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• February 1917 when Father Jose Anseeuw baptized Alejandro Tayawa from malaap, Baay in a
hospital in Bontoc, Mt. Province. Six years later, on February 1923 again baptized some sickly
children, one of whom is Mr. Celestino Lumiwan of Sapote, Barangay Junction, Pinukpuk Kalinga-

• In 1925, two years later, a new parish priest assigned in Lubuagan, Fr. Francisco Billiet baptized
students on November 1, 1925 of which Pacquito Denna Dugayon from Taga and Santos Ballud
Wagsingan from Asibanglan were Included.

• Three months later, Fr. Francisco Billiet with Felix Dugayon of Taga visited Tappo, Taga, Pinukpuk
Junction, Malagnat, Wagud and Aciga from February 9-17, 1926 and were able to baptized 150
parishioners Present during the baptism were Catechist Juan Andaya, Honorio Ligo, Leon Bugcao of
Allaguia and Enrique Lopez.

• A year later on March 1927, when Fr. Francisco Billiet and Fr. Pablo Demestre visited Pinukpuk, the
people were suffering severe famine.

• On January 1928, a catechist of Mabaca, Balbalan, Mr Alfredo Manangbao visited barangay Aciga,
Wagud and Ammacian and conducted prayer meetings. Catechism after that has become dormant, it
was only on April 1932, that a new assistant-parish priest, Fr, Raf. Desmedt again visited Aciga and
the barangays along the Limos line.
• Five months later, on September 1932 fr. Billiet escorted by Mr. Paulito Dugayon made his first visit at Dugpa,
while Rev. Gerard Decaestecker that time then has been visiting Pinukpuk regularly.

• This activities of Rev. Decaestecker has continued for more or less four years and it was in January 1936, that
the mission-rector of Salegseg-balbalan and Pinukpuk, Rev. Victor Pil, has untiringly made his visitations even to
the remotest barrios of this town.

• In 1941-1944, war has prevailed.

• The missionaries have a Smited time in conducting missionary work due to the limited mission
trips.This has continued until 1945. It was only in 1946, the post was times that the decision for
establishing a big school in Salegseg came about with the parish still under Rev. Victor Pil and his
assistant Rev. Albert Depre Rev Albert Depre did not last long in Salegseg for after three months he
was Succeeded by Rev. John Rijma, who stayed in the area for one and a half year, after which he
was succeeded by Rev.

• John Rijma, who stayed in the area for one and a half year, after which he was succeeded by Rev.
Remie Demaeght, On May 1950, Rev. Salvador Mabalot came to salegg and stayed there for half a
year before his ordination for prieshood.
• In June 2, 1951 Rev Remie Demaeght was transferred to Kapangan and he was succeeded by Fr.
Juan Hanssen. During that time the Pinukpuk Mission has already accounted a total of 2,500 irving
catholics On January 27, 1952, the light of the Pinukpuk (Allaguia) Mission has already ignited when
Fr. Juan Hanssen as assistant parish priest of Salepseg took residence at Allagula, Pinukouk in the
house of M Antonio Gunnawa and eventually on March 22, 1952, first step were made to transfer the
Allagula mission to the present site in Calan.

• On May 1952 during a retreat in Baguio City, Rev. Juan Hanssen rece/ved his official appointment as
the mission superior of Allaguia Mission which comprises all the barrios of Pinukpuk excluding the
barangays of Magaogao and Tuga.

• On January 1954, two years after his appointment as mission superior of Allagula Mission Fr. Juan
Hanssen made a definite plans for building a church in Allagula and finally the church was
materialized and finished in December 1954 By February 1955, the new convent was also completed
and ready. Meanwhile, Fr. Victor Pil after serving ten years as parish priest left the salegseg Mission
on May 1956. On March 1958, Fr. Juan Hanssen took his furlough to Belguim, whereby he was
replaced by Fr. Miguel Seys.

• On April 1958, Tr. Seys was appointed as the new Mission Rector of Allagara. Upon his return on
January 14, 1959, Fr. Juan Hanssen assumed his second term as mission superior while Fr. Miguel
Seys was transferred to Salegseg.
• Rev. Hanssen served as the mission superior of Allaguia Mission until April 20, 1964 On March 1959,
a year after Fr. Juan Hanssen took his furlough in Belguim, the plan to build a church in Taga came
about; on August 1959 for another chapel in Aciga by Rev. Mike Seys. During the same month the
chapel in Asibanglan was completed.

• The building of chapel in Taga was also on-going and was dragging on. In the month of September
1960, Bishop William Brassuer, CICM came to Pinukpuk and was able to arrive at an agreement with
Mr. Andres Cawilan for the purchased of a ground in Pinukpuk, Junction.

• Four years after, Bishop William Brassuer, CICM came back to Pinukpuk for the confirmation rite at
Allaguia on March 17, 1964. On April 20, 1954, Rev. Mike Haelterman, took over as the new parish
priest of Allagula Mission for Rev. Hanssen was transferred to Kapangan. He was also the one who
found out that the Pinukpuk Junction lot belonged to Joseph Tongdo Sr.

