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Content and

Pedagogy to
Achieve the
We will talk
about this first.
● 1. Course or Degree Contents- To
become a teacher, a college degree is
required. A degree is made up of
Having identified the outcomes courses or subjects which are
of the program, how will
clustered as general education courses,
universities, schools and
departments form the future professional education courses and
teachers? major or specialized subject courses.
General Education Courses,
Elementary Professional Teacher Education

Level Courses, Areas of Specialization or

Additional Subjects in a Specialized
Teaching for K Field.

to Grade 6
Secondary General Education Courses,
Professional Teacher Education
Level Courses, Major Discipline (English,
Teaching for Math, Science, others)

Grade 7-10
(Junior High)
Secondary Level General Education Courses,
Professional Teacher Education
Teaching for Courses, Areas of Specialization or
Grade 11-12 Additional Subjects in a Specialized
(Senior High
Illustrative Example of Probable Subjects in
the Professional Teacher Education
For all future teachers in K to 12
(elementary and secondary levels)
A. Foundation Courses

⮚ Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning


⮚ The Teacher and Society

⮚ The Teaching Profession

⮚ School Culture and Organizational Leadership

⮚ School-Community Linkages

⮚ Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education

For all future teachers in K to 12
(elementary and secondary levels)
B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge Courses

⮚ Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching and


⮚ Assessment of Learning

⮚ Technology for Teaching and Learning ⮚ The

teacher and the School Curriculum ⮚ Building and
Enhancing Literacy Skill Across the Curriculum

⮚ Content and Pedagogy of the Mother Tongue

(Elementary level only)

⮚ Teaching the Major Field Subjects (Secondary

level only)
For all future teachers in K to 12
(elementary and secondary levels)

C. Major Courses for the Secondary and Selected

*Subject Area Content for the Elementary

For all future teachers in K to 12
(elementary and secondary levels)

C. Major Courses for the Secondary and Selected

*Subject Area Content for the Elementary

D. Experiential Learning Courses

❖Field Study Courses These subjects are coherent and integrated with
each other to create and achieve almost seamless
(Field Observations) experience of learning to teach. Bringing together
theory into practice, faculty teaching the content,
❖Practice Teaching also supervise student teachers in the field.

(Classroom Observation,
Teaching Assistance, Full
2. Methods of Teaching and Teaching
Delivery Modes
Modern vs. traditional
● The methods of teaching should be varied
to address the different kind of learners.
Time-tested methods as well as current
and emerging strategies shall be utilized.
These should be student-centered,
interactive, integrative, and trans-
formative. Courses should enhance the
concept of “learning how to learn” for
future teachers.
Modern vs. traditional
● The delivery modes may vary from the
traditional face-to-face, on line, anled
experiential learning, approaches. When these
modalities are combined in one course, it is
called blended approach.
● Whatever methods of teaching or delivery
modes to be used by the teachers are clearly
written in a course design or syllabus prepared
by the faculty and shared to the students.
3. Assessment of Learning
Assessment of
● Refers to strategies designed to confirm what
students know, demonstrate whether or not they have
met curriculum outcomes. College learning shall be
assessed in similar manner as all other means of
assessment. It has to be remembered that in the
Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) there are
three levels of competencies that all undergraduate
students should possess as evidence of their learning
Assessment of
This refers to Level 6 of the PQF which is described as :
● Level 1 – Knowledge, Skills and Values
● Level 2 – Application of KSV
● Level 3 – Degree of Independence.

Every subject has established a set of desired learning

outcomes to be achieved,

at the end of the course. These learning outcomes should

be evaluated so as to confirm if they have be achieved.
Teacher quality is an important factor in determining gains in student achievement, even after accounting for prior student learning and family
background characteristics. Predictors of teacher quality have typically included factors such as class size, certification, type of qualification, degrees
earned, or years of experience. Another, less studied, indicator of teacher quality is the pedagogical knowledge of teachers. Pedagogical knowledge
refers to the specialized knowledge of teachers for creating effective teaching and learning environments for all students. This project focuses on the
pedagogical knowledge base of teachers and the knowledge dynamics in the teaching profession in order to examine their implications for the
instructional process and to derive evidence-based suggestions for educational policy

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