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College of Engineering Pune

Department of Mechanical Engineering

A.Y. 2021-22
Semester II
Computational Methods &
Course instructor:
Abhishek D. Patange, Ph.D.
• Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, COEP
• Ph.D. in Application of Machine Learning for condition
monitoring, VIT, Vellore.
• Master’s : Design Engineering, COEP, Pune
• Bachelor's: Mechanical Engineering, COEP, Pune

Area of expertise:
• Mechatronics, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Numerical Methods, Theory of Machines,
Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanism, Health monitoring & Predictive analytics,
Data acquisition/Instrumentation, The application of machine learning for
Mechanical Engineering.

• Case study based learning, Research/Project based learning

Research related activities:

My publications: References:
1. Patange, A. D., Jegadeeshwaran, R., & Dhobale, N. C. (2019, October). Milling cutter
condition monitoring using machine learning approach. In IOP Conference Series:
Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 624, No. 1, p. 012030). IOP Publishing.
2. Patil, S. S., Pardeshi, S. S., Patange, A. D., & Jegadeeshwaran, R. (2021, July). Deep
Learning Algorithms for Tool Condition Monitoring in Milling: A Review. In Journal
of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1969, No. 1, p. 012039). IOP Publishing.
3. Tambake, N. R., Deshmukh, B. B., & Patange, A. D. (2021, July). Data Driven Cutting
Tool Fault Diagnosis System Using Machine Learning Approach: A Review. In Journal
of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1969, No. 1, p. 012049). IOP Publishing.
4. Shewale, M. S., Mulik, S. S., Deshmukh, S. P., Patange, A. D., Zambare, H. B., &
Sundare, A. P. (2019). Novel machine health monitoring system. In Proceedings of
the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication
Technology (pp. 461-468). Springer, Singapore.
5. Bajaj, N. S., Patange, A. D., Jegadeeshwaran, R., Kulkarni, K. A., Ghatpande, R. S., &
Kapadnis, A. M. (2021). A Bayesian optimized discriminant analysis model for
condition monitoring of face milling cutter using vibration datasets. Journal of
Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering
Systems, 5(2), 021002.
My publications: References:
6. Patange, A. D., & Jegadeeshwaran, R. (2021). A machine learning approach for
vibration-based multipoint tool insert health prediction on vertical machining
centre (VMC). Measurement, 173, 108649.
7. Khade, H. S., Patange, A. D., Pardeshi, S. S., & Jegadeeshwaran, R. (2021). Design of
bagged tree ensemble for carbide coated inserts fault diagnosis. Materials Today:
Proceedings, 46(2), 1283-1289.
8. Patange, A. D., & Jegadeeshwaran, R. (2021). Review on tool condition classification
in milling: A machine learning approach. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46(2), 1106-
9. Mulik Sharad, S., Deshmukh Suhas, P., & Patange Abhishek, D. (2017). Review of
vibration monitoring techniques using low cost sensors and microcontrollers. J.
Mechatron. Autom, 4(2).
10. Nalavade, S. P., Patange, A. D., Prabhune, C. L., Mulik, S. S., & Shewale, M. S. (2019).
Development of 12 Channel Temperature Acquisition System for Heat Exchanger
Using MAX6675 and Arduino Interface. In Innovative Design, Analysis and
Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering (I-DAD 2018) (pp.
119-125). Springer, Singapore.
My publications: References:
11. Patange, A. D., & Jegadeeshwaran, R. (2020). Application of bayesian family
classifiers for cutting tool inserts health monitoring on CNC milling. International
Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, 11(2), 1-9.
12. Patange AD, Bewoor AK, Deshmukh SP, Mulik SS, Pardeshi SS, Jegadeeshwaran R.
Improving Program Outcome Attainments using Project Based Learning approach
for: UG Course-Mechatronics, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
13. Mulik SS, Patange AD, Jegadeeshwaran R, Pardeshi SS, Rahegaonkar A.
Development and Experimental Assessment of a Fluid Flow Monitoring System
Using Flow Sensor and Arduino Interface. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.
Springer, Singapore 2021
14. Shewale M.S., Razban A., Deshmukh S.P., Mulik S.S., Patange A.D. (2020)
Characterization and System Identification of XY Flexural Mechanism Using Double
Parallelogram Manipulator for High Precision Scanning. Lecture Notes in Electrical
Engineering, vol 570. Springer, Singapore
15. Apoorva Khairnar, Abhishek Patange, Sujit Pardeshi, and R. Jegadeeshwaran.
Supervision of Carbide Tool Condition by Training of Vibration-based Statistical
Model using Boosted Trees Ensemble [J]. Int J Performability Eng, 2021, 17(2): 229-
Teaching, learning and evaluation..
Teaching Scheme:
• Theory : 2 Hr/week (2 credits)
• Lab: 2 Hr/week (1 credit)

