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Introduction to Waves

Surf’s up dude!
Identify the characteristics of waves
What Are Waves?
A wave is a disturbance that carries energy through
matter or space without transferring matter.

Wave Demo
Ocean Waves
Wave Characteristics
Amplitude: The greatest
distance from

The bigger the amplitude

of the wave, the more
energy the wave has.

Crest: The top point of a wave.
Trough: The bottom point of a wave.
Wave Characteristics
Wavelength: The shortest distance between points
where the wave pattern repeats itself.
Wavelength is
measured in
meters, the
symbol is
Wave Characteristics
Phase: Any two points on a wave that are one or more
whole wavelengths apart are said to be “in phase”.
Wave Characteristics
Frequency: Is the number of complete oscillations a
point on that wave makes each second.

Frequency is measured
in Hertz (Hz), its units
Wave Characteristics
Speed: The speed or velocity of a wave is how fast the
energy is moved. For most waves, wave speed does not
depend on amplitude, frequency, or wavelength.
Speed depends only on the medium through which it
Wave Characteristics
Period: The time it takes a wave to go through one
cycle, or the time it takes a point to go through one
phase of the wave.

The period of a wave is measured in seconds, and it’s

symbol is “T”.
What does a wave
Review and solidify the material you learned and
practiced yesterday.

Learn about the different types of waves.

Study, create, and destroy different wave types.

On page 393 of the textbook answer questions 15, 16,
17, 19, 22, and 24.
15. 343m/s, 2.29x10^-3s, 0.787m
16. You should shake it at a lower frequency because
wavelength varies inversely with frequency.
17. 2.45m/s
19. 2.50m
22. The frequency is one-half of its original value.
24. The wavelength increases to 1.5 times its original value.
Art Time – Example Part Two
Draw two more cycles of the red wave.
Art Time – Example Part Two
Draw one more cycles of the blue wave.
Art Time – Example Part Two
What is the wavelength of the red wave?
Art Time – Example Part Two
What is the wavelength of the blue wave?
Art Time – Example Part Two
What is the amplitude of the red wave?
Art Time – Example Part Two
What is the amplitude of the blue wave?
Art Time – Example Part Two
If this is a snapshot of how far each wave traveled in 1
second, what is the frequency of the red wave?
Art Time – Example Part Two
If this is a snapshot of how far each wave traveled in 1
second, what is the frequency of the blue wave?
Art Time – Example Part Two
Are the red and blue wave in phase with each other?
Art Time – Example Part Two
Mark two spots on each wave that are in phase with
each other.
You try
Draw the following waves on the same graph:
1. A wave with an amplitude of 6m and a wavelength of 3m.
2. A wave with an amplitude of 2m and a wavelength of 2m.
3. A wave with an amplitude of 3m and a wavelength of 4m.
Which wave has the greatest frequency if they’re all
traveling at the same speed?
Types of Waves
There are two types of waves!
1. Transverse Waves: A wave that disturbs the particles
in the medium perpendicular to the direction of the
wave’s travel.
2. Longitudinal Waves: A wave that disturbs the
particles in the medium parallel to the direction of
the wave’s travel.
Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves
1. What is a Transverse wave?

2. What is a Longitudinal wave?

Slinky Demo
How can a single transverse wave pulse be produced
using a slinky?

How can a single longitudinal wave pulse be produced

using a slinky?
Sound waves are longitudinal waves because they shake
the air as they transfer the energy to our ears.
Must Watch Television
What is the speed of a
radio wave that has
wavelength of 1,396m and DO
a frequency of STOP
Learn about the different types of waves.

Study, create, and destroy different wave types.

Grade Update
Answer these questions.
1. How did you follow your plan on how to improve
your grade?
2. Are you happy with your grade and what do you want
your grade to be by the end of the quarter?
3. What are you going to do to improve your grade?
Waves at Boundaries
What does the surface of water look like when you
drop a small rock in a calm bucket of water?

What happens when the wave hits the walls?

