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 Presentations are well-prepared aesthetically and the contents are an addition to knowledge
 Presentation is clear and organized that it discussed the objective of the topic
 Deliver a good video samples for a good HR Innovations
 The tone of the voice of the Speaker is very clear as it catches the attention of the listener (specially
mam jet)
 PNB delivers a good HRIS that covers most of the HR Functionsthey're organized, every members
contributes their good presentation.
 They're focus on the objectives of their reports where the innovations and trends are discussed. The
HR strategies and most importantly they're understand their role and embrace collaboration as a group.

 Some audio were not sync in the video presentation

 preliminaries are a bit off on audio
 some slides are difficult to read due to small fonts.
 Very informative videos, attractive slide presentations, synthesis at the
end of the report
 Reference for the first report is lacking

 HR innovation incorporating technology like chat bot, inboarding, data analytics is an ace of every
organization but not compromising the interaction and warmth within the organization and its goals
towards performance excellence.
 PNB HR innovation Consolodation of pnb branches did not compromise the career of the employees
that it did not retrench the employees, assigning them to other positions in other branches
 the introduction of hybrid workplaces and the role of automation and connectivity to provide improved
employee experience from on boarding, learning and development and peer coaching/support.
 Google provision of psychological safety, transparency, application of core values and improved
employee experience.
 In the context of HR Trends and Innovations, One of the central priorities of HR leaders are the safety,
mental health, Transparency and the employee well-being.


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