Examination Scheme:
• For theory
 T1 (Exam) : 20 Marks
 T2 (Research based learning and evaluation) : 20 Marks
 End-Semester Exam: 60 Marks
• For Lab
 Term work : 50 marks
 Practical exam based on MATLAB/Python programming
set and evaluated by external examiner : 50 Marks
Unit 1 : Numerical Methods I:
• Introduction : Difference between analytical & numerical approach
• Error Approximations: Types of Errors: Absolute, Relative, Algorithmic,
Truncation, Round off Error, Error Propagation, Concept of convergence-
relevance to numerical methods.
• Roots of equations: Bracketing and Open Methods.
• Simultaneous Equations: Gauss-Elimination, with partial pivoting, Gauss-
Seidal, Gauss-Jordan, Gauss-Jacobi, Thomas algorithm for Tri-diagonal Matrix.

Unit 2 : Numerical Methods II:

• Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd Rule, Simpson’s 3/8th
Rule, Gauss Quadrature 2 point and 3 point method. Double Integration using
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd Rule
• Ordinary Differential Equations [ODE]: Taylor series method, Euler Method,
Runge-Kutta fourth order, Simultaneous equations using RungeKutta2nd order
• Partial Differential Equations [PDE]: Finite Difference methods Introduction to
finite difference method, Simple Laplace method, PDEs- Parabolic explicit
solution, Elliptic-explicit solution
Unit 3 : Curve fitting and Regression analysis:
• Interpolation: Approximation by Forward, Backward, Central and Divided
Difference Formulae, Interpolation by Newton’s Formulae, Lagrange’s, Spline
Interpolation, Hermite and Stirling Formulae
• Curve fitting: Least square technique- Straight line, Power equation,
Exponential equation and Quadratic equation
• Regression using Machine Learning algorithms: Linear Regression, Logistic
Regression, Polynomial Regression, Support Vector Regression, Regression
trees: Decision tree, random forest, Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression,
Clustering/ K-Means, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Neural Networks
ME: Mechanical Engineering
Section 1: Engineering Mathematics (Minimum 4 questions)
• Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

• Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; integration
by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules; single and multi-step methods for differential equations

• Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, mean value theorems,
indeterminate forms; evaluation of definite and improper integrals; double and triple integrals;
partial derivatives, total derivative, Taylor series (in one and two variables), maxima and minima,
Fourier series; gradient, divergence and curl, vector identities, directional derivatives, line, surface
and volume integrals, applications of Gauss, Stokes and Green’s theorems.

• Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear); higher order linear differential
equations with constant coefficients; Euler-Cauchy equation; initial and boundary value problems;
Laplace transforms; solutions of heat, wave and Laplace's equations.

• Complex variables: Analytic functions; Cauchy-Riemann equations; Cauchy’s integral theorem and
integral formula; Taylor and Laurent series.

• Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability, sampling theorems, conditional probability;

mean, median, mode and standard deviation; random variables, binomial, Poisson and normal
GATE 2022:

Dates of examination of GATE 2022

• Saturday 5th February 2022
• Sunday 6th February 2022
• Saturday 12th February 2022
• Sunday 13th February 2022

Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2022

GATE 2022:
Official website

GATE - Previous Year Question Papers
Books for CMP:
• Chapra, Cannale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”,
McGraw-Hill Int.

• T Veerarajan, T Rama Chandran, “Theory and Problems in

Numerical Method” Tata McGraw-Hill

• Shastry, “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”,

Prentice Hall Delhi.

• Alex Smola and S.V.N. Vishwanathan, Introduction to Machine

Learning, Cambridge University Press

• Rudolph Russell, Machine Learning: Step-by-Step Guide to

Implement Machine Learning Algorithms with Python, an open
source book.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1. Use numerical methods in modern scientific computing
2. Determine numerical solutions of nonlinear equations in a
single variable
3. Use numerical interpolation
4. Estimate solution to problems using numerical integration
and differentiation
5. Obtain numerical solution to engineering problems using
6. Apply machine learning algorithms for regression analysis
Introduction to
A simple mathematical model
• a formulation or equation that expresses the essential
features of a physical system or process in mathematical

• represented as a functional relationship of the form

Reflects the time and space, reflective of the external

behaviour or along which the system’s influences
state behaviour is properties or acting on
of the system determined composition system
Let’s take one example:
• Newton formulated his second law of motion,

• which states that the time rate of change of momentum of a

body is equal to the resultant force acting on it.

