverse geography, in the middle plateaus and
mountains, the plains of northern Badia, which extends east towards Iraq and Saudi Arabia,
while the Jordan River is flowing through the Jordan Valley, fertile western border with
 Jordan River which flows into the Dead Sea that body of water, which is at the lowest spot
in the world, with a depth of 400 m below sea level.
Further south, the Port of Aqaba provides Jordan with a gateway to the Red Sea.


Al Mafrq Analysis
Abut Al Mafrq (over view and location)

Al Mafraq city is located 72km north-east form Amman. Its name is attributed to its location
on vital routes between Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Arabian peninsula it is also known as al-
Fodain which means the protected castle or the built palace al Mafraq was inhabitant sense
the old stone age the antiquates of the castle which turn back to the 2 nd iron age on the 9th
century bc are witnessed that the area has been inhabited and al fodain castle was built
near the old castle during that Umayyad period there are 5x6 m towers at the 4 corners of
the castle. Al-Mafraq governorates considered as an inhabitant museum that includes the
human civilization accumulation all over the ages, Al-Mafraq nowadays is considered as the
centre of the governorate its area is about 26563km2 and it is 2nd largest governorate after
Ma’an in area it become prosperous after building many factories establishing al-Al biet
university and the existence of many governmental departments .


Al Mafrq Analysis
About Al Mafrq (strategy location)

Mafraq - Amman 72 km
Mafraq - Jerash 44 km
Mafraq - Zarqa 33 km
Mafraq - Irbid, 47 km
Mafraq - Ajloun 64 km
Mafraq - Salt 101 km
Mafraq - Karak 196 km
Mafraq - Ma'an 289 km
Mafraq - Madaba 105 km
Mafraq - Aqaba, 407 km

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq )History(

Through extrapolation of the long history of the region, it is strategically

located across the stages of the evolution of important historical times
and improves, we believe it was and remains an important link and the
vitality of the convergence and interaction of the Arabian Peninsula and
the Levant "Syria is natural" and Mesopotamia, "Iraq" by pumping Arab
successive human migrations, as well as the passage of important trade
routes, especially the way the Roman IX "Trajanos" that crosses the
region towards the south down the obstacle and the path of Jerash and
Bosra these roads, since the stone ages, the modern standard, and
renewed and adopted by the Nabataeans Arabs when he sought and
the limits of their property to the north, and Damascus in the Horn of
first century.
  Development workshops and through history we see that the region
has not lost its importance in terms of location is important to note and
re-use of the above-mentioned methods by the Arabs and Muslims, as a
way to Hajj al-Shami and the pilgrimage route through the procedure
called "incense" Linker until Wadi Sarhan through the blue.
  As for the current site was built Jordan Hijaz Railway connecting retail
with Syria and Saudi Arabia and confined to the inland transport with a
dimension of tourism.

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Its Names(

  Alfdin This means that the shoulder of the valley that

runs from the west heading from south to north. In
the readings known Alfdin minimize Alfdn or fortress
or palace built because of the presence of the castle
   At the beginning of the twentieth took its new name
(Mafraq) inspired by their geographical location , for
the location on the crossroads of international trade
and its environs, between Jordan, Syria, Iraq on the
one hand and Saudi Arabia on the other. And that
during the Ottoman rule, especially when the Hejaz
Railway was launched .

for the traveler readings was believed to be "lost

Thantea " that had existed in Roman times, but when
the advent of travelers Butler discovered that
"Thantea" described in the maps Romanian is Um

