NDT Complete

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• 2 types of testing methods, Destructive testing & Non-

Destructive testing

• Destructive testing-After testing the material looses its

functionality, e.g. Chemical analysis, mechanical properties

• Non-Destructive testing-The soundness of material is

tested without affecting its functionality.

• NDT methods enhaneces the reliability of the

components/product at manufacturing stage or in service.

The use of noninvasive
techniques to determine
the integrity of a
component or structure
quantitatively measure
some characteristic of
an object.

i.e. Inspect or measure without doing harm.

• Visual inspection (VT)
• Liquid penetration (PT)
• Magnetic particle testing (MT)
• Eddy current testing (ET)
• Radiography (RT)
• Ultrasonic testing (UT)

• Flaw Detection and Evaluation

• Leak Detection

•Dimensional Measurements

•Structure and Microstructure Characterization

•Estimation of Mechanical and Physical


•Stress (Strain) and Dynamic Response


•Material Sorting and Chemical Composition


There are NDT application at almost any stage
in the production or life cycle of a component.

•To assist in product development

•To screen or sort incoming materials

•To monitor, improve or control

manufacturing processes

•To verify proper processing such as heat


•To inspect for in-service damage

• A liquid with high surface wetting characteristics is applied
to the surface of the part and allowed time to seep into
surface breaking defects.
• The excess liquid is removed from the surface of the

• A developer (liquid/powder) is applied to pull the

trapped penetrant out the defect and spread it on the
surface where it can be seen.
• Visual inspection is the final step in the process. The
penetrant used is often loaded with a fluorescent dye
and the inspection is done under UV light to increase
test sensitivity.

The part is magnetized. Finely milled iron particles coated with
a dye pigment are then applied to the specimen. These
particles are attracted to magnetic flux leakage fields and will
cluster to form an indication directly over the discontinuity.
This indication can be visually detected under proper lighting

Eddy current testing is particularly well suited for detecting surface cracks but
can also be used to make electrical conductivity and coating thickness
measurements. Here a small surface probe is scanned over the part surface
in an attempt to detect a crack.


0 - 20 Infrasound Earth quake

20 – 20,000 Audible sound Speech, music

> 20,000 Ultrasound Bat, Quartz crystal

•Sound frequency above human audible range is called
ultrasonic sound

•The ultrasonic principle is based on the fact that solid

materials are good conductors of sound waves & reflected at

•Whereby the waves are not only reflected at the interfaces

but also by internal flaws (material separations, inclusions

•A considerable amount of information about the part being

examined can be collected, such as the presence of
discontinuities, part or coating thickness; and acoustical
properties can often be correlated to certain properties of the

•RESOLUTION:-The ability to detect nearby small
defects separately
•SENSITIVITY:-The ability to detect the smallest
•ATTENUATION:-At a grain boundary the wave is
partly absorbed, partly scattered & partly
transmitted, so the sum of absorption & scattering
is the attenuation of the wave
•ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE:-The resistance offered by
the medium to he propagation of sound wave
through it
•HASH:-At times when the material is very coarse
the waves are reflected from the grain boundaries &
we get small echoes which are known as hashes or
•Sound is produced by a vibrating body
and travels in the form of a wave.

•Sound waves travel through materials by

vibrating the particles that make up the

•The pitch of the sound

is determined by the
frequency of the wave

•Ultrasound is sound
with a pitch too high
to be detected by the
human ear.

•The measurement of sound waves from crest to
crest determines its wavelength (λ).

•The sound wavelength

is inversely proportional
to its frequency. (λ = 1/f)

•Several wave modes of

vibration are used in
ultrasonic inspection.
The most common are
longitudinal, shear, and
Rayleigh (surface) waves.

•The velocity of sound in

a given material is
constant and can only be
altered by a change in
the mode of energy. 18
If the particles oscillates in the direction parallel to
the propagation of wave than it is said to be a
Longitudinal wave


•Propagates by compression & rarefaction of the particles in the
direction of travel
•Can propagate in solid, liquid & gases
•It has the highest velocity & longest wavelength among all types
of waves
•It has lesser attenuation than shear waves

Direction of oscillation Direction of propagation

If the particle oscillates in the direction
perpendicular to the propagation of wave then it
is said to be a Transverse or shear wave


•Propagates by lateral shear at right angle to
the direction of wave travel
•Can only travel in solid mediums

Ultrasound is generated with a transducer

A piezoelectric element
in the transducer
converts electrical
energy into mechanical
vibrations (sound), and
vice versa.

The transducer is
capable of both
transmitting and
receiving sound

•Ultrasonic waves are introduced into a material where
they travel in a straight line and at a constant speed until
they encounter a surface

•The probe has a piezoelectric crystal in it which is

excited by extremely short electrical discharge, causing it
to vibrate & produce Ultrasonic waves

•The probe is coupled to the surface of the test object

with a liquid or coupling paste so that the sound waves
from the probe are able to be transmitted into the test

•The operator then scans the test object, i.e. he moves

the probe evenly to and fro across the surface. In doing
this, he observes the instrument display for any signals
caused by reflections from internal discontinuities
•At surface interfaces some of the wave energy is
reflected and some is transmitted.

•The amount of reflected or transmitted energy can

be detected and provides information about the size
of the reflector.

•The travel time of the sound can be measured and

this provides information on the distance that the
sound has traveled.