• The mathematical expression, or model, of the second law is the

well-known equation

F=ma (1)
• F = net force acting on the body (N, or kg m/s2)
• m = mass of the object (kg)
• a = its acceleration (m/s2)
• The second law can be recast in the format of generalised
equation by merely dividing both sides by m to give

a=F/m (2)

where a = the dependent variable reflecting the behaviour

F = the forcing function
m = a parameter representing a property of the system

• Note:
For this simple case there is no independent variable because we are not yet
predicting how acceleration varies in time or space.
• Because of its simple algebraic form, the solution of Eq. (1)
can be obtained easily.

• However, other mathematical models of physical phenomena

may be much more complex, and either cannot be solved
exactly or require more sophisticated mathematical
techniques than simple algebra for their solution.

• To illustrate a more complex model of this kind, Newton’s

second law can be used to determine the terminal velocity of
a free-falling body near the earth’s surface.
• Our falling body will be a parachutist.

• A model for this case can be derived by expressing the

acceleration as the time rate of change of the velocity (dv/dt)
and substituting it into Eq. (2) to yield

dv / dt = F / m (3)
• where v is velocity (m/s) and t is time (s).

• The net force (+) : the object accelerates

• The net force (-) : the object decelerates
• The net force = 0, the velocity will be constant.
• Next, we will express the net force in terms of measurable
variables and parameters.

• For a body falling within the vicinity of the earth, the net
force is composed of two opposing forces:

• the downward pull of gravity FD and

• the upward force of air resistance FU

F = FD + F U (4)
• If the downward force is assigned a positive sign, the
second law can be used to formulate the force due to
gravity, as

FD = mg (5)

• where g = the gravitational constant, or the acceleration

due to gravity, which is approximately equal to 9.8 m/s2.
• Air resistance can be formulated in a variety of ways. A
simple approach is to assume that it is linearly proportional
to velocity and acts in an upward direction, as in

FU = −cv
• where c = a proportionality constant called the drag
coefficient (kg/s).

• Thus, the greater the fall velocity, the greater the upward
force due to air resistance.
• The net force is the difference between the downward and
upward force. Therefore,

• Eqs. (3) through (6) can be combined to yield

dv / dt = F / m
where F = mg – cv
dv / dt = ( mg – cv ) / m (7)
or simplifying the right side,

dv / dt = g – (c/ m) * v (8)
• Equation (8) is a model that relates the acceleration of a
falling object to the forces acting on it.

• It is a differential equation because it is written in terms of

the differential rate of change (dv/dt) of the variable that we
are interested in predicting.

• However, in contrast to the solution of Newton’s second law

in Eq. (2), the exact solution of Eq. (8) for the velocity of the
falling parachutist cannot be obtained using simple algebraic

• Rather, more advanced techniques such as those of calculus,

must be applied to obtain an exact or analytical solution.
• For example, if the parachutist is initially at rest (v = 0 at t =
0), calculus can be used to solve Eq. (8) for


• Note that Eq. (9) is cast in the general form of Eq. 1)

• where v(t) = the dependent variable
• t = the independent variable
• c and m = parameters
• g = the forcing function
Example 1: Analytical Solution to the Falling Parachutist Problem

• Problem Statement.

• A parachutist of mass 68.1 kg jumps out of a stationary

hot air balloon.

• Use Eq. (9) to compute velocity prior to opening the chute.

• The drag coefficient is equal to 12.5 kg/s.

Example 1: Analytical Solution to the Falling Parachutist Problem

which can be used to compute

According to the model, the
parachutist accelerates rapidly. A
velocity of 44.87 m/s is attained after
10 s. Note also that after a sufficiently
long time, a constant velocity, called
the terminal velocity, of 53.39 m/s is
reached. This velocity is constant
because, eventually, the force of
gravity will be in balance with the air
resistance. Thus, the net force is zero
and acceleration has stopped.
Example 1: Analytical Solution to the Falling Parachutist Problem

Velocity increases with time and asymptotically

approaches a terminal velocity.
• Equation (9) is called an analytical, or exact, solution
because it exactly satisfies the original differential equation.

• Unfortunately, there are many mathematical models that

cannot be solved exactly.

• In many of these cases, the only alternative is to develop a

numerical solution that approximates the exact solution.

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