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• Introduction:
The research has been carried out in various fields of
social sciences such as economics, sociology,
anthropology, and other disciplines which have made
possible to construct theories, design better methods and
techniques for studying social problems. It is important
to study scientific criteria to reach valid conclusions when
making decisions.
Some examples of social issues are: investments in
housing construction for population that does not need
it, providing medical assistance programs with models
that do not correspond to social or contextual
framework. Social research involves the study of
problems like: poverty, violence, economic crisis,
immigration, environment, among others.
• Explanation:
To begin the topic, you must know the meaning of research, according to Hernandez, Fernandez
and Baptista (2010): “research is defined as a set of systematic, empirical processes that apply to
study of a phenomenon.”

• The goals of social science research can be

divided into two groups:

A. Those who seek to know and/or produce new

knowledge related to social phenomena.

B. Those who want to answer questions that arise

from a concrete reality.
The research is to be conducted in
social fields closely related to
theoretical approach chosen for
developing the same and for
interpretation of results. The approach
will determine the kind of questions
allowed as well as the variables to be
tested. The natural sciences present
different problematic. It is important to
consider that the studies focus on
individuals or social groups, whose
behavior may be affected by multiple
factors; the investigator’s subjectivity is
also considered a determining element
that affects the results. 
According to Hernandez, Fernandez
and Baptista (2010), research
methods can be classified according
to the following chart.
The quantitative method is carried out to test a hypothesis looking through the data collection and
statistical analysis. The process for conducting this research is sequential and rigorous, consisting of ten
stages that begin with an idea and end with the preparation of the progress report based from the results.

In this research, we seek to explain

and predict the phenomena
investigated in order to prove a
theory, while identifying universal
laws and new knowledge is
generated. In a quantitative
approach, research is intended to
be as objective and structured as
possible avoiding the subjectivity of
the researcher. This approach is
based on positivist philosophies.
The qualitative method does not use
numerical measurement to answer the
research questions. This approach is a
circular flexible process in which the
sequences of the processes change
according to the same investigation
and frequently back to previous
stages, which can be modified
according to the requirements of the
study. This research seeks to describe,
understand and interpret phenomena.
It is an inductive process. Usually, this
approach is used more in social
sciences, since it is based in
phenomenology and naturalism.
• The mixed method involves linking qualitative and quantitative methods
in a single study to answer a specific problem.
• In the following chart, you can identify the essential differences between
the qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Qualitative Quantitative
• Inductive • Deductive
• Subjective • Objective
• Impressionistic • Conclusive
• Holistic, interdependent system • Independent and dependent variables
• Purposeful, key informants • Random, probabilistic sample
• Not focused on generalization • Focused on generalization
• Aims at understanding, new perspectives • Aims at truth, scientific acceptance Statistical
• Case studies, content and pattern analysis analysis
• Focus on words • Focus on numbers
• Probing • Counting
• An exploratory design seeks to examine an issue or a problem that has not been studied
profoundly. The researcher tries to find indicators that may serve to define the studied phenomenon.
Information is obtained to further investigate the phenomenon and to investigate it in a particular
context. Out of this type of investigation, you cannot obtain definitive conclusions or generalizations.
The descriptive designs highlight the most important characteristics of the object of study that is a
person, group, community, or phenomenon under analysis. These studies also provide information
that will serve as a basis for further research. You cannot draw general conclusions, only descriptions
of a phenomenon.

• Correlational designs seek the relationship or degree of association between two or more variables
or concepts. Its value is explanatory, because it explains the relationship between two variables.

• Explanatory designs respond to the causes of phenomena or events and focuses on demonstrating

why an event occurs and the conditions under which it shows. 
• Grounded designs seek to generate a theorem that explains, at a conceptual level,
an action in a specific area. The ethnographic design studies groups, organizations,
communities or cultural elements such as education, politics, and history. This kind
of research involves description and interpretation, and it is carried out in a given

• In a narrative design, the researchers collect information about people’s lives and

then describe and analyze it. The sources of data can be biographies, interviews,
documents, etc.

• The action research designs seek to solve everyday problems immediately and

improve the action. Its objective is to help make decisions for the implementation of
programs, processes, and reforms.
• Conclusion:
• During the twentieth century, there were two approaches to conduct research:
quantitative and qualitative. In both cases, a determined process is used to
generate knowledge or to know the causes of certain phenomena. They have equal
value to investigators, but, the implementation of the quantitative or qualitative
method will be determined by the object of study. All these research approaches
are considered as ways of doing science and knowledge production.

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