Splash Demo!!! Get your goggles!

Waves at Boundaries
Recall that a wave’s speed depends on the medium it
passes through:
Water depth
Air temperature
Tension, and mass
A “Boundary” is when a wave goes from one medium
to another.
Waves at Boundaries
There are three ways you’ll be interested in at boundaries.
1. Incident Wave: A wave pulse that strikes the boundary.
2. Reflected Wave: A wave that bounces backwards after
hitting the boundary.
3. Transmitted Wave: A wave that continue forward after
hitting the boundary.
Waves at Boundaries
Waves at Boundaries Demos
Different Medium Demo:
The incident energy is split between reflected and
transmitted energy.

Rigid Boundaries Demo:

All of the incident energy is turned into reflected energy.
1. How does the amplitude (energy) of a wave change
when it hits a rigid boundary like a wall?

2. How is the conservation of energy observable with a

single wave hitting a different medium?
Waves in a Bucket
What happens if you drop two rocks into a calm
bucket of water instead of just one?

Splash Demo 2.0!!! Get dem goggles back!

The waves seem to hit each other, but then just

continue on their way…weird?
Wave Interference
When we had two particles (carts) and pushed them
into each other they collided and then stopped.

When waves collide they temporarily interfere with

one another, but they do not stop each other.
Wave Interference
The Principle of Superposition states that the
displacement of a medium caused by two or more
waves is the algebraic sum of the displacements caused
by the individual waves.
Superposition (Interference)
Now a super superposition demo!
1. Can we make two waves create a bigger wave?

2. Can we make two wave create a smaller wave?

3. Is there a limit to how many waves we can create?

What is the speed of a
radio wave that has
wavelength of 1,396m and DO
a frequency of STOP
Learn about the different types of interference,
practice solving problems that deal with it, and
demonstrate the different interference patterns with a
small group.
Limit to waves?
The number of waves that are interfering with each
other is limitless.
Each wave is just a form of a sine wave.
Wolfram Alpha Demo:
Types of Interference
There are three types of interference
1. Constructive Interference: When the crest of a wave meets a
crest of another wave of the same frequency at the same point.
2. Destructive Interference: When the crest of a wave meets a
trough of another wave of the same frequency at the same
3. Different Amplitude: All other scenarios of waves interference.
Constructive vs. Destructive
Which is constructive and which is destructive
interference? How do you know?
Interference Practice
If waves A and B
were aligned on top
of each other, what
would the resultant
wave look like?
Interference Practice
If waves A and B
were aligned on top
of each other, what
would the resultant
wave look like?
Interference Practice
What does the
wave look like
under the
Can you do this?
Let’s see if we can successfully make waves both
constructively and destructively interfere!

Note: not all the slinkies are in the best shape, but
remember this is not an open invitation to make them
Can you do this?
Try to complete these 5 missions. Try to take video or
pictures with your phone to capture the interference.
1. Make two transverse waves constructively interfere.
2. Make two longitudinal waves constructively interfere.
3. Make two transverse waves destructively interfere.
4. Make two longitudinal wave destructively interfere.
5. Play around with different amplitudes, can you get three
waves to interfere?
Draw a picture of two
waves moving towards
each other that will DO
constructively interfere STOP
once their crests meet.
Learn and be able to identify standing waves and their
Results? – Where are they?
What were you able to find?

E-mail me your successful results!


Were there any trials that didn’t work?

Grade Update - Labs
Answer these questions.
1. How did you follow your plan on how to improve
your grade?
2. Are you happy with your grade and what do you want
your grade to be by the end of the quarter?
3. What are you going to do to improve your grade?
Read pages 394 to 397.

Stop before reading “Waves in Two Dimensions” on

page 397

Very good illustrations and snapshots of superposition

and interference.
Standing Waves
When a wave appears to just move up and down
instead of transmitting energy side to side it is called a
standing wave.

These waves appear to be standing still, hence

“Standing Wave”.
Standing Wave Demo
What happens to the number of bumps as I increase the
frequency? Why?

