Spring 2023 영어의 이해 (Understanding English)

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Spring 2023
영어의 이해
(Understanding English)
( 교과목 소개 )

명지대학교 영어영문학과
수업방식 : 대면 수업 ( 월 / 수 3:00
Course Description

• This course is designed to give students an informal, rudimentary

overview of the English language, from its burgeoning years to its
current status as an international language. Greater emphasis will be
placed on debunking various myths about the language from a scien-
tific perspective so that the course lectures may ultimately help stu-
dents deepen their understanding of English as well as the human
language in general, and consequently build up their own strategy of
learning English for effective communication in the 21 st century.
• 영어의 역사 , 변천과정 , 및 현대 국제어로서의 위상을 갖기까지 겪은
영어의 언어적 , 비언어적 변화 및 특성들을 살펴보고 , 영어를 바라보는
과학적인 관점을 길러 향후 영어학습을 위한 자기주도적 학습법을 개발하고
언어학 연구의 발판을 마련한다 .
Topics to be discussed

• English in the Indo-European language family

• History of English
• English vocabulary
• English dictionaries for learners
• British English vs. American English
• Pronunciation of English
• Grammar and syntax
• … (Your suggestions are always welcomed!!)
Sources for reading

Lecture notes on E-Class < 강의자료실 >

• 출석 Attendance: 10%

• 과제 Homework: 20%
(given twice, before the mid-term and the final)

• 시험 Exams: 70%
중간고사 30% + 기말고사 40%
When you want to contact me

• Office: Main Bldg. #1710

• Phone: (02) 300-0501
• E-mail: mphong@mju.ac.kr
Next class??

• For our first topic, “English in the Indo-European language

family,” please look for some information on Wikipedia be-
fore coming to class.

*search words: English language / Indo-European languages

Or, you may ask ChatGPT what kind of language English is.
Wikipedia: “English language”
Wikipedia: “Indo-European languages”

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