• who in turn donated it to the Mission: More developments came to the Allaguia Mission when Rev.
Mike Haelterman took over. It was on Sept. 12, 1964, when for the first time an airplane landed in
Allaguia. During the same year, in the month of October, a tower was added to the chapel of Allaguia.
On May 1955, the very first medical mission was condected in Allaguia. It was done by the medical
mission team from the University of Santo Tomas (UST) in Manila.
• On May 1967, Two years after the first medical mission, Rev. Mike Helterman took his furlough to Belgium until
September 1968. During those years, plans were made for the transfer of the mission to Pinukpok Junction.
Simultaneously, the construction of the STS convent at Pinukpuk has begun. In 1968-1969, the center was
informally transferred to junction, Pinukpuk, when the first high school was formally opened. It was also in
1969 that the missions clinic was built in Allaguia with Dr. and Dra. Morales as resident physicians.

• Father Mike Haelterman continued his missionary work as parish priest of Pinukpuk until 1975. He
also produced the pioneer graduates of STS in 1972 being the first high school director. In 1975,
father Ben Erkens took over the place of father halterman, for the later was assigned at Kabugao,
Kalinga-Apayao. Father Mike Seys come back for his second term as parish priest of Pinukpuk
(Allagula) ission when Fr. Ben Erkens left sometime in April 1978. Outing his term, the church in
Junction was built, another in Katabbogan and the Sister's Convent in Junction.

• Eventually it was also during father Seys term when the SIM sisters came to Pinukpuk and helped in
the evangelical works in the barrios of the locality. This continued unat November 1990, the end of the
term of fr. Mike Seys. due to health reason, he was transferred to Tabuk Mission at Dagupan, Tabut
place of Fr. Seys, Fr. Joseph Munyanzo took over on November 1937 October 1997 His stay in
Pinukpuk (Allaguia) Mission was short Tuao cua to his transfer to Banaue. The years that followed
after that, wern years of vist prest A testone was reached when April 27, 1997 Fr. Fernold Denna was
ordaited priest, and held the honor of being the first pinukouk native priest Another ordination took
place on December 29, 1999 with.
• father Alejandro Abangley it was only in 1995, when the Finkpk Catholic Mission was formally transferred
to juriction, via a Patronal went first with Fr. Steve De Leon as its pioneer SVD Parish Priest Eventually on
February 20-23, 2002 on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee Celebration. The Pinukpuk Catholic Mission
was born. Father Gerry Gudmalin was the incumbent parish priest then at Pinukpuk while Fr Lodovikus
Mamu Koten was assistant. The missionaries of Pinukpuk in the order of their succession are Fr. Juan
Hanssen, CICM 1952-1957, Fr. Mike Seys, CICM 1958-1959, Fr. Juan Hanssens, CICM 1959-1964; Fr. Mike
Haelterman, CICM 1964-April 1975; Fr. Ben Erkens, CICM April 1975- 1978; Fr. Mike Seys, CICM April
1978-November 1990;

• Fr. Joseph Munyanzu, CICM Nov, 1990-October 1992; Fr. Mike Haelterman, CICM 1992-1993 as
visiting priest up to 1994; Fr. Steve de Leon, SVD 1994-1996, Fr. Geraldo Gudmalin, SVD 1996-
1998 :with Rev. Andong Abangley as assistant parish priest until his ordination In 1999, fr. Gerry
Gudmalin, SVD and fr. Lodovikus Mamu Koten, SVD as assistant 1999-2002 There installation of
the Mission Station St. Mary's Catholic Mission now was held July 2005 with It.
• Agustinus Koli, CICM as Mission Rector and Fr. Jean Baptiste Mubin, CICM as Co-Pastor. Fr.
Agustinus was transferred to Pinukouk Junction 2007 and Fr. Jean Baptiste Mubibi, OCM was left
as Mission Rector and Bro Fransiskus Gella, CICM as intern unti 2010. After the ordination of Fr.
Fransis he was then the Mission Rector with Fr. Jean Bosco Vakolo, CICM as Co-Pastor until 2013.
Then 2013-July 2016 Fr. Bosco left alone as Mission Rector, 2016-2022 Rev. Fr. Michel Tsiaku
Suma, CICV From 2005-present there were some chapels build and constructed. These were the
St. Lorenzo Ruiz in Apatan, St. John Bosco Bayangon East, Sta Lucia in Limos, St. Stephen in
Dupagan, a chapel.

• was also build in Dugpa, St. Joseph in Tappo, St. Thomas in Taga which is just finished its
dedication Last July 2022 The Mission has also 4 catechists and 12 volunter catechists and lay
leadears. At present, the mission thrives sustainingly despite the onset of different religious sect in
the Municipality. A manifestation that indeed it had withstood and will withstand the test of time.

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