Al Mafrq Analysis
Studies on the region : Historical Arial Images

Arial Image for the region in 1953 Arial Image for the region in 1992

Arial Image for the region in 1978 Arial Image for the region in 2000

Local case study

About Mafraq ) Reasons that led to the emergence of the modern city of Mafraq (

1 - Create the Hijaz railway at the beginning of the twentieth century, which consists of two-storey
building for the head of the station and staff as well as vital facilities, "bathrooms" and post a two-
storey circular defensive goals and a group of buildings, heading north to the station and serves as
sergeant gendarmerie personnel also noted The presence of shelters, the bottom of each of these
buildings emphasizes the main characteristic that led to the establishment of such sites, especially
before the First World War.
2 - advent of the Ma'an's sons to work in the railway with the early twenties of the twentieth
century ,and formation district of Ma'an's sons ,northeast of the railway. .
3 - Migration of Moroccans from Libya, Tunisia in 1925 with the issuance of decision to delegate to
them Alfdin Terrain site in 1928 by His Highness Prince Abdullah Bin Al Hussein.
4 - Establishing the Iraq Petroleum Company at the beginning of 1931, which led the arrival of a large
number of Jordanian to settle in mafraq.
5 – Establishing the road “Baghdad - Haifa “ in 1935 and this factor also increased the settlement.
6 - The Arab Jordanian army camps and airfields, as well as the creation of an apparent raising the level
of stability and settlement in the region of all assets and origins, especially the families of the sons of
Bani Hassan Bedouin tribes in general.

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Population(

The population of the Mafraq Governorate

according to the census population for the year
"in 1994" (178,914) thousand people spread
over "26,055" family of either population of the
city stands at retail, "38,393 people" spread
over 6015 family. "

The population of the Mafraq Governorate

according to the census population for the year
"in 1996" (180) thousand people spread over
"26345" The family of a population of retail
amounts to "39 thousand people," spread over
6880 family

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Demographics(

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq (The population classes upon the main
careers and handicrafts )
The population classes :
1- farmers class .
2- commercial class .
3- Industrial class .
The main handicrafts :
1- traditional carpets
2- Leather making.
3- sewing craft .

Local case study

About Mafraq ) Stages of growth of the mafraq)

Al mafraq in the past

Al mafraq today
Al mafraq in the future

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) growth factors)

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Topography )

Al Mafraq City
Mostly have a flat

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Parts of the city)

The city of Mafraq

Includes a number
: of neighborhoods

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Solid and void )

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ( Land use Plan )

Green Area
Public services

Local case study

About Mafraq ) Al Mafraq Traffic )

Roads surrounding
the city


Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Al Mafraq Traffic )
: The intense traffic on the roads

Note that the streets of intensity is in

the movement are the streets that
feed as a way to maintain Jerash,
Zarqa and Irbid, as well as ways
downtown gateways, the central
vegetable market and municipal
Medium density and the streets are
the streets Sub -
The streets are the streets of poor
neighborhoods movement People

Streets with heavy traffic

Streets with medium traffic
Streets with low traffic

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Al Mafraq Traffic )

Types of rood in Al
:Mafraq City

Main street
Street sub -
Street is not effective

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Al Mafraq Traffic )

Street width in Al
:Mafraq City

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Al Mafraq Traffic )

The traffic intensity in Al

:Mafraq city

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Mafraq ) Al Mafraq Traffic )

Al Mafrq Analysis
Problems in Mafraq city center•
•Social and organizational problems

Infrastructure and environmental problems•

Roads and traffic•

The deterioration of heritage - Lack of green spaces and parks -
buildings in Mafraq city center area and no organizing of the existing
and the demolition of a large number .parks
.of it
Social and organizational problems

Absence of a special construction- Hindrance the roads and - Non exploitation of heritage -
legislations in the city center to sidewalks traffic with (trees, stalls, sites, which leads to neglect it
maintain the traditional character goods...etc), which slow the .and therefore being destroyed
and there is no specific architectural movement of pedestrians and
.style for building facades . vehicles
The weakness of cultural and social - Mafraq City Center -
activities in the city due to 1) there is no considered as attractive
public square 2) the inability to activate the region at daytime but it’s Isolation of the Alfdin ruins-
heritage buildings for the establishment of almost deserted at night, .from the city center
these activities by being owned by .making it Repulsive region
individuals or various sectors such as cultural
Social and organizational problems