How does the wavelength change has I increase the


How does the speed of the waves change as I increase the

Standing Waves
Why must I keep oscillate my arm to generate a
standing wave?

A standing wave is made up interfering waves moving

in opposite directions. Without this small input the
wave would die out.
Standing Waves
Resonance is when a small energy input frequency is
continually applied to an object and it causes the object to
oscillate with greater and greater amplitude.
Resonance is continual constructive interference.
Every object has a resonance frequency.
Swing-sets use resonance.
Microwave ovens are the resonance frequency of water.
Tesla found the resonance frequency of the Earth.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
The designer took Tacoma’s money and said he brought
and insurance policy for the bridge…he didn’t
The bridge started oscillating almost as soon as it was
It collapsed just days before the fake insurance policy
would have expired.
He went to jail.
Nodes and Antinodes
Nodes and Antinodes are used to help describe and
understand waves.
A “node” is where waves meet and cause zero
displacement of the medium.
No displacement
An “antinode” is where waves meet and cause the largest
displacement of the medium.
Anti no displacement
Nodes and Antinodes
Nodes and Antinodes
How many nodes and antinodes does the wave below
The mod 8 physics class is smoking the mod 2 physics
class…90 to 84!
Page 403 numbers 61-63, 67, 71-74, 76

17 minutes to complete.

Work in pairs or groups of three.
Each group can ask me up to three questions.
Counts as a grade…homework? Quiz? Lab? Test?
61. T=8.3s
62. 4.0 m/s
63. v=0.288 m/s ; T=0.21s
67. f=550Hz ; 275 waves ; 165m
71. The reflected wave pulse from a rigid boundary is
72. No displacement or movement
73. Bare areas are antinodes, sugar covered areas are
74. A standing wave exists and the string can be touched
at any of its five nodes
76. See drawing.
Bellringer – 2 mins to hand in
What is a standing wave?

What is an antinode? DO
What is a node?
Practice your understanding of waves.

Complete “Slinky Lab” to demonstrate you have the

power to create and destroy waves.

Computer simulator.
Slinky Lab
All sample calculations must be shown on a separate
sheet of paper.
All answers to questions must be shown on a separate
sheet of paper.
All questions must be answered in complete sentences
with full explanation.
1 tile is 1 meter.
Bellringer – 2 mins to turn in
Turn it in on the back
table and pick up your
bellringer from last week DO
as well as your group’s STOP
answers from last week.

How are standing waves

Standing Waves
What is a standing wave?

How are standing waves created?

What is an antinode?

What is a node?
Review the basics of waves for a quiz tomorrow.
Please pass up your slinky labs
Introduction to Waves Quizest?
15 multiple questions?

3 long answers?

1 mod

More Drawing
In the “Intro to Waves HW” packet answer questions
35 (parts 1-3), 35, 36, 37
Yes there are two number 35s

For homework finish the packet!

Standing Wave Simulator
What does a standing longitudinal wave look like?

Fixed end vs. open end. Destructive and Constructive

What’s on the Quizest?
Wave Vocabulary
Drawing Waves
Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves
Wave interference and Superposition
Standing Waves
Nodes and Antinodes
Bellringer – 2 mins to turn in
Turn it in on the back table
and pick up your bellringer
from last week as well as
your group’s answers from DO
last week.

If a wave travels at 15m/s

and has a wavelength of
2.2m what is its frequency?
Review the basics of waves for a quiz tomorrow.
Intro to Waves HW
You be the teacher!
You know all the topics that will be on the quizest.
Can you use this knowledge to figure out the questions
I’ll ask?
Write 2 multiple choice questions and 1 long answer
question with at least 2 parts.
Try to cover as many of those categories as possible.
You be the teacher!
I’ll collect and redistribute the questions.
Find your partner then solve the questions you are
Then you’ll grade their responses.
Who had good questions?
Intro to Waves HW Packet
Physics teacher wave generator

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