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(Artificial Intelligence &

Machine Learning)
Introduction to AI
Machine Learning and Deep
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Inference System
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in
real time.
Tools and techniques

● Scikit Learn

● TensorFlow

● PyTorch


● Caffe

● Apache MXNet

● Keras

● OpenNN

● AutoML

● H2O
Current trends and opportunities
1. Development in predictive analytics
2. Large Language Models (LLM)
3. Information security (InfoSec)
4. Launch of better autonomous systems
5. Art through NFTs
6. Digital avatars
7. Military weapons

8. healthcare
Job roles and skill set

SKill Set
● Programming languages (Python, R, Java are the most necessary)
● Linear algebra and statistics
● Signal processing techniques
● Neural network architectures

Job Roles
● Machine Learning Engineer
● Data scientist
● Robotics scientist
● Research

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