.centers and public libraries and social clubs

Negligence of sidewalks and -

Congestion of the vegetable market, leading some activities-
pedestrian corridors and the lack
along the street and thus hinder the movement of traffic and
.of specific identity
.The lack of a service center that plays its role effectively -
The lack of social interaction places such as gardens, parks and -
.social clubs
The presence of many empty lands
within city center, which distorts the Unsuitable overlapping usage of-
view of the city center and leads to .Mafraq city Center
.health and social problems
Poor water drainage , where the - Lack of adequate lighting in -
streets are filled with rain water in Unorganized spreading of signboards -
the corridors and alleys and banners (optical distortion)
winter and shops cleaning water in
Infrastructure and environmental problems


The presence of animal Corrals -

The need for facades rehabilitation - Desert encroachment and sand - within the city area, which
and restoration for some buildings, storms that cause a nuisance to contribute in health problems
.especially traditional ones .the population .spreading
Lack and none organizing of public - Non-compliance with - Inadequate capacity of some -
and private parking, which engineering standards in roads ways to the volume of traffic;
.accumulate the cars in the streets .and sidewalks implementation that would lead to
overcrowding, especially in
.the mornings and afternoons
Roads and traffic

Lack of parking spaces for buses - the absence of vehicles movement - The intersection between -
.(umbrellas, seating .....) organization in bus stations, and the pedestrian paths and
provision of parking and canopies for .vehicular traffic
The Problems

Problems :
A - organizational Social problems.
B - infrastructure and environmental.
C - Roads and traffic.

Local case study

The Problems (organizational Social problems)

1- Lack of green spaces

2- Lack of the city main square .
3- Failure to provide a special system for
building in the downtown area to
maintain the heritage character.
4- Override the provisions of the
construction (horizontal and vertical
5- Loss of traditional identity for jewelers
markets, leather..etc (Mixed Use) a
6- Failure to provide places for stalls to
sale light materials like junk food and
7- The presence of problems in the roads
and sidewalks (trees, stalls ...)

Local case study

The Problems (infrastructure and environmental)

1- Lack of network of storm water

2- The prevalence of abandoned
houses (a source of crime and health
3- The need for the rehabilitation and
restoration of building facades,
especially the old ones
4- The spread of banners .
5- Lack of lighting in the corridors
and alleys

Local case study

The Problems (Roads and traffic)

1- Inadequate capacity of some ways

to the volume of traffic on them.
2- Lack of parking.
3- Lack of parking spaces for buses
(umbrellas, seating .....).
4- Non-compliance with engineering
standards in the implementation of
some roads and sidewalks.
5- The lack of banner indicative

Local case study

Development Methodology :

Objective of the study:

The study aims to revive and develop the Irbid central of heritage and developed
within a specific strategy to achieve the requirements of comfort to the citizens
and restore gravity to the city center by:
* The restoration of heritage buildings by Irbid municipality.
* Create activities and events in the available squares.
* Link all the items in the region and facilitate and create movement of
communication between them.
* Re-connecting a person to the place through the activation of heritage symbols
in the city.
 * Access to sustainable urban development through the achievement of multiple
partnerships with the local community and the private sector to higher economic
and social normality of the population of the city.
. * Activating the roles of municipality

Local case study

The Development Strategy :

Operational strategy development plan

to revive the concept of the urban
environment including the development
of network infrastructure, traffic, and
restoration of heritage buildings while
maintaining the symbolism of the hill,
and focus on the multi propose of the
city center and use of buildings and
grounds to create attractive activities,
rather than impose solutions through
demolition and rebuilding new areas.

