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Conditioning Athletes

‫التدريب الرياضى‬

Copyright © 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Training Basics—Response and Adaptation
‫ا الستجابة وا لتكيف‬-
‫اساسياتا لتدريب‬

Homeostasis—When The Body Is in a Fairly Constant State

When The Body Is Presented with Exercise Stress, Two
:Things Occur
Response—When athletes perform and fatigue occurs, this is a
response to exercise. Fatigue is a temporary decrement to
.performance followed by recovery (see Figure 7.1)

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Figure 7.1

‫االستجابة والتكيف‬

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Training Basics—
Response and Adaptation (cont.)
Adaptation—occurs when repeated exercise sessions cause
athletes to slowly adapt (see Figure 7.2)
Coaches sometimes make general mistakes regarding athlete adaptation 
.to exercise
Get tough approach—when considerable stress is addressed day after ▪
day (see Figure 7.3)
Plan too little training—could be the result of disorganized training ▪

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Figure 7.2

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Figure 7.3

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Energy Systems
Athletes Engage in a Wide Range of Activities
Ranging From a Few Seconds to an Event That Takes
.Hours to Complete
One Needs Awareness of Basics of Energy Transfer
.Energy is the capacity to perform work
Energy for movement is the transformation of stored
.energy into kinetic energy
Primary form of stored energy is in the form of
.carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

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Energy Systems (cont.)

Immediate Energy System

When the body initiates muscular contraction, the primary
.energy source comes from adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
When the phosphate molecules break down, they release adenosine 
diphosphate (ADP) and energy is released for muscle contraction (see
.Figure 7.4)

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Figure 7.4

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Energy Systems (cont.)
Immediate Energy System (cont.)
The amount of ATP is localized and limited in each
A second reaction allows ATP to be produced almost
immediately by a second phosphate compound identified
.as “phosphocreatine” (PC)
PC + ADP ATP + C 
The combination of the two high phosphagens is usually
.called the ATP-PC energy system

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Energy Systems (cont.)
The Intermediate Energy System—Lactic Acid
.The energy to produce ATP comes from two additional sources
The faster is referred to as anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrate or 
.anaerobic glycolysis (without oxygen)
Stored carbohydrate in the form of muscle glycogen undergoes rapid 
.transformation with the muscle releasing energy
Since lactic acid is produced, during this process it is referred to as the 
.“lactic acid system” (see Figure 7.5)

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Figure 7.5

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Energy Systems (cont.)
The Intermediate Energy System—Lactic Acid (cont.)
The lactic acid system is essential because it bridges gap
between powerful and fast ATP-PC system and relatively
.slow aerobic system
The lactic acid system is used for activities lasting longer
.that 8–10 seconds and is less productive after 3 minutes
.The negative factor is that lactic acid is produced

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Energy Systems (cont.)
The Long-Term Energy System—Aerobic
Carbohydrates can be metabolized aerobically. The
.majority of stored carbohydrate is muscle glycogen
Fats are metabolized in the presence of oxygen;
therefore, no yield of anaerobic energy will occur from
The great thing about the aerobic system is there are no
byproducts such as lactic acid to hinder performance (see
.Figure 7.6)

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Energy Systems (cont.)

The Long-Term Energy System—Aerobic (cont.)

The aerobic system depends on O2 delivery from air to muscle.
.A powerful cardiovascular system is needed to deliver oxygen
The aerobic fuels are fat and carbohydrate. Fats are delivered
through the blood stream while most carbohydrate is stored in
the muscle as glycogen. Pre-event glycogen levels are important
.since glycogen is not mobile (Figure 7.6)

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Figure 7.6

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Training Principles
For adaptation to occur, exercise must involve sufficient
.stress overload
Overload can be increased by manipulating volume,
.intensity, and frequency
Overload Must Be Progressive
.All athletes will not respond at the same rate

Copyright © 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Training Principles (cont.)

A workout that causes considerable stress should be followed
.by an easy workout
Specificity—The Adaptation Athletes Experience Is Highly
.Specific to Imposed Stress
:Two types of specificity when training
Sport Specificity—Neuromuscular control is highly sport specific; 
.therefore, the athlete needs to practice the activity required in the sport
Metabolic Specificity—to train the specific energy systems to be utilized 
in competition

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Energy System Training
.Training Method for Each Energy System Is Different
Extensive Training for One System Doesn’t
.Necessarily Train the Other System
Identifying the Energy System
Time and intensity are the primary variables to
.determine which energy system is being utilized
Brief high-speed activities are going to utilize the ATP-
.PC system

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Energy System Training (cont.)
Identifying Energy System (cont.)
A brief activity performed at low speed can be more
.aerobic than anaerobic
A football game lasts over two hours but consists of brief
.spurts of energy
.Therefore, football players need extensive training of ATP-PC 
Energy systems do not turn on and off but are constantly
.in action (see Figure 7.7)

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Figure 7.7

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Training the Energy Systems

Interval Training
Interval training is a series of repeated bouts of exercise
.interspersed with relief periods
More high-quality exercise can be performed with interval
.training than with continuous exercise
Activities must be performed at a speed that will use the energy
.system being trained

Copyright © 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Training the Energy Systems (cont.)
Training the ATP-PC system
The focus of ATP-PC training should be on high-quality 
.explosive exercise
Training the lactic acid system
This is tough on the athlete due to incomplete recovery; 
considerable amount of lactic acid is accumulated. Lactic acid
system training should not occur daily and is best at the end of
.Interval training is well suited for training lactic acid system 

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Training the Energy Systems (cont.)

Aerobic training
Aerobic training normally uses a combination of Interval training and 
Continuous training. Intervals are highly effective for improving aerobic
.Continuous training can be highly effective for improving endurance 
Both methods can be effective if duration and intensity are properly 

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Training the Energy Systems (cont.)

Muscle Fiber Recruitment

Individual muscles are composed of a combination of fast
.twitch (FT) and slow twitch (ST) fibers
;There are two types of fast twitch fibers
FTa—has characteristics of FT and ST fibers 
FTb—are truly fast twitch fibers 

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Training the Energy Systems (cont.)

Muscle Fiber Recruitment (cont.)

.ST fibers are generally small fibers used for aerobic activities
ST fibers have an excellent blood supply and are full of aerobic
.FT fibers are larger and tend to be used for anaerobic activities
FT fibers do not have a good blood supply but have plenty of
.good anaerobic enzymes
.FT fibers fatigue quickly (see Figure 7.8)

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Figure 7.8

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