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A slide show adventure in Biological Control

Erica Jenkins, Michigan State University Pesticide Education

Wasp larvae coming out of a
1 caterpillar
2 Long-legged fly with a captured
3 Wasps coming out of aphid bodies.
4 Wasp pupae on a caterpillar
5 Rove beetles eating a maggot
6 The top caterpillar is infected
with a virus.
7 Green cloverworms infected with
a fungus
8 A tiny wasp injects eggs into a
plant bug nymph
9 A fly infected with a fungus
10 A scorpion eating a cricket
11 The Japanese beetle larva (grub)
on the right has milky disease
caused by a bacteria.
12 A spider eating an insect.
13 A lacewing larva eating an aphid

Howard Russel, Michigan State University

14 A spider eating a moth
15 A wasp lays eggs inside a gypsy
moth caterpillar.
16 A big-eyed bug glues a whitefly
to a leaf and eats it.

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