Local case study

The Development Strategy :

There strategy includes the following themes:

1- find fair solutions of the historical areas and
find ways of interaction between the old and
2- Improve the quality of the region's
performance and access to attract the middle
class to it(for living and travelling ).
3- Develop criteria for the registration of heritage
buildings and the creation of protection zones.
4- Develop a mechanism to manage the
protected area of study and its components,
including the training of engineers, planners and
decision makers.
5- Taking in consideration the economic and
social sustainability and activating popular

Local case study

About Mafraq (Reasons that led to the emergence of the modern city of
The population classes :
1- farmers class .
2- commercial class .
3- Industrial class .
The main handicrafts :
1-Leather industry
2- Gold industry
3- seals Industry

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Irbid (Expansion phases)

2 - Stages of expansion:
The expansion of Irbid city can be summarized as the following :
*In the Islamic period.
In the Islamic period Irbid city started to expand outside of the hill area toward to
the southern direction of the city .
*In the Ottoman period.
Irbid city continued expansion towards to the south part of the hill area
*In the Hashemite Period.
We can say that the expansion in previous periods until 1930 from Hashemite
period was slow, but after 1948 there were a fast changes on the population
density as a result of Israel aggression on Palestine, the aggression force lots of
Palestinian people to move to Jordan, and continued expanding from the outskirts
of the city, especially after 1967.

Al Mafrq Analysis
About Irbid (Expansion phases )

In Islamic period. In Ottoman period

Local case study

Studies on the region :

Studies done on Irbid city by consolidated consultants

company as the following :
1 - a study in the social and economic reality
2 - Studying in the heritage of the region.
3 – study according the existing maps of the city such as:
* Tourism Maps.
* Topographical Maps.
* Traffic Trends.
4 – study in the building according to :
* Construction
* Physical states
* height
* the current uses
* Properties

Local case study

Studies on the region :

1-Study of social and economic realities:

The process of studying economic and social realities of the region pass
through the development and distribution of questionnaires to a sample of
the different community categories and the results were as follows:
1 – know the most important projects and development needed in downtown Irbid for the
2 –knowing the most important issues according to citizens.
3 - Find out the most important development projects and
economic development needed in the region.
4 – Knowing the most important problems effecting the region.
5- Identify the positive effects expected from
the development projects in different sectors.
6- Identify the nature and services and commercial activity.
7- Identify the degree of understanding and appreciation of heritage sites.

Local case study

Studies on the region :
2- Study In the heritage of
the region :
The rational study pass throw
collecting facts from the tourists
maps and the historical values for the
region .According to the above we will

reconfigure the traditional identity of

the region and connecting a person to
the place of trying to rehabilitate
these buildings to become part of
everyday human life .

Local case study

Studies on the region : Historical Arial Images

Arial Image for the region in 1953 Arial Image for the region in 2000

Local case study

Studies on the region : master plan

Local case study
Studies on the region : The Main districts .
1- Al - Tal
2- Al - Baladeah
3- Al - Motanabe 10 1
4- Al - Sagha
5- Al – Jamee
6- Abu-Zaetoneh
7- AL - Hesbeh 9
8- Al – Jamee 2 3
9- Al – Ahnaf
10- Al – Barha 8 4
Local case study
Studies on the region : Main historical places
1- Al - Saraya
2- Masjed Abd Allah

3- Al- Kaneseh
4- Bet arrar

5- Bet Al-Sharaere 10
6- Al - Baladeeh 8
7- Bet Jomaah 4 3 2
8- Bet Al- Nabelsee 5 6
9- Al Masjed Al
mmloke 9
10- Al Soor

11- Al Masjed Al 11

Local case study
Studies in the region : street directions
one way street
two way street

Local case study
Studies on the region : Topography
The hill height is
15 meter from the
surrounded lands.

Local case study
Studies on the region : Land use Plan

Residence C
Green area
Residence D
Residence D special
Local case study
Studies on the region : Land Property

Christ waqf
Islamic waqf

Local case study
Studies on the region : Buildings uses

Mixed use
Religious + other
Offices + Commercial
Public Transportation
area/ parking
Open market area
Local case study
Studies on the region : Buildings Heights

2 floors
3 floors
4 floors
5 floors
High rise
Local case study
Studies on the region : Building Ages

Before 1927
Between 1927-1953
After 1953

Local case study
Studies on the region : Building status

Local case study

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