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The volume of the soil sample during sampling was 85 cc and

weight after drying in the area was 130g.

24. The volume weight of the soil is
a. 1.5 g/cc b. 1.75 g/cc c. 1/25 g/cc d.
The volume of the soil sample during sampling was 85 cc and
weight after drying in the area was 130g.
24. The volume weight of the soil is
a. 1.53 g/cc b. 1.75 g/cc c. 1/25 g/cc d.

ρb = OD/Vbulk = 130/85 = 1.53 g/cc

25.The percentage of moisture by weight in Problem 24 if the
weight of the sample before drying was 145 g. (ODW = 130g)
a. 12.5% b. 10.5% c. 9.5% d. 11.5%
e. Nota
25.The percentage of moisture by weight in Problem 24 if the
weight of the sample before drying was 145 g.
a. 12.5% b. 10.5% c. 9.5% d. 11.5%
e. Nota
(FW-OD) (145-130)
Pw = x 100 = x 100 = 11.54%
(OD) (130)

Pw = (Ww/Ws)*100
26.The amount of water in the soil layer of thickness 10 cm in
Problem 24 is
a. 1.5 cm b. 1.8 cm c. 2.2 cm d. 0.6
cm e. nota
26.The amount of water in the soil layer of thickness 10 cm in
Problem 24 is
a. 1.5 cm b. 1.8 cm c. 2.2 cm d.
0.6 cm e. nota

As = ρb/ρw or Pv/Pw = 1.53/1 = 1.53

d = (Pw/100)AsD = (0.1154)(1.53)(10 cm) = 1.76 cm
32.The soil has a field capacity and permanent wilting point of
27% and 13%, respectively. What is the readily available
moisture in cm of water per cm of soil if the bulk density is 1.25
a. 10.25 cm/m b. 17.5 cm/m c. 13.12
cm/m d. 14.0 cm/m e. 10.25 cm/m

As = ρb /ρw = 1.25/1 = 1.25; D = unit depth of 1 m

RAM = (0.75)(AM)AsD = (0.75)(FC - WP)AsD
= (0.75)(27 – 13)(1.25)(1) = .1312 m/m = 13.12 cm/m
94.-97. An undisturbed soil sample 100 cc was gathered from a
field 2 days after heavy rains when the soil moisture was
expected to be at field capacity. The weight of the fresh sample
was 176 g but was reduced to 142 g after oven drying. A
second soil sample with a fresh weight and oven dried weight of
130 g and 116 g, respectively, was gathered 3 weeks later
when the crop was observed to have a permanently wilted.
94.Determine the bulk density in g/cc.
a. 42 b. 1.42 c. 1.76 d. 17.6
94.-97. An undisturbed soil sample 100 cc was gathered from a
field 2 days after heavy rains when the soil moisture was
expected to be at field capacity. The weight of the fresh sample
was 176 g but was reduced to 142 g after oven drying. A
second soil sample with a fresh weight and oven dried weight of
130 g and 116 g, respectively, was gathered 3 weeks later
when the crop was observed to have a permanently wilted.
94.Determine the bulk density in g/cc.
a. 42 b. 1.42 c. 1.76 d. 17.6
ρb = OD/V = (142 g)/100 cc = 1.42 g/cc
95.Determine the apparent specific gravity.
a. 1.42 b. 1.42 c. 1.76 d. 17.7
95.Determine the apparent specific gravity.
a. 1.42 b. 1.42 c. 1.76 d. 17.7
As = ρb /ρw = 1.42/1 = 1.42
96. Determine the field capacity (dry basis).
a. 19.32% b. 1.93% c. 23.94% d. 2.39%
96. Determine the field capacity (dry basis).
a. 19.32% b. 1.93% c. 23.94% d. 2.39%
(FW – OD) (176 – 142)
FC = x 100 = x 100 = 23.94%
OD 142
97. Determine the wilting point (dry basis).
a. 1.2% b. 12% c. 10.77% d. 1.08%
97. Determine the wilting point (dry basis).
a. 1.2% b. 12% c. 10.77% d. 1.08%

(FW – OD) (130 – 116)

PWP = x 100 = x 100 = 12.07%
(OD) 116
115.If a soil sample is compacted:
a. its moisture content decreases
b. its porosity remains the same
c. its nutrient content diminishes
d. its bulk density increases
115.If a soil sample is compacted:
a. its moisture content decreases
b. its porosity remains the same
c. its nutrient content diminishes
d. its bulk density increases