The reflection takes place at an interface due to
difference in acoustic impedance of the two

Medium 1 Medium 2

Incoming wave Transmitted wave

Reflected wave


Sound travel path

Work piece

•Not only the back
surface reflect the sound
wave, the same is done
by every change in the
composition of the

•A flaw too reflects the

sound wave

•Depending on the size

of flaw the back wall
echo amplitude changes

•Change in depth of flaw changes the
position of defect echo on screen

•When the flaw is near the probe the defect

echo is near the initial pulse

•As the flaw changes its position its defect

echo also moves accordingly.

•However the defect echo would always lie

towards the left of the Back wall echo

• As the size of flaw increases the amplitude of
the defect echo also increases

•And if the amplitude of the defect echo

increases the amplitude of the back wall echo
will decrease

•If the flaw is capable of reflecting the whole

sound wave then in such a case there would
be no Back wall echo

• Ultrasonic testing is a very versatile inspection method,
and inspections can be accomplished in a number of
different ways.
• Ultrasonic inspection techniques are commonly divided
into three primary classifications.
• Pulse-echo and Through Transmission
(Relates to where reflected or transmitted energy is
• Normal Beam and Angle Beam
(Relates to the angle that the sound energy enters the
test article)
• Contact and Immersion
(Relates to the method of coupling the transducer to
the test article)

Pulse echo

Immersion testing

Through transmission

• In pulse-echo testing, a transducer sends out a pulse of
energy and the same listens for reflected energy (an
• Reflections occur due to the presence of discontinuities
and the surfaces of the test article.
• The amount of reflected sound energy is displayed
versus time, which provides the inspector information
about the size and the location of features that reflect the

Digital display showing
signal generated from
sound reflecting from
back surface.

Digital display showing the

presence of a reflector
midway through material,
with lower amplitude back
surface reflector.

The pulse-echo technique allows testing when access to only one

side of the material is possible, and it allows the location of
reflectors to be precisely determined.
Digital display
showing received
sound through
material thickness.

Digital display
showing loss of
received signal due
to presence of a
discontinuity in the
sound field.

• In normal beam testing, the sound beam is
introduced into the test article at 90
degree to the surface.

• In angle beam testing, the sound beam is

introduced into the test article at some
angle other than 90.

• The choice between normal and angle

beam inspection usually depends on:
- The orientation of the defect – the
sound should be directed to produce
the largest reflection from the feature.

• Transducers are manufactured in a variety of forms, shapes
and sizes for varying applications.

• Transducers are categorized in a number of ways which

•- Contact or immersion
•- Single or dual element
•-Normal or angle beam

• In selecting a transducer
for a given application, it
is important to choose the
desired frequency,
bandwidth, size, and in some cases focusing
which optimizes the inspection capabilities.
•Probes whose beams
are normal to the
surface are called

•Normal probes
transmit and receive
the sound waves
normal to the surface of
the test object.

•Probes whose beams enter at an angle are

called angle-beam probes.

•Angle probes transmit and receive the sound

waves at an angle to the surface of the test object.
• Flaw detectors are
instruments designed
primarily for the inspection
of components for defects.
• However, the signal can be
evaluated to obtain other
information such as material
thickness values.
• Both analog and digital
• Offer the user options of
gating horizontal sweep and
amplitude threshold.

• Information from ultrasonic testing can be
presented mainly in three formats.

 A-scan
 B-scan
 C-scan

• B-scan presentations display a
profile view (cross-sectional) of a
test specimen.

• Only the reflector depth in the

cross-section and the linear
dimensions can be determined.

• A limitation to this display

technique is that reflectors may be
masked by larger reflectors near
the surface.

• The C-scan presentation displays a plan type view of the
test specimen and discontinuities.

• C-scan presentations are produced with an automated data

acquisition system, such as in immersion scanning.

• Use of A-scan in conjunction with C-scan is necessary when

depth determination is desired.

Photo of a Composite C-Scan Image of 50

Component Internal Features
• Sensitive to both surface and subsurface discontinuities.
• Depth of penetration for flaw detection or measurement is
superior to other methods.
• Only single-sided access is needed when pulse-echo
technique is used.
• High accuracy in determining reflector position and
estimating size and shape.
• Minimal part preparation required.
• Electronic equipment provides instantaneous results.
• Detailed images can be produced with automated
• Has other uses such as thickness measurements, in
addition to flaw detection.

• Surface must be accessible to transmit ultrasound.
• Skill and training is more extensive than with some other
• Normally requires a coupling medium to promote transfer
of sound energy into test specimen.
• Materials that are rough, irregular in shape, very small,
exceptionally thin or not homogeneous are difficult to
• Cast iron and other coarse grained materials are difficult
to inspect due to low sound transmission and high signal
• Linear defects oriented parallel to the sound beam may go
• Reference standards are required for both equipment
calibration, and characterization of flaws.

•A sound beam can be roughly divided into a
convergent (focusing) area, the near-
field, and a divergent (spreading) part, the
far field

•The length N of the near-field (near-field length)

and the divergence angle is dependent on the
diameter of the element, its frequency and the sound
velocity of the material to be tested

•The center beam is termed the acoustic axis.

•Calibration is a operation of configuring the
ultrasonic test equipment to known values. This
provides the inspector with a means of comparing
test signals to known measurements.

•Calibration standards come in a wide variety of

material types, and configurations due to the
diversity of inspection applications.

•Calibration standards are typically manufactured

from materials of the same acoustic properties as
those of the test articles.

• To select the appropriate NDT method we
must consider the following
 Thickness of material to be tested
 Location of discontinuity
 Type of material to be tested
 Orientation of discontinuity
 Type of defect


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