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Case study on a selected Building
project in Bonga University
General background of the project lucid building
_ function / type of building is it serves as dormitory.
_ location of site it is found in baho
_ The amount ( cost) of the project is 88,661725.9
• _ The time for completion of project is 1( one) year
Which type of foundation are used and the
selection method from the other type of
We use for this building two type of foundation
_compound ( combined) foundation
_ isolated foundation

Combined footing are spread footing which supports

two or more column and also used to support wall or
column .
_ combined footing are used near stair case
• _ Isolated footing are sometimes known as column
footing and are used to support individual column
Wall type and the selection
method from the other type of wall
Wall is composed of stone,bricks, Rcc or HCB wall from thus listed
wall as the site Engineer told us HCB wall is selected

The reason for selection of HCB wall is due to the following cases
_ due to strength and stability
_ due to resistance of passage of heat
_ due to resistance of weather
_ due to resistance of passage of sound
_ due to fire resistance
• _durability and freedom from maintenance
Stair type and selection method
from from other type of stair
• The type of stair selected was half turn stair from
types of half turn stair especially dog legged stair
was selected the reason behind this is _ dog legged
stair was half turn stair with no space between fligjt
Roof type and the selection
requirements from other type of roof
Basically there are three different kinds of roof
_ pitched ( sloping) roof
_ Flat roof and
_ curved roof
• As the site engineer told us for this building select
flat roof the reason behind for selection was
according to their purpose / function of building.
Type of roof covering materials and the selection
method from other type of roofs covering

• The types of roof covering materials

may be corrugated metal sheets, Rc
slabs tile and EGA iron sheet from thus
above listed roof covering materials
EGA iron sheet was selected for this
The reason behind for the selection of this roof covering materials due

_ strength and stability

_ resistance to weather
_resistance to passage of heat
_ resistance of passage of sound
_resistance to air leakage
_ fire safety
_ security
_ durability and freedom from maintenance

Identify the technical terms of
doors and windows
The technical terms common for both windows and doors are
_ frame
_ shutter
_ head
_ Top rail
_bottom rail
• But not common for both windows and doors are sill is
technical terms of windows
Sill is lower most or bottom horizontal part of
window frame
• _lock rail is the middle horizontal member of door
Door and window type and the selection
method from the other type of door
Wooden door and glazed door I.e partially glazed
door can we use for the purpose of dormitory.
_ wooden doors can take good Polish and can be
given different types of moulding to produce
attractive appearance.
_ wooden door can be solid core door and hollow
core door
_ solid core door used as exterior doors
• _ hollow core door used only for internal
Structural system of building
Structural system of buildings are
_ truss
• _ slab ....etc
Q2 who are involved as main parties
in the project and what are their duties
The main parties involved in the project are
_ client
_ consultant
_ foreman
_ site engineer.

Duties of consultant

_ Approve payements
_ Resolve contractual dispute
_ supervise the project
_ Issue provisional and final acceptance
_ Ascertain , interpret and formulate client

Duties of contractor

_Carry out full site investigation prior to submission

of tender
_ submit tender
_ plan ,program , control the construction process
• _ Notify the client about delay
Duties of site engineer

• _ Site engineer are responsible for

planning ,marking out ,and leveling construction
site before any building work takes place
Duties of foreman

• Foreman is responsible for

scheduling ,co_ordinating and supervise the work
of all site.
Q3 how much percentage of the work
has been completed? Answer 43%
Q4What are the major challenges
faced under the construction process?

_ loss/lack of daily labourers

_ weather conditions
_ market price of materials increases day to day

• Q5 purpose of building _ it can serves as dormitory

Group members name and Id
1Adinew SHishore 1371
2 Daniel Ahamed 1142
• 3 Muaz Heyridin 1400

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