116. The moisture content of the soil when the tension is 1/3
a. field capacity b. saturation point
c. wilting point d. wilting coefficient
115.If a soil sample is compacted:
a. its moisture content decreases
b. its porosity remains the same
c. its nutrient content diminishes
d. its bulk density increases

116. The moisture content of the soil when the tension is 1/3
a. field capacity b. saturation point
c. wilting point d. wilting coefficient
145. The quotient of the weight of a volume of dry soil including air
space and weight of an equal volume of water is:

a. apparent specific gravity

b. real specific gravity
c. porosity
d. nota
145. The quotient of the weight of a volume of dry soil including air
space and weight of an equal volume of water is:

a. apparent specific gravity*

b. real specific gravity
c. porosity
d. nota

*(IPP, p. 36)
146. Moisture content present in the soil when gravitational water
has been removed is called:
a. wilting point b. field capacity
c. unavailable moisture d. nota
146. Moisture content present in the soil when gravitational water
has been removed is called:
a. wilting point b. field capacity*
c. unavailable moisture d. nota

*IPP, P. 47
146. Moisture content present in the soil when gravitational water
has been removed is called:
a. wilting point b. field capacity
c. unavailable moisture d. nota
147. 75% of available moisture is called:
a. readily available moisture
b. hygroscopic water
c. permanent wilting point
d. nota
146. Moisture content present in the soil when gravitational water
has been removed is called:
a. wilting point b. field capacity
c. unavailable moisture d. nota
147. 75% of available moisture is called:
a. readily available moisture
b. hygroscopic water
c. permanent wilting point
d. nota
A farmer collected a soil sample 2 days after irrigation. The
sample has a diameter of 5 in., height of 8 in. and The sample
weighed 3000 g before drying and 2340 after drying. Bulk density
is g/cc.
148. The field capacity in in/ft of soil is:
a. 3.4 b. 3.5 c. 3.6 d. 3.7
A farmer collected a soil sample 2 days after irrigation. The
sample has a diameter of 5 in., height of 8 in. and The sample
weighed 3000 g before drying and 2340 after drying. Bulk density
is g/cc.
148. The field capacity in in/ft of soil is:
a. 3.4 b. 3.5 c. 3.6 d. 3.7
Vb = π(d2/4)(h) = π(52/4)(8)(2.54)3 = 2574.07 cc
ρb = OD/Vb = 2340/2574.07 = 0.909 g/cc
As = ρb/ρw = .909/1 = .909

(FW – OD) (3000 – 2340)

OD As = 2340 x .909 x 12
= 3.08 in/ft
149. Assuming that the wilting point is half of the field capacity, the
readily available moisture in in/ft is:
a. 1.692 b. 1.269 c. 1.629 d. 2.169
WP = FC/2 = 3.08/2 = 1.54 in/ft
RAM = 0.75(FC – WP) = .75(3.08 – 1.54) = 1.15 in/ft
149. Assuming that the wilting point is half of the field capacity, the
readily available moisture in in/ft is:
a. 1.692 b. 1.269 c. 1.629 d. 2.169
WP = FC/2 = 3.08/2 = 1.54 in/ft
RAM = 0.75(FC – WP) = .75(3.08 – 1.54) = 1.15 in/ft
159. The mass per unit volume of the soil particles is:
a. specific gravity b. porosity
c. soil density d. void ratio

160. The ratio of the volume of pores to the volume of solid is:
a. void ratio b. porosity
c. specific gravity d. soil density
161. Water held by forces of surface tension and continuous films
around the soil particles is:
a. capillary water b. hygroscopic water
c. gravitational water d. soil water
162. Water held tightly to the surface of soil particle by adsorption
forces is:
a. capillary water b. hygroscopic water
c. soil water d. gravitational water
161. Water held by forces of surface tension and continuous films
around the soil particles is:
a. capillary water b. hygroscopic water
c. gravitational water d. soil water
162. Water held tightly to the surface of soil particle by adsorption
forces is:
a. capillary water b. hygroscopic water
c. soil water d. gravitational water
161. Water held by forces of surface tension and continuous films
around the soil particles is:
a. capillary water b. hygroscopic water
c. gravitational water d. soil water
162. Water held tightly to the surface of soil particle by adsorption
forces is:
a. capillary water b. hygroscopic water
c. soil water d. gravitational water

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